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21 Cards in this Set

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Traits of extractive industries

Location specific

Capital and technology intensive

Mixture of privately and state-owned firms

Capital intensive example

Tengiz oilfield in Kazakhstan is rich in oil but hard to exploit as it is the deepest high pressure deposit in the world, v high pa, oil is scalding hot, poisonous hydrogen sulphide that must be removed

State ownership and private exploitation

Shell in Nigeria pays royalties to government on amount of resources extracted

Private ownership and exploitation

Countries like USA and China compete to secure access to minerals in African countries

USA via military support and China via railways, schools, hospitals and roads

State ownership and exploitation

Gazprom, the world's largest gas producer is linked to Russia's political leadership

List mining environmental impacts


Air pollution

Water pollution

Soil erosion

Water intensive

Habitat destruction

Cost of rehabilitation of mines


Deforestation eg

Coal mining in USA used 2.4m hectares

Air pollution eg

Baotou in China has suffered from air pollution due to mining, affects residents

Water pollution eg

Groundwater in South Africa is heavily contaminated and acidified due to oxidation of pyrite in mine dumps

Water intensive eg

In 2005, USA used 4020 million gallons of water in a day that were withdrawn for mining

Oil and gas industry impacts

Flaring of excess gas


Oil leakages

Biodiversity loss

Don't fking break oil

Flaring of excess gas eg

Shell Nigeria has flaring caused increase in temp and released harmful gases

Deforestation eg

Oil and gas industries in Canada deforested 3× more than timber industry

Oil leakages eg

Nigeria has 35 oil spills from 1990-2007 that pollutes crops and marine life

Biodiversity loss eg

USA Texaco destroyed rainforest in equador

Positive economic impacts of extractive industries

Macroeconomic performance

Government revenues

Positive externalities and development of other sectors

Eg gov revenues

75% of Nigeria GDP is from oil industry in 2010

Negative impacts of extractive industries

Low employment

Susceptible to fluctuating world prices

Eg employment

ExxonMobil employs 80000 ppl while Walmart employs 2100000 ppl

Negative social impacts from extractive industries

Displacement of population

Land management

Economic dependency


Positive social impacts of extractive industries

New job creation

New business opportunities

Higher salaries

Local infra dev

Social services improvements