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38 Cards in this Set

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Ritual and daily living space


Spiritual leaders


Sacred space where sabedores carry out rituals on the Maloca


What is the purpose of the Coca ritual?

For the Sabedores to communicate with their gods and spirits to analyse and resolve problems presented in the community

What is the preparation process of the ritual Coca?

-Ritual Coca is gathered

-Leaves are toasted

-Then pulverised using a mortar and pestle

-Dry Yarumo leaves are burnt

-Yarumo ash and coca leaves are mixed creating mambe

-Mambe is sieved

-Coca is then prepared in the chagra

What is the principle of medicine in the Uitoto tribe?

The holistic approach of balancing energies in the body

What plant is used in the preparation of Ambil?


What is Yaje?

A hollucinogenic plant used by the sabedores to communicate with gods

What is a Chagra?

A sacred area where ritual and medicinal plants and food are grown, located in primary jungle


Food source

Needs to be prepared properly or can be toxic

Slash and Burn agriculture

Type of farming used in the cultivation of the Chagra, slashing and burning does not destroy the underground network of plants and fertilises the soil


-Hot pepper

-Ritual, food and medicinal uses


-Edible and medicinal plant

-Source of carbohydrates, vitamins etc

-Food source for animals, brings animals to the chagra


-Fruit eaten and seeds kept and toasted to make chocolate

-Other family members also used as a food source


-Many different varieties

-Good source of Fibre, Thiamine, copper, Magnesium and vitamins

Cashew (Maranon)

-Toasted nut, good source of oil

-Red fleshy part is juicy and contains tannins, anti-diarrhoeal


-Fruit: very sweet taste, good source of vitamin B

-Young leaves used as an antiseptic for wounds


-Cultivated for food

-Carbohydrate source

-Vitamins B and C


-Fruit used to make nutritious drink

-Juice rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B, omega - 6 and 9

-Used medicinally to treat diarrhoea

-Tea made to treat worms

Riverine Chagras

-Chagras cultivated on flood planes where the river level goes down leaving fertile beaches

-Plants with short harvest time grown here due to rise and fall of river level

Plants grown in river chagras


-Coconut palms

-Rum fruit


Fish that eats and spreads seeds



-Food delicacy

-Worm that lives on a palm tree

-Larvae of the Rhinoceros beetle


-Fruit of the Totumo tree

-Used against flu

-Used as a kitchen implement


-Natural soap

-Inner part of the bark is used externally as an aesthetic and in the treatment of wounds

-Used in preparation on vegetable salt

Isolongifolenone from the resin of the Tauroniro tree

Insect repellent


-Shampoos and to prevent grey hairs

-Contains anti-tumour-promoting iridoid glucose

-Also used as body paint

Steps in healing used by Uitoto

1. Diagnosis

2. Location of Cure

3. Collection of medicine

4. Preparation of medicine

5. Conjuration

6. Use

Clearing in primary forest with solitary trees



-Used to treat mouth infections

-Used when young and red in colour

-When it ages it becomes whiteish and toxic

-Grows on felled trees in the chagra



-Root bark must be collected from the side of the tree that receives the first sun in the morning

-In western countries used against cancer

Sacha Ajo

-A vine to keep negative energies away

-Similar to garlic

Use of tree bark as a splint

-Used as a splint for broken bones

-As the cut tree heals, so does the bone

-Plant sap may also contain wound/bone healing compounds and/or painkiller


-Removal of negative energies (usually using tobacco)

-Attraction of positive energies to the patient (Bathing the patient with "sentilla")

-Bring the person back into balance with his/her environment and community (usually with a ritual dance)


Plants containing poisonous chemical compounds in their roots, used for fishing.

What is Homeopathy?

-'Like cures like'

-Method of prescribing according to the matching symptoms

-Using a compound that causes the same symptoms to treat a disease with the same symptom

What is the Hahnemannian Potency scale

- decimal 1:10 serial dilution

- centesimal 1:100 serial dilution

What is the Korsakovian Potency Scale

-1:1000 and 1:10000 serial dilution