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23 Cards in this Set

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(3) Initiative Vs Guilt (Erikson)

Associated with early childhood. They are their own person. On their own initiative, children in this stage move out into wider world.

Greatest govener is concious

Self understanding

The childs cognitive representation of self.

The substance and content of childs self conceptions.

Body attributes

Material posessions

Physical activities

3 things children use to provide self descriptions (self recognition)

Heteronomous morality (4-7) Piaget

First stage.

Justice and rules believed to be unchangeable properties of the world, beyond control of people.

Its why kids look around right after they do something bad, bc they expect punishment right after it happens.

Autonomous Morality (10+)

Child becomes aware that rules and laws are created by people and that in judging action, one should consider the actors intentions and consequences.

Thinking that, if someone accidentally broke something while cleaning they shouldn't be punished as harshly.

Immanent justice

Expectation that, if a rule is broken, punishment will be dealt immediately.

Heteronomous morality.

Gender identity

The sense of being male/female, which most children get by 3 years old

Gender roles

Sets of expectations that prescribe how female/males should think, act, feel.

Social Role Theory

Theory that gender differences result from the contrasting roles of men + women.

Social hierarchy and division of labor causes gender differences in power, assertiveness and nurture

Psychoanalytic theory of gender

Derived from Freuds view that preschool children develops sexual attraction to opposite sex parent at 5-6 years of age.

Child renounces feelings thus identifies with same sex parent, unconciously adopting their characteristics.

Social cognitive theory of gender

Theory emphasizing that childrens gender development occurs through observation and imitation of gender behaviors,rewards, and punishments children experience for gender appropriate/inappropriate behavior.

Gender schema theory

That gender typing emerges as children gradually develop gender schemas of what is gender appropriate/inappropriate in their culture

Authoritarian parenting

Restrictive, punitive style where parents exhort child to follow their directions and to respect work and effort.

Places firm limits and controls on child and allows little verbal exchange.

Associated with childs social incompetence.

Authoritative Parenting

Parents who encourage children to be independent but still place limits and controls on actions.

Extensive verbal time-and-take is allowed, parents are warm and nurturant to child.

Associated with childs competence

Neglectful parenting

Parent very uninvolved in childs life.

Its associated with childrens social incompetence, lack of self control, immaturity.

Indulgant parenting

Parents highly involved with children but place few demands or controls on them.

Associated with social incompetence, lack of self control and egocentrism.

Understanding others

Understand other peoples emotions/desires.

4-5: describe themselves and others with psychological traits "teacher is nice"

Understanding people dont always give accurate reports of their beliefs.

Joint commitments

Reaearch has shown young children are more socially sensitive/perceptive than piaget thought.

Criticism on piagets concept of egocentrism at this age.

Increase in social behavior

What is emotional understanding linked to?

2-4: Increase number of terms they use to describe emotions. Learn about causes/consequences of feelings

4-5: Same event can elicit different feelings in different people. Learn they need to manage emotions to meet social standards.

More on understanding emotions.

What do children from age 2-4 and 4-5 begin to understand?


Moral element of personality

Selective attention

Help us tune out important details and focus on what really matters.

Children have a hard time. Focus on what's most salient usually

Divided attention

Attention is on two or more tasks at same time.