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43 Cards in this Set

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Did the Kaiser want an army, navy, or air force to rival Britain's? Why?

Navy. It would frighten Britain and make gaining colonies easier.

Why was Britain concerned about Germany's increase in arms?

Germany is landlocked so would not require a navy.

They must have been preparing for war.

When was the first navy law passed? What did it allow?

1898. It allowed the building of 7 battleships, which would be built in the next 3 years.

When was the second navy law passed? What did it allow?

1900 during the Boer war in South Africa. they sympathized with the boers and use it as an excuse to increase their fleet 38 battleships.

In 1906 what was the name of the new British battleship.


Germany had a revolution in October. What did this entail?

Germany became a democratic republic.

When did the Kaiser abdicate?

November 1918

Why were German workers bitter about their earnings during the war?

Because of the restrictions and the fact that factory owners made vast fortunes from the war.

Who were the different revolts led by?

Soldiers, workers and socialists

How much money did Germany have to pay in reparations?

6.6 billion

What is the strip of land called; lost to Poland; that gives Poland access to the sea?

The Polish Corridor

The military was ? In the Rhineland and the Ruhr.


Were the views towards the Treaty of Versailles positive or negative? Why?

Very negative. Many people felt they had been stabbed in the back by the German generals as they believed they could have kept fighting and won the war.

What percentage of Germany's annual output was reparations?


In 1922-23 when Germany couldn't pay reparations; what did France and Belgium do?

French and Belgium troops took over the Ruhr and took what was owed to them in raw materials.

Why was there inflation in Germany?

No goods to trade and were forced to import them.

They government printed more money to pay off reparations

What is the term for what happened after inflation?


What happened to money during hyper-inflation and the effect it had on different classes.

Prices rocketed

More money in circulation.

Money was worthless

Wages paid daily

Middle classes lost savings

What was the title for the head of state in the Weimar Constitution?


Who did the President appoint?


Who did the President appoint?


What does the Chancellor do?

Day-to-day government but needs the support of the Reichstag.

What term is used to describe how the Reichstag was elected?

Proportional representation.

Give some points about left wing parties.

Oppose capitalism

Political power to workers

Change society rapidly

Communism is extreme

Give some points about right wing parties.

Support capitalism

Strong authotarian rulers

Keep society stable

Fascism and Nazism are extreme

What was the nickname given to the Communists?


What was the nickname given to the right wing ex-military?


In January 1919, what did the Spartakus' want and what did they do to achieve is?

Led an uprising as they wanted a Communist style take over just like in Russia.

Was there more hatred for the left or right wing parties?

Left wing parties

When Hitler believe in the time had come to topple the Weimar government; what did he do and when?

The Munich Putsh

November 1923

Was the Munich Putsh a success or a failure?


What happened at Hitler's trial for after the Munich Putsh?

It got a lot of publicity and Hitler used the court room as a stage. The judges were sympathetic and agreed with his views. He was only given 5 years and he was elligable for parole after 9 months.

What was the Young Plan of 1929

Reparations were dropped to £2.2 billion and was given a further 59 years to pay.

What was the Dawes Plan of 1924?

The US would loan Germany money. This reassured the allies so resistance in the Ruhr would be called off.

What were the two new currencies created by Streseman?

Rentenmark - 1923

Reichsmark - 1924

What was the Locarno Pact of 1924

A treaty between Germany, Britain, France, Italy and Belgium.

Germany agreed to keep its new 1919 border with France and Belgium in return for the Allied troops to leave the Rhineland.

What was The League of Nations?

A new international body where powerful countries discussed ways of solving the world problems. It was set up at the end of WWI.

What was the Kellog-Briand Pact?

In August 1928, Germany and 61 other countries signed the pact. It promised that states would not use war to achieve foreign policy aims.

What was the famous style of design and architecture that developed in the Weimar Culture?

Bauhaus style

What did the Weimar Constitution allow in terms of culture?

Free expression of ideas.

What type of paintings did Hitler not like? What did some examples show?

Abstract paintings. Some criticised politicians or depicted the horrors of war.

What did Cabaret do in Weimar Culture?

Glamourised topics such as alcohol or sex.

What became a usual past time in Germany's night life?

Going to clubs; cinema; listening to live bands.