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16 Cards in this Set

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What factors led to the scientific revolution and it's impacts? (Intro)

-era of rapid advances in knowledge

- between 1500-1700

-series of dramatic discoveries

-highest point in the 1700

-several technological innovations

-led to several new ways of thinking

-gained new understanding of the natural and physical world

Scientific revolution (papragrah 1)

What led to it

-2 competing versions of Christian truth (Catholic, protestant)

- both claimed to be the real truth and other was wrong

-reliogn differences

-led to 30 year war and witch craze

- How can we be certain some thing is true

-early 17 century educated Europeans left old certainties (values seemed flux)

Scientific revolution (paragraph 2)

New way of thinking about space

-earth was center of univers and sun/plants moved in perfect circular orbits

-god set outer sphere in motion which causes next plant to move

-hevan was beyond last sphere

-earth made of earth, air, fire, water

-everything else made of quintessence (material never changes)

-interested from Aristotle

-grafted into Christian beliefs in middle ages

-nicolous Copernicus (idea sun is center)

-johannes kipler (orbits arnt circular)

-galileo (agreed and tried to prove)

-newton (law of gravity showed how scientific laws operated through universe)

-people believe scientific reasoning might be a basis for establishing truth

Scientific revolution (paragraph 3)

If something couldn't be rationally proved it can't be claimed as true

2 results

Mind and body are regarded as separate


-europeans saying they were not part of 1 organic system

- No longer saw themselves as part of 1 vast system of nature

People who didn't base their notions of truth on rational prof were wrong

-only 1 way to arrive at truth (rational or provable)

-other belief systems superstition that need to not be respected

French revolution causes and impacts (intro)

Started in 1789

-traumatic but inspiring in its message of liberty, equality and fraternity

- period if uprising

French revolution (paragraph 1)

Economic problem

Severe economic recessions starting in 1787

-1787-1789 bread price doubled

-poorest spent most income on food

-happened dramatic and fast

-riots in pairs to protest high food prices

France was close to bankruptcy in late 1780's

-aristocates exempted from paying taxes

-taxes fell on bourgeoisie and even more on common people

-made worse by high cost of supporting the American rebels during independence was against British

French revolution (paragraph 2)

Bourogeoise had no say in government

-king put rich merchants and businessmen in government

-other then them no one has a say in government policy

-not properly represented

- both were deeply resentful about this in 1780's

French revolution (paragraph 2)


-gave more power to bourogeoise

-constructed a modern bureaucratic state (led as an example)

-gave hope for other revolutionaries

-liberal ideology (emphasizing individual freedom and rights)

-decoration of the French "rights of men" (explains rights)

Why did China not become I'm power after 1500 (intro)

-was the strongest, industrialized societies

- no country could match

China not in power (paragraph 1)

In ming dynasty

-was strong and dynamic

Late ming dynasty

-turned inward

-self-sufficent and self centered

-bevan largely ethnocentric and anti foreign

-great maritime voyages stoped in early 1500

-king court focused an home affairs and defence of northern borders

-ming started a period of isolation

China (paragraph 2)

Problems from within

-crop failure that lead to famine

-plague that killed millions

-financial issues (dispatch shoulders and ship to defend Korean vassal from Japanese which had large cost to treasury

-japanese pirates ravaged spitgerb coast (present revolts brake out because of ming failures)

China (paragraph 3)

Capitalism never formed

-technological advances from tang, song, and ming

-failed to bring revolutionary changed that had transformed western Europe feudalism into capitalism

-lacked overseas empire that could be exploited to aquire capital for investment

-continuity of Chinese traditions

Industrialization never formed

-with growing population no labor shortages and no need for technological innovation

(Economy net basic needs well)

What were the impacts of the transatlantic slave trade (intro)

-Slavery didn't start with eourpeans

-happened in African societies( show power, expand family)

-direct contact between Europeans and Africa in 1400's

-portuagues began exploring Africa west coast for gold, sources of silk and spices

-growing knowlege of Africa with the forging of plantation economies in America focused more attention on Africa as a source of slaves

Slavery (paragraph 1)

-created economic imbalances

-hindered evolution of local industries

-africa was know as a supplier of resources (integrated Africa into world economy)

-american food crops became in African diets

-allowed some African states to develop commercially

-european guns trades for slaves

(Made regions unsafe, plundered villages)

Slavery (paragraph 2)

Play station economy

-bevan key economic institution in most tropical and subtropical areas of South Africa

- Made plantation zone ( group of societies with economic rely on enslaved African labor)

-changes in Caribbean economic expanded

-mid 1600 growing sugar was more profitable

-needed lots of land and cheep labour

-high mortality rates led to constant importation of slaves

-hard work and bad conditions

-Slavery became the majority in areas

Slavery (paragraph 3)

-majority being slaves created African American culture

-mixed western and African customs

-hybrid religions based on African and Christian beliefs

-combining African rhythm with European and native American musical traditions

-like jazz, blues, salsa, Reggae

-developed me languages

-influenced other ethnic groups

-introduced crops from home land like watermelon, okra

-knowlege of blacksmithing and iron working