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37 Cards in this Set

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A commoner in Le bourgeois gentilhome by Moliere who has internalized the ethical code of the nobleman. These virtues are useless however for marrying Lucile because her father demands “gentleman” status for his son-in-law. Like everyone else around Jourdain he must resort to ruse.
German astronomer and mathematician. Considered the founder of modern astronomy, he formulated three laws to describe how the planets revolve around the sun
an etched plate (usually metal) made with the use of acid
An introductory performance, event or action preceding a more important one; a preliminary preface
Novum Organum
A philosophical work in Latin by Francis Bacon, published in 1620, presenting an inductive method for scientific and philosophical inquiry
Royal Society of Science
an honorary English society organized in 1660 and given a royal charter by Charles II through which the British government encouraged research in the sciences
Louis Le Vau
A French architect involved in most of the important building projects for Louis XIV. Succeeded Lemercier as architect for the Louvre. Designed palace of Versailles.
Mathematical Principles
A work in Newton’s three books stating the laws of motion, law of universal gravitation and a derivation of Kepler’s laws of planetary motion
A musical composition for voices and orchestra, telling a sacred story without costumes, scenery or dramatic action
The astronomical theory that the earth is in the center of the universe
"Le Roi Soleil"
A nickname given to Louis XVI meaning The Sun King.
Van Dyck
Flemish baroque artist who became the leading court painter in England. He is most famous for his portraits of King Charles I of England and Scotland and his family. He invented etching.
of or relating to the French philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes
Pietra Dura
an art-historical term for the technique of using small, exquisitely cut and fitted, highly-polished colored stones to create what amounts to a painting in stone
Francois Girardon
French sculptor commissioned with much of the decorative sculptures in the gardens of Versailles under the direction of Le Brun. He is best known for his tomb Of Richelieu at the Sorbonne. His famous equestrian statue of Louis XVI was destroyed in the Revolution
Tabula Rasa
The belief presented by John Locke that this is the mind in its uninformed original state
German-Swiss alchemist and physician. He held that illness was the result of external agents attacking the body rather than imbalances within the body and advocated the use of chemicals against disease-causing agents
A city in northern India formerly the capital of the Mogul empire; site of the Taj Mahal
Walled city; Old Delhi; site of The Red Fort
Forced Perspective
A way to create an environment that appears larger than it truly is
The process or technique of laying on paint or pigment thickly so that it stands out from a surface
A large room, such as a drawing room, used for receiving and entertaining guests
Italian violinmaker who developed the proportions of the modern violin and created instruments of unsurpassed beauty and tone
A steel cutting tool with a sharp beveled point, used in engraving or cutting stone (think etching)
Galerie des Glaces
Central gallery of the Palace of Versailles
Andreas Vesalius
Flemish anatomist and surgeon who is considered the founder of modern anatomy. His major work, On the Structure of the Human Body, was based on meticulous dissection of cadavers
Dutch philosopher and theologian whose controversial pantheistic doctrine advocated an intellectual love of god. Best known for his work Ethics.
A member of the Muslim dynasty founded by Baber that ruled India until 1857
Cogito ergo sum
I think, therefore I am; the basis of the philosophy of Rene Descartes.
King James Bible
An English translation of the Bible from Hebrew and Greek published in 1611 under the auspices of James I
As chief minister of Louis XIII he worked to strengthen the authority of the monarchy and directed France during the Thirty Years’ War
Johann Sebastian Bach
German composer and organist of the late baroque period. Wrote more than 200 cantatas.
Blaise Pascal
French mathematician and philosopher with Jansenist; invented an adding machine; contributed (with Fermat) to the theory of probability
Salon de Guerre
Room in the Palace of Versailles dedicated to the Roman goddess of war, Bellona
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Dutch microscopist whose microscopes enabled him to give the first accurate descriptions of blood corpuscles, spermatozoa and microbes
Glorious Revolution
The events of 1688-1689 in England that resulted in the ousting of James II and the establishment of William III and Mary II as joint monarchs
Giordano Bruno
Challenged Copernican cosmology, challenging religion