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54 Cards in this Set

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What is the Beck Depression Inventory used for?
- to follow the severity of previously diagnosed depression
Examples of projective tests:
- TAT (Thematic Aperception Test)
- Rorschach Test
- Draw-a-Person Test
Thematic Aperception Test
- test-taker creates stories based on pictures of people in various situations
- evaluates motivations behind behaviors
- projective personality test
Rorschach Test
- interpretation of ink blots
- used to identify thought disorder and defense mechanisms
- projective personality test
Draw-A-Person Test
- requires examinee to draw a person
- initially devised to test intelligence in children
- NOW it is used primarily as a screening test for brain damage
- projective test
Problem with projective testing includes:
- often suffer low reliability and validity
- require a person skilled at this type of evaluation and often do not have rigorous empirical and data comparison
Halstead-Reitan Test
- limited because many depressed patients fail to show deficits on such classic neuropsychological batteries
Brown-Peterson Task
- specifically designed to evaluate short-term memory (which can be affected during ECT)
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)
- evaluates anxiety disorders
Beck Depression Inventory
- evaluates depression disorder
Folstein MMSE
- screening assessment for dementia
- 30-point scale
- <25 = mild cognitive impairment
- <20 = cognitive dysfunction
Glasgow Coma Scale
- evaluates level of consciousness
- eye opening, verbal response, best motor response
Geriatric Rating Scale
- rating scale for nonprofessional staff to evaluate patients' abilities to perform their activities of daily living and interact with others
- most helpful in evaluation of the moderately-severely demented individual
Blessed Rating Scale
- a tool that typically asks a patient's friends or relatives to assess the ability of the patient to function in his/her current environment
Formal psych exam that includes:
- appearance
- mood and affect
- presence of psychosis
- evaluation of insight/judgement
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
- examinees are asked to sort cards depicting various pictures and symbols according to a variety of different criteria that change over time without the subject knowing
- assess a person's ability to switch sets, reason abstractly, and solve problems
- tests EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONs (= frontal lobes)
- schizophrenics perform poorly on WSCT
Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery
- used to assess specific cortical areas and aids in assessment of hemispheric dominance
Bender Gestalt Test
- involves copying figures
- helps determine if organic brain disease is present
content validity
- test's ability to cover the conceptual domain that the test intends to measure
conceptual validity
- usually established by a large group of experts through a wide review of literature
discriminative validity
- ability to differntiate between issues that are theoretically unrelated
test-retest reliability
- measures a test's reproducibility over a short period of time in a person whose state is assumed not to have fluctuated
internal reliability
- evaluates whether questions within the test are measuring the same thing
Classification of projective tests:
1. self-expression
- Draw-a-Person Test
2. constructions
3. completions
- Sentence Completion Test
4. associations
- Rorschach
- Word Association Test
5. choice of ordering
Temporal Orientation Test
- asks patient to identify the appropriate day, month, day of week, and current time
- separates patients with brain damage and without brain damage
- sensitive to cognitive abnormalities in dementing illnesses
Spatial Orientation Test
- evaluate ability to immediately recall the orientation of figures
- used to evaluate immediate memory
Stroop Test
- general concept is that it takes longer to correctly identify a color than to read words and longer yet to correctly identify a word (eg. name of a color) when that word is in a different color from that word
- tests concentration
Fargo Map Test
- assess recent and remote spatial memory and visuospatial oreitnation by using maps of the USA and to identify certain areas
- age and education level influences score on this test
objective testing
- involves questions with lists of possible responses
- eg. USMLE
projective testing
- there are a variety of responses without a single correct answer
- usually require specific training in giving the test and interpreting the results
MMPI and now MMPI-2
- tests used >50 years to assess personality structure
- >500 statements condensed into 10 clinical scales
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R)
- composed of 11 different subtests (6 verbal, 5 performance)
- allow calcuation of full-scale IQ, performance IQ, verbal IQ
- high reliability
Weschler Memory Test (WMT)
- evaluates a variety of aspects of memory function in adults
Calculation of IQ:
- mental age / chronological age x 100
Rey-Osterrieth Test
- complex figure that the person is asked to copy while looking at the figure
- then figure is taken away and patient asked to draw the figure from immediate memory
- again asked to draw the figure at 5 mins and 30 mins
- assess visual nonverbal memory
right parietal lesions usually show abnL-ties in copying the figure correctly by:
- neglecting the items in the left visual field
right temporal lobectomy pts abnL-ties
- have no difficulty in copying the figure
- show marked abnL-ties in drawing the figure from memory
Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination
- skilled interviewer evaluates aphasic disorders and to help define further interventions to improve speech
Stroop Test
- aids in evaluation of concentration
Folstein MMSE
- rapid assessment of dementia and delirium
Bender Gestalt Test
- constructional test for evaluation for brain damage
- some ability to differentiate the location of the lesion
Sentence Completion Test
- projective test
- used to describe personality structure
concentration tests
- ability to sustain focus on a cognitive task
- eg. serial sevens, spelling world backward
cognitive function tests must take into account:
- cultural background
- educational background
- social background
deja entendu
- feeling that one is hearing something one has heard before
- usually associated with anxiety states or fatigue
deja vu
- feeling that one has seen something before
jamais vu
- refers to something that should be familiar but seems quite unfamiliar
folie a deux
- shared delusion
- return of Sxs that are brief and transient
- frequently associated with the abrupt discontinuation of benzos
type of system used to evaluate the Rorschach Test
- Exner Comprehensive System
- limited in its validity
- requires highly trained examiners
Eyesnck Personality Questionnaire
- constructs questions designed to assess aspects of personality predicted to exist by theoretical constructs
California Personality Inventory
- similar to the MMPI but is used in counseling situations rather than with pathologic populations
Random Letter Test
- relies on concentration, cooperation, and ability to hear to test ability to maintain and focus attention
Wada Test
- used to evaluate hemispheric language dominance prior to surgical amelioration of seizure focus
- right-handed individuals show left hemispheric dominance for language
- left-handed individuals may be either right or left dominant
- test consists of injecting sodium amytal into the carotid artery and observing the transient effects on speech
- injection into the left carotid artery anesthetizes left side of brain and those with left hemispheric language dominance show interrupted speech