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9 Cards in this Set

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Step 1: Power setting
Reduce throttle to idle
Step 2: Trim:
Trim for 65 knots, and maintain altitude
Step 3: Flaps
Flaps cruise during the entire landing.
Step 4: Altitude
Drop 300 feet before turning on Base
Step 5: Make your turn
15-20 degrees of bank, do not exceed 30 degrees.
Step 6: Turning Base
Pitch, Power, Roll, Talk, Tiger __ Base runway __.
Step 7: Aircraft position
Glide slope is shallower than normal
Step 8:Throttle: after dropping it on Base
Increase or decrease as desired to make runway
Step 9: Touchdown
Touchdown at 55 Knots, eyes focused on the horizon and flare nice and easy keeping back stick pressure.