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22 Cards in this Set

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Recognizing God as God and we as His children, and so live accordingly.


Moses removed his __________ before he stepped near God.


Sandals is symbolic for the world that is temporal, stained by _____________.

First three

The _________ commandments of God command us to love God above all things with all our heart, mind, and soul.


These first three commandments set our _________ toward God, the Lord of All.

JOHN 17:3

Bible Verse: 'As Christ taught, "Eternal life is this:to know you, the only true God, and him whom you have sent, Jesus Christ".

First commandment

The commandment that commands us to worship God alone by acts of the virtues of faith, hope, charity, and religion and forbids all sins against those virtues.


It includes both interior and exterior.

Infidelity, Apostasy, Heresy, Indifferentism

Sins against Faith

Presumption, Despair

Sins against Hope

Hatred, Loth, Envy, Scandal

Sins against Love

Superstition, Sacrilege, Simony, Idolatry

Sins against Religion

Second Commandment

The commandment that commands us to respect God's name and forbids profanity, sacrilege, cursing, blasphemy, and perjury.

Third Commandment

The commandment that commands us to keep holy the Lord's day set aside for worship of God in a special manner and recreation, and forbid unnecessary servile work.


In the Old Law, Saturday, the last day of the week, is the day kept holy by the __________.


In the New Law, _________ keep holy the first day of the week, Sunday.


What virtue will help us follow the first three commandments?


A Latin word for humility from St. Thomas that means the earth.


It is keeping oneself within one's own bounds.


The lack of humility is manifested in one's show of ___________.

St. Benedict

The steps of humility is according to whom?

The 12 steps to humility which are called by St. Benedict as degrees of humility are to:1. Have fear of God2. Do the Word of the Lord 3. Observe obedience4. Accept hardships and distasteful things 5. Confess the thoughts in his/her heart6. Content with the meanest and worst of everything

7.Recognize his/her lowliness and sinfulness

8. Follow the rules/laws9. Observe silence10. Control himself/herself from boisterous laugh11. Speak softly and gently12. Live humility in whatever he/she does (cf. Holy Rule of St. Benedict, 7).

What are the steps to humility according to St. Benedict?