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48 Cards in this Set

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Which of the 'big five' mass extinctions resulted in 2nd level ecological disruptions without significantly effecting reef ecosystems?

Late Devonian, End Cretaceous

On what scale do alpha, beta and gamma diversity differ?


Which type of diversity is plotted in Sepkoski Curves?

Family-Level Diversity

Calculate Simpsons evenness index for the following fossil community

Answer: 1 - ( (Total Number of specimens / Number of individual species) Squared)

How many Bambachian megaguilds are represented by the 5 species listed in the table below?

Two - Megaguild: group of guilds that have the same space utilization, food source and overall body plan.

In which geological period appear the first representatives of the modern evolutionary fauna?


How did the diversity of the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna develop during the Mesozoic?

Mesozoic Marine Revolution (MMR)

Increased Diversification driven by evolution of durophagy (ability of predators to crush shells)

Which quantitative method results in a plot shown below?

Rarefaction Curve: Randomly re-sampling a pool of N samples multiple times and then plotting the average number of species found in each sample.

What is described by the Signor-Lipps Effect?

The first & last appearance of a fossil taxon is never truly known as the fossil record is never complete.

Define the term convergent evolution

The process whereby organisms not closely related independently evolve similar traits as a results of having to adopt similar ecological niches and having the same selection pressures.

To what substrate were crinoids with lots of arms and a long flexible steam likely attached?

Driftwood - Psudoplanktonic organisms are those that attach themselves to planktonic organisms or other floating objects.

In the diagram below mark the type of surviorship curve that is typically for population of organisms with an R-Strategy

Type 3

Name two characteristics of K-stragists

Small numbers of slowly developing young (late onset of maturity) Large body sizes, Long life expectancy, Low rates of population growth.

Name two characteristics of r-strategists

High fecundity (large numbers of offspring) small body size, short generation time, early maturity.

The base of which geological period is defined by the first appearance of ichnospecies?


If burrow A cuts across burrow B, which was formed in a shallower tier?


What happens to burrow size as oxygen levels in the marine environment decrease?

Burrow size decreases

What is the name given to the study of fossil communities?


What is the term used to describe the sedimentary rock fabrics caused by the activities of burrowing organisms?


Give 2 examples of trace fossils that are underground miners



Which ichnofacies indicates quiet, deep, muddy environments and is dominated by pascichnia and agrichnia?


Which ichnofacies indicates mobile, sandy substrates and is dominated by vertical domichnia?


What term is given to fossil taxa that temporary disappear from the rock record, e.g. in the aftermath of extinction events?

Lazarus Taxa

Which large igneous province is associated with the with the late Triassic mass extinction event.

Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP)

Name an important use of Micro fossils in geology

Dating/Correlating rocks (Biostratigraphy) and Past environments (climate change)

Give an example of a method used in the preparation of sediment samples for micro fossil analysis.

Foraminifera - Washing (water, chemicals, sieving, picking); Heavy liquid concentration.

Name a micro fossil group which has a calcareous shell.

Foraminifera & Discoasters

Name a micro fossil group which has a siliceous shell.

Diatom & Radiolarians

Name a micro fossil group which has organic-walled shells.

Pollen & Spores

The life cycle of foraminifera is characterized by an alternation between two generation, one that reproduces sexually and one a-sexually, Name them.

Gamont (Sexually) & Agamont (asexually)

In the classification of foraminifera, Loeblich & Tappan (1964) recognized 5 sub orders. Name the suborder of Foraminifera which has inperferate, porcelaneous and calcerious walls?


In the classification of foraminifera, Loeblich & Tappan (1964) recognized 5 sub orders. Name the suborder of Foraminifera which have perferate, hyaline & calcerious walls?


In the classification of foraminifera, Loeblich & Tappan (1964) recognized 5 sub orders. Name the suborder of Foraminifera which use foreign particles to make their tests and cement them together with either organic or calcerious cements?


In the morphology of foraminifera, what is the term used for the chamber arrangement where chambers are coiled in a helical spire?


Name an abiotic environment factor that controls the distribution and abundance of benthic foraminifera.

Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen

Name an important biotic environment factor that controls the distribution and abundance of benthic foraminifera.


In the study of modern foraminifera, what is the name of the non-vital stain that is commonly used differentiate 'live' and 'dead' individuals?

Rose Bengal

The proportions of three wall structures of foraminifera are commonly plotted on ternary diagrams to differentiate particularly shallow-water environments. Name the 3 wall structures...

Textulariina, Rotaliina & Miliolina

Name a diversity index that is commonly used in the study of benthic foraminifera.

Fisher alpha index (Fisher et al, 1943).

Larger foraminifera are said to be adapted to nutrient deficient conditions, what term is used for nutrient deficient conditions?


Give the name of a genus of Larger Foraminifera


Name an area on Earth where the environment is described as Hyper Saline

Arabian Gulf

Name a genus of benthic foraminifera that is typical of lagoon environments


Name two key morphological features of planktic foraminifera

Globular Chambers, Open apertures, Uniform distribution of pores over surface

Name an important ecological factor that controls the distribution and abundance of planktic forminifera


It is known that planktic forminifera occupy different depths in the water column. Typically, what are the morphological characteristics of species that occupy surface water?

Thinner Walled, Smaller, Spinose &/or symbiant bearing

It is known that planktic forminifera occupy different depths in the water column. Typically, what are the morphological characteristics of species that occupy deeper water?

Non Spinose &/or keeled species, thicker walled, larger.

The coiling direction of the planktic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina is commonly used for reconstructing past water temperatures. Name the species that coils anti-clockwise and dominates colder waters
