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28 Cards in this Set

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List electrical system major components

Electrical Cockpit Control Panel, PDU, GCU, Batteries, C/B panels, Starter Generator, External power, Toroid ground fault transformer.

PDU location

L/R fwd belly electrical bays

GCU location

L/R fwd belly electrical bays

Battery location

L/R fwd belly electrical bays

Electrical Cockpit Control Panel location

L/H cockpit

C/B panel location

L/R cockpit

External power receptacle location

R fwd lower fairing

Toroid ground fault transformer location, both

Upper pylons for ground, GLC feed cable in PDU

Starter generator location

Accessory drive gearbox, L/R engine.

External power requirements

18-32 VDC accepted, 27.5-28.5 optional, correct polarity.

External power control

Plug in, battery master on.

Describe battery type legacy

2 batteries, 28 Amp hour

Describe battery type elite.

L lightweight 17 amp hour, R 28 amp hour.

turn on ground service bus operation

Open, external power or cabin door

What does ground service bus power

Externally serviceable Toilet macerator

How is generator to PDU cable protected

Toroid ground fault sensor. GND in pylon, power in PDU.

Generator power type

28 VDC

Generator output rating

325 amps

Generator inspection procedures

Inspect brushes 600 hours. Replace at 1200 hours.

What controls generators

GCU, generator control unit

Which battery controls engine start.

#2 battery

Allowable PDU maintenance.

Reset circuit breakers, reset solid state relays via MFD, remove and replace PDU.

Describe AC electrical system

1-2 inverters, 110 VAC, 3-6 A/C outlets in cabin

Which bus supplies inverter 1

Cabin bus A

Which bus supplies inverter 2

Cabin bus B

AC outlet flashes green

Inverter power up

AC outlet solid white

Inverter bit failure, GFU, inverter overtemp

AC outlet green

110 VAC power