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10 Cards in this Set

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an inorganic, solid material found in nature.
solid, inorganice material that is usually made up of two or more minerals and can be metamorphic, sedimentary, or igneous.
solid material with atoms arranged in a repeating pattern.
rare, valuable mineral that can be cut and polished.
mineral resource that can be mined at a profit.
Explain the difference between a mineral and a rock.
A mineral is the solid found in nature. A rock is made up on minerals.
Where in Earth is a diamond formed?
Diamond's form deep in the Earth's mantle.
Describe an event that must occur in order for a diamond to reach Earth's surface.
A special kind of volcanic eruption to bring the diamond to the earth's surgace in magma.
When is a mineral considered to be an ore?
A mineral is an ore if it containes enough of a useful substance to be sold for profit.
Describe the steps of mining, smelting, and refining that are used to extract minerals or elements from ores.
Ore is mined and melted to seperate the good minerals from the bad (smleting), then it is refined or purified.