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5 Cards in this Set

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1. What was Searle's view of Dualism?
2. What was the theory that Searle rebutted against in "The Myth of the Computer"
1. Searle, like many of his contemporaries in the 20th century, denounced the concept of dualism. He called the 2 parts "commonsense psychology" and "neurophysiological processes." He was against dualism because he found that there was a great lack of scientific evidence and science to test the human mind.

2. "Minds just are computer programs of certain kinds"
Tough. Deal with it, fool.
Name the 3 points of the theory "minds are computers" and explain each.
1. "Mind as Program"
Minds are like software. If the software fits the right computer, with the right specifications, settings, star enlightenment, etc., then the software will work on any computer if those conditions are met.

2. "The Irrelevance of the Neurophysiology of the Brain"
"There is no essential connection between mind and computer." (Lack of evidence)

3. "The Turing Test as the Criterion of the Mental"
If a computer passes a Turing Test, then the computer has a mind. Ex. Chinese Room
Here's a hint: Haha! I feel sorry for you.
What's the difference between a Chinese guy saying "Oh. Me thirsty a lot." and a computer stating "I'm thirsty"?
Thirst in humans are created from a body reaction involving the release of neuron firings whereas a computer is programmed to relay "I'm thirsty" when the conditions are met. In other words, one has real thirst and one does not.
Me no have answer
What's the difference between you and a computer when interpreting the math problem "3 x 3 = __"?
The difference between you and a computer when interpreting the math problem is that one knows the answer (I surely hope it's you) and one stores the answer.

In other words, you know what "3" and "x" is. You also know that 3 x 3 = 9 because you have the knowledge and the mind to calculate the answer. On the other hand, a computer has no idea what "3" or "x" is. It just triggers a "9" onto the screen when the other conditions are met (like a domino reaction).
pg. 3 of "How is my mind connected to my body"
What does the Chinese Room example that Searle gives demonstrate?
The example demonstrates a fallacy in the Turing Test. Even though the computer seemed like it understood Chinese, it actually does not. The computer attaches no meaning, interpretation, or content to any of the Chinese symbols ("Syntax but not semantics").
Why Chinese? Why not Canadian or Algerian?