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47 Cards in this Set

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Components of Genital ducts
Epididymis; Ductus deferens; ejaculatory duct; Urethra

All are paired except urethra
What are the major genital glands?
Seminal vesicles, prostate, bulbourethral glands
Where are sperm formed?
Convoluted portions of seminiferous tubule of testes
What cells produce male sex hormones?
leydig cells in CT of testes
Sperm leave the straight portions of seminiferous tubules to enter the _______
rete testis, in mediastinum of testis
What is the ampulla?
Area where ductus deferens enlarges and is joined at duct by seminal vesicle
Which gland is posterior to urinary bladder?
Paired seminal vesicles
What secretes into the beginning of penile urethra?
Paired bulbourethral glands
When do spermatogonia (diploid precursor cells) begin to divide by mitosis?
When do oogonia (diploid precursor cells) begin to divide by mitosis?
before birth ONLY
Visceral portion of tunica vaginalis overlies __________, while the parietal portion of tunica vaginalis overlies _________
tunica albuginea; internal scrotal wall (other side of processus vaginalis)
What lines processus vaginalis?
visceral and parietal layers of tunica vaginalis
What epithelium does tunica vaginalis have?
Simple squamous
The mediastinum (formed from tunica albuginea) contains the ___________, the beginning of the ducts that transport sperm outside
rete testis
What makes the blood - testis barrier?
Tight junctions between adjacent Sertoli cells.
Where are spermatogonia found?
Basal lamina portion of blood-testis barrier
Primary spermatocytes are ______ bigger than spermatogonia and foudn in the _________ direction
1.5 times; apical (moving upward towards lumen)
How do nuclei size of secondary spermatocytes compare to spermatogonia ?
about same size
What is luteinizing hormone called in males and what does it do?
Called interstitial cell stimulating hormones (ICSH), Stimulates Interstitial cells of Leydig to produce steroids.
What regulates Sertoli cells?
Follicle stimulating hormone from gonadotrope cells in adenohypophysis
T/F Sertoli cells do not divide
What is difference between early and late spermatids?
Spermatids undergo cytodifferentiations to form spermatozoa by spermiogenesis.
What happens during spermiogenesis?
Intercellular bridges break down, nucleus condenses and elongates, acrosome forms (has hydrolytic enzymes and penetrates zona pellucida); flagellum forms from diplosome
What lines efferent ducts that connect rete testis with epididymis?
Simple epithelium with scalloped border composed of alternating taller, ciliated cells and shorter cuboidal cells. Function to propel spermatozoa and resorb testicular fluid
What are the coni vasculi?
As the efferent ducts exit the testis, they become highly coiled and form conical structures, the coni vasculi, who broad bases form part of the head of epididymis
As convoluted tubules enlarge during puberty, what happens to the mediastinum?
It gets pushed to posterior of testis
Regions of epididymis
Head, body, tail
What's the composition and function of head region of epididymis?
Contains duct of epididymis, a single duct formed by fusion of efferent ducts.
Functions as storage site for sperm, absorbing excess fluid, movement of sperm towards ductus deferens
Scallopy border resulting from tall and short epithelial cells is diagnostic for what?
efferent ducts (connecting rete testis of mediastinum with duct of epididymis)
What's the difference in shape between epididymal and efferent ducts?
Epididymal duct is smooth; efferent ducts are scalloped
What comprises the spermatic cord?
Ductus deferens (carries sperm); CT, nerves, testicular artery; pampiniform plexus
What is the thick muscular tube specialized to propel sperm from duct of epididymis to ejaculatory duct of prostate?
Ductus deferens
What is purpose of pampiniform plexus?
To exchange heat to make sure testes dont get too hot
What provides the bulk of seminal fluid including fructose, proteins, etc?
Seminal vesicles, paired glands posterior to bladder
What helps distinguish seminal vesicle from ampulla of oviduct?
Central lumen, and numerous arcades surrounding it
What are the prostatic concretions?
Lamellated spherical bodies that are condensations of secretory products. Increase with age.
What epithelium lines prostate?
pseudostratified columnar
What are the 3 cylinders of erectile tissue in penis?
corpus cavernosa (dorsal, paired); corpus spongiosum
Deep artery supplies __________
each corpus cavernosum
What are the glands of Littre?
mucus secreting glands in corpus spongiosum
What causes erection?
parasympathetic activity causes relaxation of smooth muscle/dilation of deep and helicine arteries, allowing filling of cavernous spaces to expand tissue that pushes against tunica albuginea
Which becomes more erect: corpus cavernosum or spongiosum?
Cavernosum. Tunica albuginea is thinner in spongiosum.
What makes up the coni vasculosi?
Coiled efferent duct; surrounding connective tissue, and vasculature
What is mediastinum formed from?
Tunica albuginea
What are diagnostic for the prostate?
presence of prostatic concretions
What are sterocilia?
tall microvilli, not cilia.
epithelium of rete testis
Low cuboidal