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16 Cards in this Set

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A short term condition of air in a certain place on a certain date


The average weather in an area over a long period of time

Climate change

Changes in long term weather patterns caused by natural events or human activity

Global Warming

An increase in average global temperatures near earths surface

Climate Region

Areas of earth identified as having similar climate characteristics

Climate Factor

A natural condition or situation that affects the climate characteristics of a place

Prevailing Wind

The usual or common winds for a particular place

Trade Wind

Winds that blow steadily towards the equator from the northeast in the northern hemisphere and southeast in the Southern Hemisphere

Air Mass

Large volume of air with similar conditions of temperature and moisture throughout

Ocean Current

A flow of water within an ocean, influenced by winds, gravity and the spinning of earth on its axis


Difference in elevation between highest and lowest places in an area

Relief Precipitation

Rain or snow that occurs as a result of air rising over mountains

Greenhouse gases

Gases in the atmosphere that contribute to the greenhouse effect by affecting energy from the sun; they include co2, methane and ozone


Action taken to reduce consequences of a problem


A change or adjustment made to deal with a new situation

Fossil fuels

Fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal formed millions of years ago form the remains of plants and animals