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31 Cards in this Set

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Find out

يجد، يعرف( يحصل علي معلومات...)

I'll find out all those informations.

Figure out

يكتشف (يكتشف معلومه او ما شابهه....)

I'm gonna figure out what you did last year.

Drive a wedge

يضرب اسفين بين اتنين( يوقع بينهم)

My focal point was to drive a wedge between them.

Non offense

لا مؤاخذة

Non offense, but I'd really like to get some sleep.

Is it over?

هل انتهت المدة

Here are you


Seems to be

يبدو ان

He always seems to have a plan.

In order


You must release me in order to be free yourself!

In tiem

في الوقت المناسب

On tiem

في الوقت المحدد

Far from

يبعد عن

Close to

يقرب من

Layover flight

رحلة غير مباشرة

Slips up


We have to make the most of the slight slip-up, said Boanas.

Went out


The electricity went out for 3 days

Surf the internet

يتصفح الانترنت

The boys surf the internet every day

Clear as mud

صعوبة الفهم

His insturactions as clear as mud

Go from rags to riches

تحول من الفقر الي الغني

He went from rags to riches for three years

Lay into

تهاجم شخص بالضرب او بالكلام

The fans of Al ahly and zamalek are laying into each other

Mark down

انك تقلل سعر حاجة

We need to seel this old shirt quickly,so let,s mark it down by 5%

Set forth

تقول او تقترح رأي

He set forth his ideas in his outobiography

Take on

تقبل عمل او مسئولية

She took on the task of organizing the wedding

Stand down

يترك وظيفة او منصب معين

After 20 years of service, Ahmed decided to Stand down and became a writer.

fade away

اصبح ضعيفا او تلاشي للاشخاص او الاشياء

⚪ As Mona grew older, her memories of accident faded away

Tell of

ينتقد او يلوم شخص ما

⚪ Mr Amr told Ahmed off for being late again.

Start over

يبدأ من جديد

⚪ If you make a mistake, just erase it and start over.

Go for


I think I'll go for the chocolate

Pass out

يغمي عليه

⚪ I nearly passed out when I saw all the blood .

Take down to

يحتقر شخص او يقل من قيمته

⚪ I nearly passed out when I saw all the blood .

splurge on

ينفق علي شيء او اعوض نفسي

After having this bad phone for so many year,i decided to splurge on a very expensive iphone.

from what i gather

وفقا لما سمعت

From what i gather,there are far worse threats in prison other than bodily harm