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46 Cards in this Set

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He was the fourth caliph


A way of math that originated from the islamic world


An instrument used to make astrnomical measurements


Cheif muslim religous ruler


Decrative handwriting

Fatimid dynasty

Shia islamic caliphate that soread from north africa to the red sea into the atlantic ocean


Collection of sayings from muhhamed


Muslim pilgrimage to mecca

Ibn sina

Perisia philosopher who is regarded as most signifigant thinkers during the golden ages


Islamic relogious leader usually at the mosque


A monitheistic faith for Muslims


A war or struggle against unbelievers


An arab north african town


Belif in one god


Muslim place of worship


Follower of the religon of islam


The belif that knowledge come to thise that believe


A person believeing in other nelifs besides the main ones


A person regarded as a assigned teacher of the gospel from god


Sacred muslim believed to be words of god spoken through muhhamed


A month of fasting


Body of islamic law


Verbally transmitted record of teachings deeds ect

Umayyad dynasty

2nd dynasty of caliphates

Describe the Arabian peninsula

Most is brown dry desert

Describe mecca

Rocky dry valley that held the ka'bah believed to be built by Abraham

Who was Muhammad

The basis of all Islam. Sent to live with a nomad at a young age. Became a merchant. Was in a cave praying and an angel can and told him to be a prophet

What happened in medinah

A yathrib group asked them to come and spread the peace and if they did so they would protect them

What happened in medinah

A yathrib group asked them to come and spread the peace and if they did so they would protect them

What happened in 622

In 622 Arabs had to shoo and destroy the idols in Mecca too

What happened to the Muslim community after Muhammad's death

Most of Arabia easy set control of Muslims

Who was the first caliph and what did he do

Abu Bakr was the first caliph and he Abu Bakr used military force to reunite the community he also completed the unification of Arabia he died in 634

Who was the second caliph and what did he do

Umar was the second caliph he continued to spread the empire into Iraq Persia eastern Mediterranean and North Africa he set up taxes in all of these provinces taxes were heavy on pagans he died in 644

who was the third caliph and what did he do

Member of the Umayyad change helped unite Muslims he awarded high post to relatives people complained he was unfair rebels killed him in 656

Who was the second caliph and what did he do

Umar was the second caliph he continued to spread the empire into Iraq Persia eastern Mediterranean and North Africa he set up taxes in all of these provinces taxes were heavy on pagans he died in 644

who was the third caliph and what did he do

Member of the Umayyad change helped unite Muslims he awarded high post to relatives people complained he was unfair rebels killed him in 656

Who was the fourth caliph and what did he do

Ali ibn Abu talib was Fatima's husband some Muslims challenged his rule which led to civil war he sent forces against them he fought two major battles he won one but ended the other with negotiation he lost supporters and in 661 the former supporter murdered Ali

How did the Umayyad dynasty spread Islam

Muawiyah the leader sent troops to Central Asia and northwestern India

What is the battle of tours

In 711 the Umayyad dynasty began their conquest however at the battle of tours in 732 forces under Frankish King Charles Martel turned the muslim empire back in France this battle marked the farthest extent of Muslim advances

What is the first pillar

The first pilar is shahadah which means that you love god🙏🏿🙏🏾

What is the second pillar

Salat is daily ritual prayer

What is the third pilar

Zakat is charity

What is the fourth pilar

Siyam means no ham or fasting

What is the fifth pilar

Hajj is walking to Mecca

What is jihad

It means "to strive" and he Koran taught people to fight back when harmed

Who is Akbar 1

Mughal emperor