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147 Cards in this Set

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Provide the name & class of each of the bones that compromise the shoulder girdle (3)

1. Clavicle

2. Scapula

3. Sternum

All flat bones

AFR describes what class of lever

3rd class lever

(Force in the middle)

This anatomical directional term refers to being behind & away from the midline


Which of the following is not a method used in naming muscles

a. point of attachment

b. muscle grouping

c. number of division

d. person who discovered it

person who discovered it

Which of the following is not an arrangement type of parallel muscles

a. sphincter

b. strap

c. striated

d. fusiform


Are internal receptors located in skin, joints, muscles, & tendons, which provide feedback relative to tension, length, & contraction state of muscle, position of body & limbs, & movements of joints

a. axons

b. efferent nerves

c. proprioceptors


Provide one example of a radiate muscle

Pectoralis major of trapezius

Which type of muscle contraction is utilized in causing an object's deceleration (lowering phase of movement)

a. concentric

b. eccentric


How many true synovial joints are found in the shoulder girdle



Which of the following muscles performs both elevation & depression

a. Trapezius

b. serratus anterior


The pennate type of muscle fiber arrangement may be classified by all of the following except

a. Uni-pennate

b. Bi-pennate

c. Tri-pennate

d. Multi-pennate


Write the name of the joint which represents the only connection between the shoulder girdle & the axial skeleton

Sternoclavicular Joint

Which of the following machines is most commonly found in the human body

a. pulleys

b. wheel-axles

c. levers


True or False

When antagonist muscles contract concentrically they produce the opposite joint motion of the agonist muscles


a. Syndesmosis

b. Synarthroidal

c. Synchondrosis

_____ joints are a class of immovable joints


______ occurs when the amount of force we place on a surface when walking is equally exerted by the surface against our foot

Ground Reaction Force

True or False

All of the muscles which act on the shoulder girdle originate on the axial skeleton


Provide the name of the immoveable joint found in the sockets of the teeth

Gomphosis, synarthroidal

The ____, is the highest level of control, provides for the creation of voluntary movement as aggregate muscle action but not as specific muscle activity

Cerebral Cortex

Provide the definition of a motor unit

A motor neuron and all the muscle fibers that it innervates

The most laterally located bony landmark of the scapula is the

Glenoid Fossa

______ ability of a muscle to be passively stretched beyond it normal resting length


______ muscle fibers produce a greater ROM while ____ muscle fibers produce a greater range of force

Parallel, Pennate

Which of the following muscles is located most anteriorly on the human body?

a. rhomboids

b. serratus anterior

c. trapezius

Serratus Anterior

Which of the following is not a classification of neuron type

a. sensory

b. motor

c. peripheral

d. interneuron


A body in motion tends to remain in motion at the same speed in a straight line unless acted acted upon by an outside force, a body at rest tends to remain at rest unless acted upon by an outside force


Provide one example of a fusiform muscle

Brachialis or biceps brachii

True or False

Overall the human leverage system is built for speed and range of movement at the expense of force generation


The study of muscles as they are involved in science of movement

Anatomical Kinesiology

Provide the name of the 2 nerve plexus that innervate the shoulder girdle

Cervical & Brachial

Which of the following is not a true statement regarding isokinetic exercise

a. the speed or velocity of movement is constant

b. muscular contraction occurs only through part of the movement

c. it is another type of classification of muscle contraction


b/c it isn't a type of muscle contraction

Provide 3 classes of joints & their corresponding movements

1. Diarthroidal- Freely moveable

2. Amphiarthroidal- slightly moveable

3. Synarthroidal- immoveable

Forward movement of the shoulder girdle in the horizontal plane away from the spine is


The sagittal plane divides the body into

Left & Right Halves

Which joint of the shoulder girdle is most frequently injured


This type of joint is only found in the thumb at the carpometacarpal joint

Sellar (saddle)

In the space below, provide the names of three types of amphiarthroidal joints & examples of each

1. Syndesmosis- distal & proximal Tib/Fib

2. Symphysis- pubic symphysis

3. Synchondroses- costochondral joint

What term is used to describe the motion of decreasing the angle in a joint by bringing bones together, usually in the sagittal plane

a. Flexion

b. Extension


Name & Provide an example of the 6 diarthroidal joints & Examples of each

1. Gingylmus/Hinge- Elbow, knee, talocrural

2. Trochoid/Pivot- Radioulnar joint

3. Condyloid/ball & socket- 2nd-5th metocarpal phalangeal joint

4. Enarthroidal- Hip & Shoulder

5. Sellar/Saddle- 1st Carpometacarpal joint in thumb

6. Arthroidal- intercarpal

______ is an example of a 2nd class lever in the body

Gastroc & soleus contraction during plantar flexion

For every reaction there is an equal & opposite reaction

Which newtons law is this?


What is the primary function of the subclavius

Action- Depression

Prevent elevation of the clavicle

Turning the sole of the foot outward


____ bring impulses from receptors in the skin, joints, muscles, & other peripheral aspects of the body to the CNS


____ relates to or situated to the right or right side of something


Distance between the axis and the point of force application

Force Arm

True or False

Building adequate strength in the Rhomboids & Traps is effective in improving a persons posture


The transverse plane divides the body into

Cephalic & caudal halves

Describes the anatomical location of the head with respect to the left arm

a. superomedial

b. anteromedial


Scapulothoracic is not a true joint b/c

It doesn't have regular synovial features

Actions of Pectoralis Minor

Downward rotation



Actions of Serratus Anterior


Upward Rotation

Actions of Rhomboids


Downward Rotation


Action of Levator Scapulae


True or False

The radial collateral ligament of the humeroulnar joint is more frequently injured than the ulnar collateral ligament


The anatomical name for the wrist is ______, because the distal end of the _____ primarily articulates with the carpals.

Rardiocarpal, Radius

Which of the following is not a structure associated with the glenohumeral joint

a. costals

b. humerus

c. clavicle

d. scapula


The thumb (pollux) has a sesamoid bone embedded in its tendon. What does this presence of this bone mean?

Increases the mechanical advantage & a stronger grip strength

True or False

Movement at the humeroulnar joint by the forearm away from the shoulder is defined as the term "extension"


True or False

Both the ulna & radius articulate with the humerus


Provide the names of the 3 bones which make up the humeroulnar & radioulnar joints

1. Humerus

2. Radius

3. Ulna

What is the sole action of the brachialis?

Flexion of the elbow

What is the primary function of the rotator cuff muscles

Stabilization of the glenoid head in approximation with the gleaned fossa

Which of the following muscles perform flexion of the thumb

Flexor pollicis longus

Muscles that ____ the carpals & phalanges often originate on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus


Once the elbow is flexed ___ degrees beyond full extension, the joint becomes more lax both medially & laterally


The movement common to the posterior deltoid, teres minor, & infraspinatus is

External Rotation

Provide the names of the 4 muscles located in the anterior compartment of the upper arm

1. Brachialis

2. Brachiordialis

3. Biceps brachii

True or False

Normally the wrist has more adduction range of motion than abduction range of motion


Which type of connective tissue retains tendons close to the bones, particularly at the wrist & ankles


Which of the following structures pulls the joint capsule aside when the elbow extends terminally


95% of shoulder joint dislocations occur _____, most often due to an impact of outstretched arm

Anterior inferiorly

Provide the names of the 4 movements attributed to the humeroulnar & radioulnar joints

1. Flexion & Extension (h)

2. Pronation & Supination (radio)

Radioulnar supinators include all of the following except

a. biceps brachii

b. supinator muscle

c. brachialis

d. brachiordialis


Damage to the UCL occurs most commonly in which sport


This carpal is most often fractured due to severe wrist hyperextension related to falling on outstretched hand


Which joint is classified as condyloid and is capable of performing circumduction


4 movements that allow us to perform circumduction

1. Flexion

2. Extension

3. Abduction

4. Adduction

Which of the following symptoms is not a cause of carpal tunnel syndrome

a. Repetitive hand & wrist movements

b. Type 2 diabetes

c. Excessive caffeine intake

d. Pregnancy

Excessive Caffeine intake

Approx 14% of humans do not have this muscle

Palmaris Longus

Which carpal forms the floor of the anatomical snuff box


This motion of the thumb is most responsible for humanity's ability to build


True or False

The carrying angle in the elbow is greater in males than in females


b/c greater in female

True or False

The lateral suprcondylar ridge is an anatomical landmark located on the ulna


This class of Diarthrodial joint permits opposition & reposition of the Pollux

Saddle- sellar joint

Which of the following is not considered an overuse injury

a. Lateral Epicondylitis

b. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

c. Medial Epicondylitis

d. Glenohumeral dislocation

Glenohumeral Dislocation

Provide 4 characteristics which contribute to the instability of glenohumeral joint

1. Loose/lax ligaments- stability enhanced by labrum

2. Glenoid head is 3 times larger than fossa

3. Unstable b/c great r.o.m in joint

4. supported by 4 small untrained rot cuff muscles

How many total bones are found in the glenohumeral joint, Humeroulnar joint, radioulnar joint, the carpals, & the hand


True or False

The head of the humerus is significantly smaller than the glenoid fosse



The _____ ligament provides an anterior sling to provide stability to the humeroulnar joint


The ____ plexus innervates the glenohumeral, humeroulnar, radioulnar, and radoiocarpal


Extension of index finger

Extensor indicis

______ is the largest portion of the pelvic bone


True or False

Movements involving the "Closed Kinetic Chain" are considered to be very functional


Which of the following is not a movement associated with the acetabular femoral joint?

A. Horizontal Hip abduction

B. Downward Hip Rotation

C. External Hip Rotation

D. Diagonal Hip Abduction

Downward hip rotation

Which of the following structures is the largest muscle in the body?

A. Sartorius

B. Gluteus Max

Gluteus Maximus

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the lifting phase of a barbell chest press

A. The wrist & hand perform abduction

B. The elbow performs extension

The elbow performs extension

All of the following are open kinetic chain exercises except for

A. Cable Lat Pulldown

B. Barbell Bench Press

C. Pull Up

Pull Up

The _____ innervates the hip & pelvic girdle

Lumbosacral Plexus

Write the name of the 6 external Rotators acting on the acetabular femoral joints

1. Piriformis

2. Obturator Internus

3. Obturator Externus

4. Gemellus Superior

5. Gemellus Inferior

6. Quadratus Femoris

Is the Valsalva Maneuver considered to be a proper technique when performing submaximal lifts?


In the analysis of movement this phase allows the athlete to assume a comfortable & appropriately balanced body position from which to initiate a sport skill


____ Is the longest muscle in the body


The iliopsoas is located ____ & performs ____ of the hip joint

Anteriorly, flexion

True or False

The knee joint is the largest joint in the body


List the three joints associated with the knee & class

1. Patellofemoral- Arthroidal

2. Tibifibular- Syndesmosis

3. Tibiofemoral- Ginglymus

The most common serious knee ligament injury involves

Anterior Crucial Ligament

Pes Anserinus

Sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus

Which of the following structures don't articulate with the femur

A. Pelvis

B. Patella

C. Fibula

D. Tibia


Training principle highlighted by untrained individuals seeing significant increases in physical capacity, while trained individuals typically see marginal improvements

Diminishing Returns

Collateral ligament supporting the knee is physically larger & prevents the knee from opening up medially


Medial Collateral Ligament

In analyzing movements this phase also known as the acceleration phase or action phase contains the action part of movement

Movement Phase

True or False

Tears in anterior crucial ligament can occur due to both compression & shear forces during rotation while flexing or extending during quick directional changes in running


An example of closed kinetic chain

Push up

Largest muscle in the quadriceps group

Vastus Lateralis

True or False

The patella serves as a pulley by improving the angle of pull with the result of being a great mechanical advantage for the quadriceps during knee extension


During the hip extension which end of the semitendinosus is more stable, thus acting as the origin


When muscle group functions as a decelerator when an athlete needs to change direction or when landing from a jump


Is a cracking, popping, or snapping sound that occurs when a joint moves


The ____ innervates the knee flexors


Internal & External Rotation at the tibiofemoral joint can only occur when the joint is flexed beyond ____ degrees


In the space below provide the names of the 7 bi articular structures

1. Gracilis

2. Sartorius

3. Rectus Femoris

4. Semitendinosus

5. Semimembranosus

6. Biceps Femoris

7. TFL

The vastus medialis provides a ____ pull on the patella when contracting concentrically


Muscles that flex the knee include all of the following

A. Biceps Femoris


C. Semitendinosus

D. Semimembranosus

TFL (extends)

Which of the following is not correct regarding the menisci in the knee joint?

A. Forms a cushion between the Femur & Fibula

B. Increases stability

C. Deepens tibial fossa

D. Attached to tibia

Forms a cushion between femur & fibula

True or False

The acetabular femoral joint is plagued by the same instability issues found in the glenohumeral joint


The sartorius is located ____ & performs ____ of the hip joint

Anteriorly, flexion

3 Joints found in the hip & class

1. Acetabulofemoral- Enarthroidal ball & socket

2. Pubic symphysis- Symphysis

3. Sacroiliac- Arthroidal

True or False

Individuals with lower Q angles are more susceptible to knee injuries


b/c higher

In the analysis of movement, this phase is required to regain balance & positioning to be ready for the next sport demand

Recovery Phase

Which of the following does not act on the hip?

A. Piriformis

B. Semimembranosus

C. Psoas Minor

Psoas minor

The gluteus medius is located ____ & performs _____ of the hip

Laterally, abduction

Which biarticular muscle below is situated laterally in the posterior compartment of the thigh

A. Biceps Femoris

B. Semitendinosus

C. Semimembranosus

Biceps Femoris

The body will gradually adapt very specifically to the various stresses and loads placed on it


The actions of the brachioradialis muscle include all of the following except ?

A. Flecion of the elbow

B. Probation of the forearm from a supinated position to neutral

C. Supination of the forearm from pronated position to neutral

D. Flexion of the carpals

Flexion of the carpals

Which of the following is not an action of the subscapularis

A. Internal rotation

B. Extension

C. Flexion

D. Adduction


Provide the 10 movements associated with the glenohumeral joint

1. Abduction

2. Adduction

3. Flexion

4. Extension

5. Upward rotation

6. Downward rotation

7. Horizontal abduction

8. Horizontal adduction

9. External rotation

10. Internal rotation

Which of the following muscles performs adduction of the wrist?

A. Palmaris longus

B. Flexor carpi ulnaris

C. Flexor pollicis lungus

Flexor carpi ulnaris

When the glenohumeral joint is in terminal full abduction the shoulder girdle is in

Upward rotation

Actions of the biceps brachii include all of the following except

A. Pronation of forearm

B. Flexion of elbow

C. Supination of forearm

Pronation of forearm

When the glenohumeral joint is in external rotation the shoulder girdle is in


The muscles that perform radioulnar supination include all of the following except

A. Anconeus

B. Biceps brachii

C. Supinator

D. Brachioradialis


Which of the following is responsible for hip extension?

A. Gluteus minimum

B. Gluteus Maximus

C. Adductor Magnus

D. Vastus intermedius

Gluteus Maximus

3 muscles which act on the hip & are found in the lateral compartment

Gluteus minimus

Gluteus medius


When An athlete is running forward or landing a from a jump the muscles found in the _____ compartment contract ____ to allow the athlete to maintain balance


4 Small Rotator Cuffs



Teres Minor


Two that extend on the elbow on the posterior side

Anconeus & Triceps