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66 Cards in this Set

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During the 1860s­180s, did the U.S constitution use the ideas of “savage” and “noble savage” as justifiers when planning and implementing Indian polices?

yes, the indans wer caled “savages” for the Sand Creek massacre, Fettermen massacre, and the ambush on Cheyenne

What stratagies did the U.S use and try to gain Plains Indian in the 1860s and 1870s?

Congress buffalo hunting (which is what indians did in the land

How did the two sides involved view the 1868 Fort Laramie treat?

Lakota: agreed to sovereignty and power

U.S: To secure the civilization-->Indians were "noble savages"

What justification did the U.S use to get rid of the Treat system in the 1870s?

They said that the indian people were not a sovereign nation capable of making treaties.

As a result indians were defined as noble savages

What were the goals of the Dawes Act?

How did it attempt to reach those goals?

How did it affect the Indian peoples?

-Civilize the indians

-It broke up their land into trusts and gave it to individual indians and sold the surplus, putting their children in white boarding schools

-It destroyed their traditional way of life, oppressed their culture, religion, and languages.

What was the Ghost Dance and what was its goal?

It was a peaceful revitalization. It was meant to bring back the buffalo, make the whites disappear, and revive ancestral customs

What happened at Wounded Knee in 1890?

People of the village started doing the ghost dance and the soldiers said they were acting crazy so they attacked.

Were Indian peoples considered to be equal citizens of the U.S as of 1900?

No, not considered citizens until 1924.

What trends contributed to the shift from true womanhood to new womanhood?

More opportunities. Wage work, education, clubs, professions, contraceptive movement. Higher chance for education

What assumption about a woman's supposed natural role stayed consistent for both true woman and new woman?

That women were pure and domestic.

What arguments did opponents use to try and stop women from attending college in the 19th century?

Endanger ability to have children with going to school. (before school)

Were white wage working women usually married or single?

Were black wage working women usually married or single?



What were miscegenation laws?

Band interracial sex/marriage (only strict on white women and black men)

What was "race suicide"?

White stopped reproducing as much for a while, hence slowing down the production a continuation of their race. They were killing off their own race by not reproducing, according to Teddy R.

What did the Mann Act do?

No crossing state lines for "immoral" purposes

What did the Comstock Law do?

Band contraception and formation about contraception

What was a women "adrift"?

Women who left the home to get jobs and earn money

How did the opponents use the ideas of true womanhood to argue against women's suffrage in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

-They said that women belong in the home, that politics is dirty so it will corrupt them

-They said women would be "unsexed" if they went out of the home and that men would be "feminized" if they had to stay home

-Women vote like their husbands and fathers because they are submissive and weren't smart enough

How did proponents use the idea of social housekeeping to argue for women's suffrage?

They said they would bring a higher moral authority to the issues affecting the home, they expanded the definition of home to include schools, playgrounds, and child labor

What factor did social darwinist see as the sole determinant of success and failure?

Natural traits are the sole determinant on success and failure (rich kid being able to get a job more so than a poor kid)

Where were the typical new immigrants from?

Mostly eastern and southern Europe

Describe the typical new immigrant?

They were young men who's goal was to come here and make money to send home to their families so they mostly worked in factories and they planned to return to their homes

What is nativism?

Being prejudice based on where you are from

What was plessy vs ferguson?

-What sorts of results did it have?

It established the separate but equal schools

-Schools were allowed to be segregated but not actually equal

What were Jim Crow laws designed to do?

They were meant to segregate the black and white communities

Describe "racial etiquette" What was its purpose?

Enforce subordination

What was the ultimate goal of southern whites in disenfranchising African Americans in the post-reconstruction South?

To redeem the south by returning to pre-civil war society, self help as resistance, end voting rights, legalize segregation

What was the convict lease system?

It was when black convicts would be leased out to people who payed and they could be worked to death with no penalty to the renter and after they died they renter would give them a new worker

Who gave the Atlanta Compromise Speech and what was its central message?

Booker T. Washington. He said that "In all things social we can be as separate as the five fingers"

What were the main differences between the ideas of Booker T. Washington and WEB DuBois?

Booker T Washington was born a slave and graduated high school, While WEB was born middle class and went to Harvard and Fisk. Booker did not have a demand for full equality, where a WEB did.

What were the NAACP's main goals?

Full equality?

Describe the post 1915 version of the KKK, Where were they located? Who did they target?

Black, latino, Indian, Immigrant, catholic, Jewish, communist, evolution, birth control, women working. Used violence such as lynching and riots

How did A. Philip Randolph's ideas differ from the NAACP and WEB Dubois?

He thought DuBois only had a negro style of thinking, roaring 20s had an economic context with a vast gap between rich and poor, united black and whites by being a class socialist.

How did Marcus Garvey's ideas differ from the NAACP and WEB?

His goals were equality and beyond, black nationalism, separate destinies, didn't impress black leaders, but blacks loved him.

Did Harlem (Black artistic) Renaissance writers, such as Claude McKay and Langston Hughes, always agree on the purpose their work should serve?

No. Claude McKay wrote about fighting back and Langston Hughes writes about how whites and blacks should come together and fight for solidarity

What arguments did the NAACP make in Brown v Board of Education?

The facilities themself are not equal, but psychologically unequal also. (when given two dolls the black children said the white doll was better) The decision mandated that the separate facilities were not inherently equal

What were the goals of white citizens councils (KKK in suites)?

Political leaders of southern towns who try to use economic pressure on african americans by evicting them and firing them to get them dropped out of the movement

What was the southern manifesto?

It was southern political resistance document signed by national politicians that calls for all out resistance to the brown decision (desegregation). It blamed the Brown decision.

1955 Emmit Till: What happened to him and how did the event affect the civil rights movement?

He whistles at a white woman, he was kidnapped and beaten to death, the men who did it were found innocent but later admitted to it. It gained news coverage and sparked a new generation of activist

1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott: What roles did women play in the boycott specifically?

-What effect did it have on the civil rights movement?

Women filed lawsuits, became non riders, Rosa Parks, Womens political cacus (existed in montgomery, middle clas black women who came together with the idea of being activists, planned boycotts and did most of the ground work)

-It gave the first example of the kind of strategy that the southern movement is going to use for the next few years (trying to call attention to what's going on so that the feds are forced to step in and compel southern communities to adhere already existing laws)

1957 Little Rock Central High School: How did the governor react to the plans to desegragate?

He used the national guard to stop students from attending school.

How did SNCC's organization and strategies differ from SCLC?

The SNCC was a more peaceful march oriented organization and the SCLC was a more violent organization

1963 Birmingham: Why was it chosen as a protest sight?

Because Birmingham was openly hostile and racist; their mayor Bull Conner was openly racist and civil rights leaders wanted their protest to be televised

1963 March on Washington: What was its purpose? Who took part? Did all its participants agree on their roles? How did southerners react?

To bring attention to the civil rights movement.

-NAACP, SNCC, CORE, SCLC participated

-Yes it was successful

-No, women were unhappy in their supportive roles only

-"I have a dream" speech took place, also contributes to growing support amongst the non block community in the north and helps lead to the passage of the civil rights act

-Some southerners reacted with violence

1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer: What was their primary goal? What happened?

To get blacked registered to vote

-There was a lot of violence and three of the volunteers were killed and the guilty people got short sentences

1964 Fanny Lou Harmer & the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party: What was her/their goal?

To protest democratic delegates because of their voter suppression, they were not successful

What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 say?

Prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, nationality, and sex in public places of accommodation, employment, and federal programs

1965 Selma: Why is it historically significant?

It was the end of a unified interracial coalition and brought about the 1965 Voting Rights Act

Why did the Southern style Civil Rights movement believe it was necessary to gain national media attention to the movement?

Because the feds responded to media attention

How did the spread of the suburbs affect the African American community?

Suburbs restricted African American ownership, covenants, and practices. FHA loan policies discriminated against the,. They were not allowed loans or renovation to their homes.

How did Malcolm X and the nation of Islam differ from the southern style (MLK) civil rights movement?

Malcolm X believed in meeting violence while MLK believed in remaining peaceful no matter what.

What did the Kerner Commission say was the primary cause of northern race violence?

It says that white racism is responsible for unrest in the society

Were MLK's efforts in Chicago in 1966 successful in instigating real change in housing policy?

No, because the governor talked of making changes but never actually followed through

Was black power strictly a northern movement?

No it was in the south too.

How did the goals of the Black Panthers differ from the goals of MLK and the SCLC?

Black panthers wanted separatism, not to be a part of the typical american system that would integrate whites and blacks

Describe the "ideal" suburban life of the 1950's and expected role of middle-class white women in this ideal

-How did reality complicate this ideal?

A car in every garage, a mom in every home, and a tv in every living room. Women were supposed to stay home al day and take care of their families.

-Complicated because more women started to go outside the house to work

What was the feminine Mytsique and what was its effect on society?

It is a book written by Berry Ferdan that said women are frustrated. They have a right to want something more than their husbands and children. Inspires the NOW group.

What sorts of legal limitations did women face in employment, education, and control over their own bodies in the 1960's?

It was legal not to hire a woman simply because she was a woman, they were not allowed into schools if the school chose not to allow women, and women were not allowed to receive abortions unless under very extreme circumstances

How did the civil rights movement and suburban life contribute to the founding of NOW?

Just a guess, suburban life lead to living in communities, and was also the start of women working outside of the home so women were able to communicate and get together more

What was NOW and what was their original intent?

-What role did the 1964 Civil Right Act play in their plans?

-What organization did they see as their model?

-They wanted to spread quality

-Having no discrimination against race, color, religion, and sex

-No f@#Kng clue

How did NOW and Women's Liberation groups (such as the feminists) differ?

The NOW wanted equality between men and women, improve their lives. The feminists wanted to get rid of it completely, totally against it.

What sort of challenged did the LGTBQ community face in the 1950's and 1960's?

Legal discrimination (discharged from militarym fired or not hired form jobs) and cultural stigmatization (being gay was considered a disorder until 1973)

What was the focus on the Mattachine Society and the Daughters of Bilitis?

Female version of mattachine society. (The right not to get fired form their jobs because theyre fags)

What even is often cited as the beginning of the Gay rights Movement?

The stonewall inn uprising in 1969

Did the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) advocate for marriage equality?

No they advocate to be integrated into mainstream society. They don't argue for marriage equality because they don't believe in marriage at all.

Did the American Indian Movement (AIM) most resemble the NAACP or the Black Panthers?

Black panthers because they were a more power and liberation group