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36 Cards in this Set

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At the time of American independence, democracy was associated with

mob rule

__________ is the idea that a numerical majority of a group should hold the power to make decisions binding on the whole group; simple majority.

Majority Rule

The Framers grew on ideas of the British political philosophers __________ and __________ in perceiving the relationship between government and the governed as a social contract.

Hobbes and Locke

__________ is the theory that government has only the authority accorded it by the consent of the governed

Social Contract

The Constitution created a ________ in whichpeople elected others to govern in their name.

Representative Government

The term ________ was defined by Madison as anygroup that places its own interests above the aggregate interests of society


What document formally established the USA?

Articles of Confederation

Under the Connecticut Compromise...

the house of representatives would be proportional to population, but the Senate would represent each state equally

The indirect election of senators was intended to serve as a check on...

popular will

The Constitution established a bicameral Congress, which means that

in consists of 2 chambers

__________splits power between nation and state; __________ divides the powers that remained with the national government among threebranches of government.

Federalism; Separation of Powers

The necessary and proper clause...

requires that the law be necessary and proper to one of the enumerated powers.

Powers that belong to both the state and national government are called...

concurrent powers

The __________, which was passed in 1868, prohibits states from denying any persons due process and the equal protection of the laws.

14th amendment

__________ federalism recognized that, while the national government rules supreme in some spheres, the state government remain supreme in others, with layers of authority separate from one another, an arrangement that political scientists compare to a "layer cake".

Dual Federalism

In 1932, __________ was elected President having promised a New Deal to americans who had lost their jobs, homes, and savings to the Great Depression.

FDR-- Franklin Roosevelt

__________, Republican President from 1981-1989, declared in his first inaugural address, "Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."

Ronald Reagan

Where in the Constitution are civil liberties protected?

the first ten amendments

As originally written, the Bill of Rights limited the ...

National Government not the state governments

The Supreme Courts applied the provisions of the Bill of Rights to the states through the process of...


The __________ clause of the First Amendment prevents Congress from recognizing one church by law as the nation's official church, as Britain had done with the Anglican Church.


Southern laws that were established with strict segregation of the races would be known as the...

Jim Crow laws

__________ are the programs that grant preferences to minorities and/or women in employment, education, or contracting; yet they not only aimed to ensure equality of opportunity but also to promote equality of outcome.

Affirmative Action

The landmark __________ (1990) requires public and private employers to make "reasonable accommodations" to known physical and mental limitations of employees with the disabilities and, if possible, to modify performance standards to accommodate an employee's disability.

Americans with Disabilities Act

One of the leaders of the founding generation who was critical of democracy and provided legal counsel to British Soldiers charged in the Boston Massacre

John Adams

Principle that states in the federal system should be empowered to avoid compliance with certain actions of the national government that they oppose


Three distinct functions that emerged among the delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention

North v. South

Large v. Small State

National v. State governments

List three delegates in attendance at the 1787 Constitutional convention




List three types of constitutional grants of power to levels of government in a federal system




List three constitutional foundations present in constitutional amendments for the right to privacy that the Supreme Court has proclaimed

1st amendment

9th amendment

14th amendment

List three legal restrictions on voting enacted by state governments that effectively limited African-American suffrage after the ratification of the 15th Amendment (1870).

Poll tax

white primary

literacy test

List three constitutional principles designed to limit government

separation of powers

checks and balances


List three specific rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights

freedom of religion

freedom of speech

freedom of the press

List three alternative interpretations of the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment

no preference

no state church

wall of separation

List three specific groups in American society that have been subjected to and agitated against public/private discrimination




List three political values widely shared in the American political culture

civil liberties/rights

