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40 Cards in this Set

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Who was the Serbian “terrorist” who assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand?
At which conference did most of Europe turn against German claims to Morocco and actually back France?
June Days
During a period lasting several days in June 1848, riots broke out in Paris that effectively put an end to the Revolution of 1848 in France. Those riots were known as the ______________.
Frederick William IV
Who was king of Prussia during the Revolution of 1848?
Lord Grey
Which British prime minister passed the Great Reform Act of 1830 which redistricted much of the United Kingdom and made the country much more democratic?
Louis Napoleon
Who was the leading socialist in France during the Revolution of 1848?
What was the first industry in Britain to industrialize?
Boer war
Britain’s near defeat in the ____________ War cause a search for allies and an initial overture to Germany.
The ________________ Plan called for Germany to attack France as soon as the Russian army began to mobilize before World War I.
Napoleon was exiled to the island of ________ before his escape and eventual defeat at Waterloo.
Workers, disgruntled with the Industrial Revolution, sought to destroy the machines themselves in the _________ Riots or Movement.
Social Darwinism
___________ ______________ is the belief that stronger nations and cultures must destroy weaker ones for the evolution of society.
Who defeated Napoleon both at the Battle of the Nile and Trafalgar?
What is the main weapon that labor unions have to use against management? _________________
1. Large navy
2. has the economy to make it work
Name two reasons why the Industrial Revolution happened first in Britain and not somewhere else.
As a response to the industrial revolution, some Christian religions became ________________.
Thomas Edison
Who invented the electric light? _______________
Who developed the internal combustion engine?
Irish Potato Famine
What terrible event in the mid 1800s seemed to justify the reasoning of “An Essay on Population,” and the “Iron Law of Wages?” ________________
What small nation was Napoleon unable to defeat, arguably because it too was for the first time fighting as a nation? _____________
In 1904 Britain signed a “friendly agreement” or __________ with France.
Italy, Germany, Austria
The Triple Alliance at the outbreak of World War I included __________, ____________, and ____________.
Rupert Brooke
Who wrote the Poem “Peace?”
Who invented the Cotton Gin? ______________
Eli Whitney
William II allowed the ____________ treaty with Russia to lapse, pushing the Russians into the arms of France.
Prussia defeated France at the Battle of
After suffering through the Russian winter Napoleon suffered his first major defeat in the Battle of
Who invented the Flying Shuttle?
John Kay
This group advocated NO government, and wanted their goal immediately. They tried to gain their goal by assassination and bombings.
Modern day Turkey was at the time of World War I known as the _______________ Empire.
Who took power in France after the Revolution of 1848? _____________
Louis Napoleon
Who developed the “Iron Law of Wages” which stated that paying over a subsistence wage would simply cause workers to have too many children and would result in famine?
David Ricardo
Nat Turner
Who led the Slave Revolt in the US south in 1831?
Who helped to soften the ideals of Liberalism by arguing that there ought to be somewhat better factory working conditions and pay
The north fundamentally restructuring the defeated south
Reconstruction was
The _______ __________ Laws legalized segregation in the Reconstruction South.
jim crowe
The proletariat is often referred to as
The working class
Who were the new political force which wanted government ownership of the means of production
What was the most effective punishment that a plantation owner could threaten to keep his slaves from attempting to escape? ___________
____________ ____________ was a Utopian Socialist who believed that all one had to do was demonstrate the superiority of the Socialist system by constructing Socialists factories.
Robert Owen