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11 Cards in this Set

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Define jaw thrust

Clear any mouth obstructions

Maintain head and neck in alignment

Place fingers under angle of jaw

Each hand on either side of cheek

Apply upward pressure with fingers to lift jaw

And downward pressure with your palms to keep head stable

Must maintain to keep air ways open

Head tilt, chin lift

2 fingers on chin

4 on forehead

Tilt head and lift chin

This keeps airway open

If difficult to open patients airways then both hands are needed to maintain chin lift

What is the OP airway?

Curved hard plastic fits over back of tongue

How do you size an OP airway?

Measure it from the the jaw in the shape of a J

Make sure it’s also level with the mouth and not taller

When should an OP airway be used?

Unconscious patient


Patient in cardiac arrest

What are the signs of Hypoxia?

Rapid breathing


Pale and cold

When should you use oxygen administration?



Cardiac arrest

Breathing problems


Heart attack

Medical emergencies

Should oxygen be given to all patients?


Must be given to all patients and those that are given it must be monitored

What is hypoxia?

Lack of oxygen

What is a BVM

Bag Valve Mask

When administrating oxygen to a patient?

Monitor them and there respiratory rate.

If the patient has to be left unattended, the oxygen should be removed.