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29 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Superficial muscle of back

Origin: Skull, ligamentum nuchae, and vertebral spines

Inserts: Scapula (Spine and Acromium) and clavicle

Function: Elevates, retracts, and rotates scapula

Innervation: Accessory nerve (CN XI)
Latissimus Dorsi
Superficial muscle of back

Origin: Iliac crests and associated foscia

Inserts: Humerus

Function: Adduction, medial rotation of arm (humerus)

Innervation: Thoracodorsal nerve (C6-C8)
Levator Scapulae
Superficial muscle of back; Deep to Trapezius

Origin: Vertebrae

Insertion: Sperior medial border of scapula

Function: Elevation of Scapula

Innervation: C3 and C4 (upper part) and dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
Rhomboid Major and Minor
Superficial muscle of back; Deep to Trapezius

Origin: Vertebrae or ligamentum nuchae

Insertion: Medial border of scapula

Function: Retract scapula

Innervation: Dorsal scapular nerve
Serratus Posterior Superior
Intermediate muscle of back (Function in respiration)

Deep to rhomboids

Origin: Vertebrae and ligamentum nuchae

Insertion: Ribs

Function: Elevates ribs

Innervation: Segmentally innervated by ventral rami of spinal nerves
Serratus Posterior Inferior
Intermediate Muscle of the back; deep to latissimus dorsi

Origin: Vertebrae

Insertion: Ribs

Function: Depresses Ribs

Innervation: Ventral rami of spinal nerves
Deep (native) muscle of the back consisting of multiple muscle bundles

Wrapped around other deep muscles in neck

Origin: Vertebrae or ligamentum nuchae

Insertion: Skull or more superior vertebrae

Function: Extends and rotates head

Innervation: Segmentally innerv. by dorsal rami of spinal nerves
Erector Spinae
Deep muscle of back

Consists of iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis parts

Origin: Iliac crests and vertebrae

Insertion: More superior vertebrae, ribs, and skull

Function: Major extensor of spine; also laterally bends spine

Innervation: Segmentally innervated by dorsal rami of spinal nerves

Associated with back strain and lower back pain
Deep back muscle; deep to erector spinae

Consists of semispinalis (most superficial) multifidus, and rotatores

Origin: Vertebrae

Insertion: More superior vertebrae and skull

Function: Extends head and upper spine(semispinalis) and stabilizes vertebrae (multifidus and rotatores

Innervation: Dorsal rami of spinal nerves
Scapula Region

Origin: Spine and acromium of scapula and from clavicle

Insertion: Humerus

Function: Abductor of arm; also flexes and medially rotates arm (anterior fibers), extends and laterally rotates arm (posterior fibers)

Innervation: Axillary nerve (C5, C6)
Scapula Region

Origin: Supraspinatus Fossa of scapula

Insertion: Greater tubercle of humerus

Function: Abduction of arm

Innervation: Supracscapular nerve (C5,C6)
Origin: Infraspinatus fossa of scapula

Insertion: Greater tubercle of humerus

Function: Lateral rotation of arm

Innervation: Suprascapular nerve (C5, C6)
Teres Minor
Origin: Lateral border of scapula

Insertion: Greater tubercle of humerus

Function: Laterally rotates arm

Innervation: Axillary nerve (C5, C6)
Teres Major
Origin: Inferolater part of scapula

Insertion: Humerus, near insertion of latissimus dorsi

Function: Adduction and medial rotation of arm

Innervation: Upper and lower subscapular nerves (C5, C6)
Scapula Region

Origin Subscapular fossa of scapula

Insertion: Lesser tubercle of humerus

Function: Medial rotation of arm

Innervation: Upper and lower subscapular nerves (C5, C6)
Rotator Cuff
Scapula Region

Muscles: Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, ters minor, subscapularis ("SITS"

Function: Hold humeral head in glenoid fossa during all movements of shoulder joint
Quadrangular Space
Scapula Region

Boundaries: Teres minor, teres major, long head of triceps brachii, and surgical neck of humerus

Importance: Axillary nerve passes through to supply deltoid and teres minor and can be injured by fracture of surgical neck of humerus
Pectoralis Major
Pectoral Region

Origin: Clacicle, sternum, and ribs

Insertion: Humerus near insertions of latissiumus dorsi and teres major

Function: Adducts and medially rotates arm; also fleses arm (clavicular portion) and extends arm (sternocostal portion)

Innervation: Clavicular fibers by lateral pectoral nerve (C5-C7), sternocostal fibers by medial pectoral nerve (C8-T1)
Pectoral Minor
Deep to pectoralis major

Origin: ribs

Insertion: coracoid process of scapula

Function: stabilizes scapula

Innervation: Pierced and innervated by medial pectoral nerve
Pectoral region

Origin: First rib

Insertion: Clavicle

Function: Pulls acromion anteriorly through clavicle

Innervation: Nerve to subclavious (C5,C6)
Serratus Anterior
Pectoral region

Origin: Ribs

Insertion: Medial border of scapula

Function: Protraction of scapula and holds it against thoracic wall

Innervation: Long thoraci nerve (C5-C7)

Injured by surgery or trauma to lateral thoracic wall; paralysis of muscle causes "winged scapula"
Pyramidal-shaped space between upper limb and thoracic wall; contains great vessels and nerves of upper limb
Upper Brachial Plexus Injury
Cause: Excessive angulation between shoulder and neck or stretching of neck; damage to C5 and C6 rami or upper trunk

Symptoms: Loss of most of shoulder and all anterior arm motions (arms adducted and medially rotated with loss of forearm flexion and supination

Called Erb's palsy or " waite's tip position"
Flexer muscle of arm (brachium)

Origin: Coracoid process of scapula

Insertion: Humerus

Function: flexes and adducts arm
Biceps brachii
Flexer arm muscle

Origin: coracoid process 9short head) and supraglenoid tubercle (above glenoid fossa) of scapula long head)

Insertion: Radius and fascia of forearm via bicipital aponeurosis

Function: flexes and supinates forearm, assists in flexion of arm (since both heads cross shoulder joint)

Innervation: Musculotaneous nerve (continues as lateral antibrachial nerve)
Flexer arm muscle; Deep to biceps brachii

Origin: humerus

Insertion: coronoid process of ulna

Function: flexes forearm (principle flexor

(continues as lateral antibrachial nerve)

Innervation: Musculotaneous nerve
Triceps (posterior) muscles
Extensor arm muscles

Origin: Infraglenoid tubercle (below glenoid fossa) of scapula (long head) and humerus (lateral and medial heads)

Insertion: Ulna (olecranon)

Function: extends forearm, assists in extension and adduction of arm

Innervation: Radial nerve
Extensor muscle of arm

Originates from humerus

Insertion: ulna

Function: Assists triceps in extension of arm

Innervation: Radial nerve
Brachial Artery
Begins in teres major (continuation of axillary artery) and divides into radial and ulnar arteries in cubital fossa

Accompanies median nerve in arm

Importance: Supplies all muscles of arm, forearm, and hand; used to measure blood pressure