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18 Cards in this Set

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what is the general principle of the tort of negligence

make people pay for the damage they caused when their conduct falls below an acceptable standard

is tort of negligence modern or old


trespass was developed 1270

whats three areas of tort

trespass to the person



how does LJ Greer define the tort of negligence

negligence must be the neglect of some duty owed to the person who makes the claim

what does Lord Roger in D v East Berkshire Community NHS Trust say about tort law

the world is full of harm for which the law furnishes no remedy

why is the tort of negligence important

more claims under negligence than any other tort areas

the ideas and principles of negligence have influenced the interpretation of other torts

what are two areas of law that the ideas and principles of the tort of negligence have influenced

foreseeability in private nuisance

strict liability in Rylands v Fletcher

how does Lord Ibbetson describe the tort of negligence

“thoroughly fragmented”

“isolated pockets of negligence liability”

“no general principle of negligence”

in what year was there an ocean of liability for negligent claims


who said that the tort of negligence emerged because of a change in an influence of

social & political thinking

positive response to victims of workplace injuries

strategic economic subsidisation of infant industries

Conaghan & Mansell

who said that changing intellectual trends were featured in the 19th century as well as a change in jurisprudential thought

G Edward White

who came up with the three C’s for Social and Political Thinking




G Edward White

whats important to note about Conaghan & Mansell’s victims of workplace category

as a result of increased industrialisation, individuals have less directuak or contractual relationships with a manufacturer. Negligence makes it easier to bring a claim

what contradicts conaghan and Mansell’s victims of workplace category

the supporting infant industries category

gvt wants to help infant industries so the fault principle is prioritised

theres only payment when victims can establish fault

whats the primary legal mechanism for accident compensation and for personal injuries in the UK

tort of negligence! :v

how does the tort of negligence prevent accidents

paying compensation acts as a deterrant

whats the problem with having insurance companies pay

claimant gets money but the right person isnt truly held accountable

what case says doctors owe a duty of care to patients

Pippin v Sheppard