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33 Cards in this Set

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Sodom and Gomorrah

The story in _______ and _______ depicts the sinfullness of the world and consequence of sin.


Acting or failing to act, or a power of force that leads us into evil.


By sinning, we refuse to follow our __________ call toward the good.


By sinning, we reject God, our ________ and Lord, and our own true selves and others, by turning away from God, our true end;


By sinning, we break God's _________ with us, shown forth in Jesus Christ, dying and rising for our sake


By sinning, we refuse God's ________.


Sin hurts us and makes us ___________ to ourselves, others, the community and God.

loss of sense of sin

One of the dangers concerning morality is the _______ _______ ________ _________ ________.


Sin, by all means, must be ________.

Venial or Mortal

Sins according to degree. Sins can either be _________ or __________.

Venial sin

A sin that can be forgiven


Meaning pardon or forgiveness


Venial sin is "__________" for it does not lead us directly to spiritual death.

Mortal sin

A sin which leads to spiritual death.

eternal life

Mortal sin loses the promise of _________ __________ for us.

Kingdom of God

Mortal sin excludes us from the _________ _________ ____________.

sanctifying grace

Mortal sin deprives us of __________ , the supernatural life of the soul.

seriously wrong.

A sin mortal when: First, the thought, desire, word, action, or omission is __________ ___________.

full knowledge

A sin is mortal when: Second, the sinner has __________ ________ of the evil act. He/She is fully aware and mindful of it's evilness.

full consent

A sin is mortal when: Third, the sinner has ________ _________ to it. He/She does it out of his/her own free will. No one forces him/her.

persons, places and things.

The occasions of sin include ______, _______ and ________.

Bad companions | Dance hall or disco house |Bars |Bad reading materials/inputs | Motion pictures, radio and television | Social media platform

What are the occasions of sin?

We need to remain in the state of grace and developing virtues.

How can we combat sin?


Good qualities or inclinations that can help us free from sinning.

praying, receiving the sacraments, remembering God's love for us and our spiritual identity, keeping ourselves busy with good works and avoiding all occasions of sin.

Other means to avoid sin are;

Christ saved us through His perfect self-giving love for his Father and for us.

How did Christ save and free us from sin?


It's ________ love that we are saved and freed from sin.

"expiate the sins of the people"

From Hebrews 2:17 The coming of Christ was to: _____________________________


God is a loving ______, He created us.

Isaiah 42:6

"I, the Lord, have called you... I have grasped by the hand; I formed you"

Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation

Today we experience this love and mercy of God through the sacraments, particularly of the _________ and ____________.


Lot's wife looked back, and she was turned into a pillar of _________.


Latin word that means death