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223 Cards in this Set

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Select the phrase that reflects the most narrow description of health
the absence of disease
The most complete description of a database
subjective and objective data gathered from a patient plus the results of any diagnostic studies
The best description of a nursing diagnosis is
a concise description of actual or potential health problems or of wellness strengths
A focused database is described as
concerning mainly one problem
Individuals should be seen at regular intervals for health care. The frequency of these visits
varies, depending on the persons illness and wellness needs
Cultural diversity is currently considered when discussing health assessment and care. From a nursing perspective, the most accurate description of this phenomenon is
nursingis inherently a transcultural phenomenon. The process of helping people involves at least two people having different cultural orientations
Evidence based nursing practice is described as
combining clinical expertise with the use of nursing research to provide the best care
What can be determined when the nurse clusters data as part of the critical thinking process?
the nurse recognizes patterns and relationships among data
Religion is best described as
belief in a divine or superhuman spirit to be obeyed and worshipe
The major factor contributing to the need for cultural care nursing is
demographic change
Culturally competent implies the nurse
understands the cultural context of the patients situation
Many of the traditional defitions of health tend to focus on
physical, mental and spiritual harmony
illness may be described as an imbalance of hot and cold among people of
hispanic-american heritage
an amulet may be used to protect a person from
the evil eye
the term empacho can be explained as
an example of a culture bound syndrome that has no equivalent biomedical perspective
the first step in cultural competency by a nurse is to
understand your own heritage and its basis in cultural values
An accurate understanding of the other persons feelings within a communication context is an example of
students frequently ask teachers "May I ask you a question? this is an example of a
closed question
during a patient interview, you recognize the need to use interpretation. this verbal response:
is based on the interviewer's inference from that data that has been presented
A good rule for an interviewer is
spend more time listening to the patient than talking
During an interview, the patient denies anxiety by shows symptoms during interview. The interviewer should:
use confrontation to bring the discrepancy between verbal and nonverbal behavior to the patients attention
Touch should be used during the interview:
only if the interviewer knows the person well
Children are usually brough for health care by a parent. At what age should the interviewer begin to question the patient?
seven years
When assessing adolsecents which interviewing techniques should be avoided
silence and reflection
Personal distance is generally to be considered
1.5 to 4 feet
Mr. B tells you "Everyone here ignores me. You respond, "ignores you?" this is desribed as
Active listening skills include all of the following except
taking detailed notes during the interview
With older adults the best approach to take with the interview is?
consider the fatigue of the aging person and break the interview into shorter segments
When reading a medical record, you see the following: I have had a cold for about a week, and now I am having difficulty breathing. This is an example of:
a reason for seeking care
You have reason to question the reliability of the information being provided by a patient. One way to verify the reliability within the context of the interview is:
rephrase the same questions later in the interview
The statement reason for seeking care replaced chief complaint. This change is significant because
the newer term incorporates wellness needs
During an initial interview, the examiner says Mrs. J tell me what you do when your headaches occur?
aggravating or relieving factors
Which of the following is an appropraite recording of a patients reason for seeking care
"grabbing" chest pain for 2 hours
A genogram is useful for showing information concisely. It is used for
family history
Review of systems
the evaluation of the past and present health state of each body system
Which of the following is considered to be subjective?
pain lasting two hours
When taking a health history for a child, what informaiton, in addition to that for an adult is usually obtained?
a review of immunizations
FUnctional assessment measures how a person manages day to day activites. The impact of disease on the daily activities is known as:
disease burden
You must be aware of the four main headings of the assessment while performing the interview and physical assessment. These headings are:
appearance, behavior, cognition and thought processes
Select the finding that most accurately describes the appearance of a patient
tense posture and restless activity
The ability to lay down new memories is part of the assessment of cognitive function. One way to accomplish this is by
use of the four unrelated words test
Additional assessments may be required for the patient with aphasia. These may be accomplished by asking the patient
to demonstrate word comprehension by naming articles in the room
The patient complains about bugs on the bed. The bed is clean. This is an example of
One way to assess cognitive function and to detect dementia is with
the mini-cog
the behavioral checklist is to be used to assess mental status of
children 7 to 11
A major characteristic of dementia is
impairment of short term memory
word choice and grammar are correct, but sounds are distorted so speech is unintelligable
The part of the hand used for assessment of vibration is
ulnar surface of the hand
When performing indirect percussion, the stationary finger is struck at
the distal interphalangeal joint
The best description of the pitch of a sounds wave obtained by percussion is
the number of vibrations per second
the bell of the stethoscope
is used for soft, low pitched sounds
the sequence of an examination changes from beginning with thorax to that of head to toe with a child age?
school age
When inspecting the ear canal with speculum should be used for the otoscope?
the largest that will fit
4 areas to consider during the general survey are
physical appearance, body structure, mobility and behavior
during the general survey part of the exam, gait is assessed. When walking the base is?
as wide as shoulder width
What changes in head circumfrence measurements in relation to cheast measurement will occur from infancy through childhood?
the newborns head will be 2cm larger than the chest, and will equal out between 6 months and 2 years
Accurate assessment of patients pulse
beging counting with zero and count for thirty seconds
pulse pressure is
the difference between systolic and diastolic
In an individual with coarctation the thigh pressure would be :
lower than in the arm
mean arterial pressure is
diastolic pressure plus one-third pulse pressure
at what phase during nociception does the individual become aware of a painful sensation
During the exam, the patient is diaphoretic and pale and complains of pain over left upper quadrant. this would be categorized as
visceral pain
When caring for a preterm infant,
the preterm infant is more sensitive to painful stimuli
Older post-op patients with poorly controlled pain are at higher risk for
atelectasis, increased myocardial oxygen demand, impaired wound healing
The CRIES is an appropriate pain assessment for
preterm and term neonates
A pain problem should be anticipated for an older adult with history of
peripheral vascular disease
a common physiologic change assoiated with pain is
Secretion of the eccrine glands
dilute saline solution
Nevus is the medical term for
a mole
To assess for early jaundice you look for
sclera and hard palate
Checking skin temperature should be done with
dorsal surface of hand
An area of thin, shinny skin with decreased visibility of normal skin markings is called
Configuration for individual lesions arranged in circles is
A in ABCDE is
Lyme disease is more prevalent
may through september
herpes zoster
lesion on only one side of the body; does not cross midline
milia occur because
sebum occludes skin follicles
The facial bone that articulates at a joint instead of a suture
blood vessel that runs diagnally across the sternocleidomastoid muscle is
external jugular vein
isthmus of the thyroid gland lies below the
cricoid cartilage
True statement regarding cluster headaches
precipitated by alcohol and daytime naps
Fontanels should feel
firm, slightly concave and well defined
Characteristics of healthy nodes
mobile, soft, nontender
subperiosteal hemorrhage
normal cervical lymph nodes are
smaller than one cm
bell's palsyis
unilateral paralysis of half of the face
palpebral fissure i
the open space between the eyelids
corneal reflex is mediated by CN
The examiner records positive consensual light reflex. this is
simultaneous constriction of the other pupil when one eye is exposed to bright light
several changes occur in the eye with the aging process. the thickening and yellowing of the lens is
senile cataract
The cover test is used for
muscle weakness
A person with normal vision would see your moving finger at
90 degrees
an interruption of the red reflex occurs when
there is an opacity in the cornea or lens
One cause of visual impairment in an aging adult is
Sensorineural hearing loss is related to
gradual nerve degeneration
During the otoscopic examination of a child younger than 3, the examiner should
pull the pinna down
While viewing with the otoscope, the examiner has the person hold the nose and swallow. during this the eardrum should
in examining an adult, the canal is straightened by
pulling the ear up and back
darwins tubercle is
a congenital, painless nodule at the helix
Hearing receptors are located in the
The sensation of vertigo is
pathology of the semicircular canals
A common cause of conductive hearing loss is
impacted cerumen
Risk reduction for acute otitis media includes
eliminating smoking in the house and car
When assessing hearing in a six month old child, the examiner should
watch for heading turning when saying the childs name
The most common site of nosebleeds is
kiesselbach plexus
the sinuses the are accessible to examination are
frontal and maxillary
the frenulum is
the midline fold of tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth
the largest salivary gland is located
within the cheeks in front of the ear
A deviated septum is noted. the best action is to
document the deviation in the medical record in case the person needs to be suctioned
oral malignancies are most likely to develop
in the mucosal gutter under the tongue
Tonsils graded as 3+
tonsils touching the uvula
The function of the nasal turbinates are
to warm the inhaled air
The opening of an adults parotid gland (stensons duct) is opposite the
upper second molar
Which is false of a nasal polyp
the polyp is highly vascularized
Epstein pearls
small, round, white, shiny papules on gums of 2 month old
the reservoirs for storing milk in the breast are
lactigerous sinuses
the most common site of breast tumors is
upper outer quadrant
The best time to conduct a breast self exam is
on the fourth to seventh day of the cycle
The examiner is looking for retraction of breasts. the best position for this is
hands pushing on hips
A bimanual technique may be the preferred approach for a woman
with pendulous breasts
Description most consistent with cancer
round, firm, well demarcated
During the exam of the breasts of a pregnant woman, you would expect to find
blue vascular patterns over both breasts
Characteristic of malignant lesion
irregular shaped
the manubriosternal angle is
the articulation of the manubrium and the body of the sternum
correct description of left lung
narrower than the right lung with two lobes
some conditions have cough with characteristic timing. the cough associated with chronic bronchitis is
productive cough for at least three months of the year for two years in a row
absence of diaphragmatic excursion occurs with
pleural effusion or atelectasis of the lower lobes
Bronchovesicular breath sounds
moderate pitched, inspration equal to expiration
Increased respiratory rate, chest expansion decreased on left side, dull to percussion over left lower lobe, are consistent with
lobar pneumonia
Coarse, low pitched sounds during inspiration and expiration are consistent with
pleural friction rub
the pulse oximeter measures
arterial oxygen saturation
a pleaural friction rub is detected by
barel shaped chest is
equal in horizontal and diameter
precordium is
the area on the anterior chest overlying the heart and great vessels
tricuspid valve is
right atrioventricular valve
function of the pulmonic valve is
protect the orifice between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery
atrial systole occurs
during ventricular diastole
the second heart sound is the result of
closing of the aortic and pulmonic valves
the normal size of the apical impulse is
2 cm
Differentiates a split S2 from S3
S3 is lower pitched and is heard at the apex
Listening for pericardial friction rub
with the diaphragm, patient sitting and leaning forward, breath held in expiration
When auscultating the heart, the first step is to
identify s1 and s2
You will hear a split S2 most clearly in
pulmonic area
The stethoscope bell should be placed lightly against skin so that
it does not act as diaphragm
A murmur heard after S1 and before S2 is
systolic probably benign
Function of the venous system is
to hold more blood when blood volume increases
the organs that aid the lympatic system are
spleen, tonsils and thymus
a 3+ pulse is
increased, full
inspection of a persons right hand reveals a red, swollen area. to further assess you would palpate the
epitrochlear node
to screen for deep vein thrombosis you would
measure the widest point with a tape measure
The examiner wishes to assess for arterial deficit in the lower extremities. After raising the legs 12 inches off the table and then having the person sit up and dangle the led the color should return in
ten seconds or less
Most characteristic sign of varicose veins is
dilated, tortuous superficial bluish vessels
Atrophic skin changes that occur with peripheral arterial insufficiency include
thin, shiny skin with loss of hair
intermittent claudication is
muscular pain brought on by exercise
risk factor for venous ulcer development is
brawny edema is
arteriosclerosis is the
loss of elasticity of the walls of the blood vessels
Raynaud's phenomenon occurs
in hands and feet as a result of exposure to cold, vibration and stress
Sequence of techniqes for exam of abdomen
inspection auscultation percussion palpation
Right upper quadrant tenderness may indicate pathology in the
liver, pancreas, ascending colon
hyperactive bowel sounds are
high pitched, rushing, tinkling
Auscultation of the abdomen may reveal bruits of the
aortic, renal, femoral, iliac arteries
The upper left quadrant contains the
Auscultation of the abdomen starts in right lower quadrant because
bowel sounds are almost always present here
A dull percussion note forward to the left midaxillary line is
indicative of splenic enlargement
Shifting dullness tests for
Tenderness during palpation is expected when palpating
the sigmoid colon
Murphy sign is
pain felt with taking a deep breath when the examiners fingers are on the approximate location of the inflammed gallbladder
A positive blumberg sign is
peritoneal inflammation
During an assessment of the spine the patient would be asked to
flex, extend, abduct, and rotate
Pronation and supination fo the hand and forearm are the result of articulation of
the radius and ulna
anterior and posterior stability are provided to the knee by
anterior and posterior cruciate ligamentd
Common age related curvature of spinal column
The joint pain associated with rhuematic fever would
occur 10 to 14 days after an untreated sore thorat
The bulge sign is
swelling in the suprapatellar pouch
Legs should be
within one cm of eachother
a common finding in the spine of a two year old would be
positive phalen test and tinel sign are seen in patients with
carpel tunnel syndrome
when assessing an infant, the examiner should do the ortolani maneuver by
gently lifting and abducting the infants flexed kneww wihle palpating the trochanter
Injury to the brocas area
difficulty speaking
during the exam of an infant, use a cotton tipped applicator to stimulate the anal sphincter. the absence of the response suggests
lesion of S2
The tendon reflex fails to appear. Before striking again, the examiner might use the technique of
Cerebellar function is assessed by which of the following tests
coordination-hop on one foot
Babinski reflex
stroke the lateral aspect of the sole of the foot from heel to the ball
Positive babinski reflex is
dorsiflexion of the big toe and fanning of the remaining toes
The cremasteric response
is positive when the ipsilateral testicle elevates upon stroking of the inner thigh
To examine the trigeminal nerve in a baby you would
give the infant a bottle
Senile tremors do not include
rigidity and weakness of voluntary movement
People with parkinsons disease usually have which of the following characteristics of styles of speech
slow, monotonous
The glasgow coma scale is divided into three areas:
eye opening, motor response to stimuli, verbal response
the landau reflex
the baby raised the head and arches the back as in a swan dive
The examiner is going to inspect and palpate for hernia. The man is instructed to
bear down when the examiners finger is in the inguinal canal
During examination of the scrotum a normal finding would be
the left testicle hangs lower than the right
The class of medication is most likely to cause impotence, the nurse should explored
Prostatic hypertrophy is indicated by
straining, loss of force, and sense of residual urine
A normal age related change in the scrotum would be
pendulous scrotum
Normal findings of palpation of the testicles are
rubbery, firm, smooth
The congenital displacement of the urethral meatus to the inferior surface of the penis is
An adhesion of the prepuce to the head of the penis, making it impossible to retract is
the first physical sign associated with puberty in boys is
testes enlargement
A patient has soft, moist, fleshy, painless papules around the anus. This condition is most likely
The gastrocolic reflex is
a peristalic wave
The incidence of benigh prostatic hypertrophy is highest among
african americans
select the best description of the anal canal
3.8 cm long, outlet of the GI tract
Which finding suggests prostate cancer
diffuse hardness
The bulbourethral gland is assessed
during an examination of a male patient
Inspection of stool is an important part of the rectal exam. Normal stool is
brown in color and soft
Which symptoms suggest benign prostatic hypertrophy
difficulty urinating and weak stream
A false positive fecal occult blood tests of the stool if the person has ingested significant amounts of
red meat
Frothy, fould smelling, stools that float on the surface of the wate
Vaginal lubrication is provided during intercoarse
bartholins glands
Gynecologic exam of young woman with no kids, Cervical OS should appear
smooth and circular
Cervix appears slightly cyanotic
Chadwick sign
For a woman, history of her mothers health during pregnancy is important. A medication that requires follow up is
To prepare for vaginal speculun for insertion
lubricates with warm water
To insert the speculun as comfortably as possible
presses the introitus down with one hand and inserts the blades obliquely with the other
Swabbing the cervix with a swab soaked in acetic acid assesses
Best description of the uterus
pear shaped, thick walled organ, flattened
In placing a finger on either side of the cervix and moving it side to side, you are assessing for
cervical motion tenderness
Which of the following are normal findings on the palpation of the vulva and perineum
labia majora are wide apart and gaping
Which is the most common STI
What does G2 P3 Ab0
woman has been pregnant twice with 3 children, all are living
Problems associated with smoking and oral contraceptives
thrombophlebitis and pulmonary emboli