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7 Cards in this Set

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Benefits for Spain 1

. Philip had control of the two largest colonial empires of the 16th century

. The empires complimented each other as Portugal had access to the spices, silks and precious stones of the Portuguese empire in India, West Africa, Brazil and the Far East - Spain had the bullion to pay for this

. An economic collaboration rather than colonial rivalry

. Lisbon was an important deep water port on the Atlantic Coast

. The Azores acted as a good staging post for Indies fleets

Benefits for Spain 2

. Gained control of the Portuguese navy - combined Spanish and Portuguese fleets almost 300,000 tons (although often fully extended)

. Philip gained enormous prestige as the first time since Roman days Iberia united under one Christian ruler - Pierson stated it was 'the greatest triumph of his reign' and contemporary historians suggest that it was only in the 1580s he began calling himself King of Spain

. Spain had complete security in Iberia as no threat of Portuguese invasion or foreign enemies using Portugal as a base to launch invasion

Negatives for Spain



Turning point

. 1578 peace with the Turks had already meant that the Spanish Empire became Westward-facing with an Atlantic focus

. Lotherington - 'The annexation of Portugal coincided with other events to bring about a decisive shift in Spanish orientation and policy. It had already become clear that the Atlantic was the battleground of the future...'

. Lotherington/Lynch also argue the annexation of Portugal and the increase in bullion in the 1580s led to a switch from a defensive policy for the first 20 years to 'aggressive imperialism' after 1580


. Philip had a very strong claim to Portugal via his mother Isabel of Portugal - He wanted to reunite the Iberian Peninsula, recreating the Hispania that had existed under the Romans

. Portugal also possessed important colonies in Brazil and the Far East and a huge navy - Philip's opportunity came with a fortunate set of events for Spain. . In 1578, the Portuguese King Sebastian I(Philip's nephew) was killed in Morocco (August 1578, battle of Alcazarquivir) in an attempt to challenge Ottoman domination there - Sebastian was unmarried, with no children. . The new king was Sebastian's great-uncle, cardinal Henry who was 66 years old and sick - There was much political intrigue in the last months of his life, dying on 31st January 1580

. The main candidates after Henry were Catarina, Duchess of Braganza whose brother was in prison in Seville; Dom Antonio, the Prior of Crato, (illegitimate nephew of Cardinal Henry who had the support of the common people and towns) and Philip Il who on paper had the best male claim via his mother


. Philip had a strong claim and backed this up by using diplomacy and force

. In 1579, Philip dispatched one of his closest advisors (Don Cristobal de Moura, Portuguese) to cultivate the merchants of Lisbon who were encouraged by the trading opportunities that union with Spain would bring and Philip won over many nobles by paying their ransom so they were freed in Morocco

. Additionally,Philip recalled Alba from disgrace to command a strong invasion force assembled on the Portuguese border

. Henry died in January 1580 and the proclamation of Dom Antonio as King by the people of Lisbon forced Philip to act - Henry had not named a successor and the Cortes was split between support for Philip by the nobles and clergy, whereas the towns favoured Dom Antonio

. Philip persuaded Catarina to withdraw from the contest by giving the Duke of Braganza estates, the title of Constable of Portugal and to release his son from prison in Spain (Philip had paid his ransom from Morocco but kept him close)

. On 13th June 1580, Alba crossed the border and Spain's superior military force of 37,000 quickly routed Dom Antonio from Lisbon by August

. Alba was supported by a fleet, commanded by the Marquis of Santa Cruz - Alba threatened the army with severe penalties if they pillaged the countryside


. Dom Antonio established a government in exile in the Azores and in 1582, the French assisted him in a failed attempt to take all the Azores

. By 1583, Santa Cruz had secured the islands and thus got rid of the threat posed to Spain's Atlantic shipping (although Dom Antonio continued to court French/English support until his death in 1595 but no real threat) . In December 1580, Philip entered Lisbon promising to respect the liberties of the Portuguese - He wa Accepted by the Portuguese Cortes in April 1581 as King of Portugal

. Portugal's government structure stayed as it was and they still controlled their overseas possessions

.All government offices were reserved for locals and his viceroy was to be Portuguese or a high-ranking Hapsburg - From 1583-93, it was Archduke Albert of Austria and then leading Portuguese nobles

. Also, there was never to be a Portuguese Cortes outside the kingdom and the country was only to be garrisoned by Portuguese troops - Philip's army withdrew quickly

. Taxes were only to be spent on Portuguese needs and not for Castilian objectives

. In effect, Portugal remained a separate kingdom only connected by a common monarch

. Philip stayed in Lisbon for over 2 years (December 1580-February 1583) - Portugal is a great example of Philip acting decisively and with energy to coutner the more common view of a dithering king