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24 Cards in this Set

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It is the City's policy to prohibit workplace harassment, discrimination and retaliation on the basis of _______ _______.

protected status

What is protected status?

race, religion, gender, martial status, familial status, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, source of income, veterans' status or other

In what two primary ways does harassment, discrimination and retaliation manifests in the workplace?

  1. violate state and federal laws
  2. inappropriate conduct

Who does the employee talk to if they experience harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation?

  1. Supervisor
  2. Other manager
  3. HR
    1. City's Outreach Employment and Diversity Resource Office

T/F - 2.02 only applies to the workplace?

False - 2.02 applies to the workplace and any work-related setting outside the workplace.

Who is covered by 2.02?

  • elected officials
  • employees
  • interns (paid or unpaid)
  • applicants
  • contractors

Under 2.02 what is harassment?

inappropriate verbal or physical conduct

Does the person's intent or consent matter?


Under 2.02 what is sexual harassment?

a specific type of harassment - includes unwanted sexual advances, request for sexual favors, other sexually oriented verbal or physical conduct.

Under 2.02 what is discrimination?

unequal or different treatment of an individual on the basis of protected status

Under 2.02 what are some examples of retaliation?



failing to hire

failing to treat impartially

assigning to least desirable job


Can retaliation occur if the underlying complaint is not substantiated?


Does 2.02 apply to written or graphic material?

yes - it prohibits inappropriate language, jokes, written or graphic materials in work related settings.

Does 2.02 cover religious beliefs and practices?

yes - the city is committed to providing reasonable accommodation unless it would create an undue hardship.. i.e. use vacation time for a holy day - wear clothing to the extent possible.

If a person request religious accommodations what should they do?

fill out "Request for Religious Accommodation Form" found in Forms section of BHR

What should a manager do if they receives a complaint?

contact HR Business Partner or Site Team Manager as soon as possible but no later than one or two working days after receiving the complaint.

Can the complaint be kept confidential?

No - managers must still contact hr personnel. You should inform the person making the complaint that confidentially may not be feasible.

Besides city personnel who else can employees file complaints with?

  1. Bureau of Labor and Industries
  2. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,
  3. or a grievance under union contract.

Does notifying a union steward constitute filing a complaint?

no - must still follow complaint procedure

T/F - when appropriate the person receiving the complaint can discuss options for informally resolving the issue.


What is an external discrimination complaint?

complaint filed with a court or federal enforcement agency

Who handles external complaints for the city?

Risk Manager and City Attorney's Office

When and how often is 2.02 training given?

upon hire and every two years thereafter.

Who has the authority to settle discrimination complaints?

Director of HR, in cooperation with bureau manager and Commissioner-in-Charge, and City Attorney's office