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137 Cards in this Set

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4 principles for Genomic Medicine to be effective
1. Accurate Diagnosis
2. Education and informed consent
3. Share decision making
4. Support
Genetic risks can be based on either a particular ________ or upon ________ of a given disorder.
genetic model (modular risk), observed frequency (empiric risk)
Used in recurrence risk counseling for Mendelian traits:
Modular Risks (Genetic Model)
Used in determining recurrence risks for multifactorial disorders and chromosomal abnormalities:
Empiric Risk (Observed Frequency)
Where a diploid cell generates an identical diploid cells:
Occurs during gamete formation:
A diplod progenitor cell generates four haploid gametes:
Recombination is frequent:
Rod shaped strucutres of condensed DNA that come in pairs, which gcontain genetic material:
Humanes have __, or __ pairs
__ pairs of autosomes (non-sex);
__ pair of sex chromosomes
Humanes have 46, or 23 pairs
22 pairs of autosomes (non-sex);
1 pair of sex chromosomes
_______________ chromosomes are a pair inherited from the different parents, and generally carry the same genes in the same order, but do not have the same DNA sequence.
Network of filaments overall responsible for separating the chromosomes during cell division:
Spindle apparatus
Two identical strands of a replciated chromosome, joined by the centromere
sister chromatids
Located in the centrosomes and produces the mictrotubules
organelle that is the primary microtubular organizing center that splits and forms the spindle apparatus
centrosomes or MTOC (microtubules organizing center)
constriction on chromosome at which the sister chromatids are held together
protein structure on the centromere to which the springle fibers are attached
radiate in all directions and aid in spindle orientation immediately before mitosis
astral microtubules
overlap in midline and responisble for pusing the poles of the spindle apparatus apart
polar microtubules
responsible for pulling the sister chromatids of each chromosome apart
kinetochore microtubules
If a cell is destined to divide again, it enters ___ ; NO DNA SYNTHESIS
Hours of G1?
10-12 hourse
If a cell is not destined to divide, it enters __ phase
Stage of DNA Synthesis
S Phase
In __ phase, each chromosome consists of two sister chromatids. __ is ended by mitosis, which begins when chromosomes begin to condense and ebcome visible under the microscope.
____________ is the period between one mitosis and the next. The chromosomes are extremely elongated, uncondensed strants
Phase that starts with chromosomal condensation, a progressive selective DNA packaging of the DNA along the protien scaffolding.
Phase in that, as condensation occurs, highly and less condensed regions develop (correspond with the light and dark banding patterns).
Each chromosome contains two strands of DNA (sister chromatids) connected together at a centromere. What phase?
Centrioles divide and migrates toward opposite poles of the cell. What phase
Phase that starts abruptly with disruption of nuclear envelope, which breaks into membrane vesicles.
Phase in which, spindle microtubules enter the nuclear region
Phase where kinetochores mature and attach to the kinetochore microtubules.
The remaining mictrotubules are polar microtubules and those outside are astral microtubules. What phase?
Phase where the nuclear membran disappears, chromosomes become maximally condensed and easily visible on light microscopy.
Kinetochore microtubules align chromsomes at equatorial plate midway between the poles of the cell. What phase?
In this phase, polar microtubules begin to associate in preparation for anaphase.
In this phase, centromeres abruptly separate.
Each sister chromatid is pulled to its opposite pole by kinetochore microtubules in this phase:
The kinetochore microtubules shorten and draw the chromosomes towards the spindle poles in this phase:
The polar microtubules elongate forcing the two poles of the spindle father apart in this phase:
The arrivale of the chromosomes at the spindle poles marks the end of ___phase.
In this phase, the spindle apparatuse begins to dissociate:
Polar microtubules elongate, further separating the two poles in this phase.
A nuclear envelope begins to form about aggregated chromosomes at each pole in this phase:
In this phase, chromosomes begin to decondense and the nucleoli reappear:
Mitosis is at an end and cell enters cytokinesis (cell division) in this phase:
___________ occurs by cleavage, which began during anaphase.
A cleavage furrow develops around the midsection of the cell:
__________ has four stages analogous to mitosis: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
Meosis I
Prophase in ________ is much more complex and may span (in the oocyte) for 40 years or more
Meosis I
At the end of _______, chiasmata are observed - position where chromsomes touch and crossing over has occurred between chromatis of homologous chromosomes.
Prophase I
Positions where chromosomes touch and crossing over has occured between chromatids of homologous chromosomes are called: ______
A pair of homologues held together by chiasmata is called ____ .
The _____ gene lies near the pseudoatosomal boundary on the Y chromosome and is responsible for male sex determination.
SRY gene (sex-determining region)
___phase of the primary oocyte starts during fetal life, ramining in "suspended" phase until the oocyte matures and is ovulated
It is well known that the origin of the additional chromosome 21 in most cases of _________ is maternal. (Disease)
Down syndrome
The failure of two chromosomes in a pair to disjoin during anaphase of cell division is called _______
Steps in preparing a karyotype:
1.) Phytohemgluttinin (PHA) is added to agglutinate RBC's and stimulate lymphocytes to divide.
2.) Cell division is blocked at metaphase with inhibitor of spindle formation (Colchicine), which leads to breakdown of nuclear membrane.
3.) Condensation of chromosomes occurs, but chromosomes do not organize along metaphase plate.
4.) The cells are lysed in hypotonic saline.
5.) The cells are droppsed onto a slide, stained and photographed under a microscope.
Each normal metaphase chromosome can be seen as two chromatids held together at the centromere.
_________ nondisjunction would lead to mosaicism.
If nondisjunction occurs during Meosis I, the gametes formed will contain:
both parental chromosomes (maternal and parental) that failed to separate, or neither.
If nondisjunction occurs during Meosis II, gametes will contain:
two copies of on parental chromosomes (either maternal or paternal), or neither.
46, XX, del (5)(p15.3)
What disease?
Cri du chat syndrome
deletion of band 5p15.3
47, XY, +21
Sex? Disease? Loss or gain of material?
A boy with trisomy 21.
Gain of material.
46,XX / 45, X
Disease? Inheritance?
A mosaic case of Turner's syndrome.
45,X - Non-disjunction of sex chrom. In Anaphase I, Monosomy (45,X)
Turner's Syndrome (XO)
XXY - Nondisjxn of sex chrom. In Anaphase I, Trisomy (47, XXY)
1:500 males
Klinefelter's Syndrome
Trisomy 13
0.2:1000 births
Patau's Syndrome
Primary amenorrhea, webbed neck, short, coarctation of Aort
Turner's Syndrome (XO)
Velocardiofacial Syndrome
Patients with Down syndrome are prone to develop health problems as they approach an age of about 50 years. The most important of these old-age problems is

A) Liver failure
B) Leukemia
C) Kidney failure
D) Parkinson’s disease
E) Alzheimer’s dementia
E) Alzheimer's Dementia
3-4 % have translocation (some partial reciprocal, most Robertsonian; 46XY,rob(14;21)),+21
Downs Syndrome
Hypertonicity, clenched fingers
Prominent occiput
Low-set, malformed ears
Small chin
Rocker-bottom feet
Heart defects
Failure to thrive
Profound mental retardation
Edwards Syndrome
Edward's Syndrome
Shore stature, broad (shield chest), webbed neck and low hair line. Affected females have primary amenorrhea due to lack of estrogen secretion by underdeveloped ("streak") ovaries.
Turner's Syndrome
5p-, deletion of the long arm of chromosome 5
Cri du Chat Syndrome
Loss of heterozygosity in genomic locations close to the site of the mutation is observed in the malignant tumors of many patients with inherited cancer susceptibility. The most likely cause for loss of heterozygosity in these patients is:

A. A missense mutation in the intact copy of the affected tumor suppressor gene
B. A nonsense mutation in the intact copy of the affected tumor suppressor gene
C. A frameshift mutation in the intact copy of the tumor suppressor gene
D. Amplification of the affected oncogene
E. Mitotic crossing-over of the affected chromosome
E is correct. Loss of heterozygosity can also be caused by large deletions, mitotic non-disjunction, or gene conversion. But mitotic crossing-over seems to be the most common mechanism.
Loss of heterozygosity in genomic locations close to the site of the mutation is observed in the malignant tumors of many patients with inherited cancer susceptibility. The most likely cause for loss of heterozygosity in these patients is:

A. A missense mutation in the intact copy of the affected tumor suppressor gene
B. A nonsense mutation in the intact copy of the affected tumor suppressor gene
C. A frameshift mutation in the intact copy of the tumor suppressor gene
D. Amplification of the affected oncogene
E. Mitotic crossing-over of the affected chromosome
E is correct. Loss of heterozygosity can also be caused by large deletions, mitotic non-disjunction, or gene conversion. But mitotic crossing-over seems to be the most common mechanism.
Cause of aneuploidy?
nondisjunction during meiosis
Cause of mosaicism?
one chromosome gets turned off. (random X chromosome gets turned off at 2-10,000 cell stage)
Profound mental retardation, heart defects, small chin, malformed ears, rocker-bottom feet, clenched fingers, die within a year.
Edward’s syndrome (18 trisomy)
Profound mental retardation, 88% heart defects, sloping forehead, low-set malformed ears, eye abnormalities, cleft lip and palate, polydactyly, deafness, die within first year.
Patau syndrome (13 trisomy)
Purified DNA clone probe (large piece of DNA). Uses fluorescent dye on single strand probe, allow annealation to denatured DNA. A part of chromosome lights up.
Name of method?
FISH analysis (Fluorescence in situ hybridization)
Highly variable, defect in aortic area, 3rd, 4th brachial arch underdeveloped (give rise to neural crest cells that migrate), hypoparathyroid, hypocalcemia, reduced immune function, increased psychiatric diseases (Schizophrenia), palate abnormalities, lower IQ
DiGeorge/ Catch-22/ VeloCardioFacial Syndrome
A single-base substitution converts an A in the coding strand of a gene into a T, thereby changing the codon AAG, which codes for lysine, into UAG. This mutation is characterized as:

A. Indel
B. Missense mutation
C. Frameshift mutation
D. Silent mutation
E. Nonsense mutation
E is correct. A nonsense mutation is defined as a mutation that changes an amino acid coding codon into a stop codon, thereby causing the synthesis of a truncated protein.
A single Barr body is typical for

A) a triple-X superfemale
B) an infertile patient with Klinefelter syndrome
C) A death row inmate with XYY “murderer chromosome”
D) a phenotypic female with androgen insensitivity syndrome (“testicular feminization”)
E) a female with Turner syndrome
Which of the following is the most common cause of Down syndrome?

A) Illegitimate crossing-over in maternal or paternal meiosis 1
B) Non-disjunction in maternal meiosis 1
C) Non-disjunction in maternal meiosis 2
D) Chromosome breakage near the centromere
E) Formation of a triploid gamete
Mental retardation, microphthalmia, microcephaly, cleft lip and palate, polydactyly, rocker-bottom feet, congenital heart disease. Death by 1 year old.
Patau’s Syndrome
(Trisomy 13)
Mental retardation, micrognathia, rocker-bottom feet, con-genital heart disease, flexion of fingers (clinched hands). Death by 1 year old.
Edward’s Syndrome
(Trisomy 18)
Method used commonly in molecular diagnostics to detect large trinueclotide repeat expansions like those seen in fragile X syndrome (affected individuals), myotonic dystrophy, and juvenile (early onsite) Huntington disease.
Souther Blot
The tendency of some genetic diseases to get worse in successive generations. This is caused by an unstable “premutation” that is prone to develop into a more serious defect. The cases known so far are expansions of triplet repeats that become amplified progressively once they have reached a certain length.
Some bases in the DNA can undergo spontaneous tautomeric shifts, forming chemical structures with unusual base-pairing properties. At what point is the presence of a tautomeric shift most likely to cause a mutation?

A. During addition of a phosphate to a ribonucleoside
B. During a visit to the beach with a lot of sunlight
C. In a person suffering from Cockayne syndrome
D. During addition of bases to a replicating DNA strand
E. During the excision part of nucleotide excision repair
D is correct, because the complementary base is selected at this point
A girl had developed repeated attacks of pneumonia almost immediately after birth. A blood test taken 3 weeks after birth showed a blood hemoglobin concentration of 4.5% (normal at that age: 15-19%). This could possibly be a serious case of:

A. Sickle cell disease or α-thalassemia but not β-thalassemia
B. α-thalassemia but not sickle cell disease or β-thalassemia
C. Sickle cell disease or β-thalassemia but not α-thalassemia
D. Sickle cell disease but not α-thalassemia or β-thalassemia
E. α-thalassemia or β-thalassemia but not sickle cell disease
B is correct. Only α-chain defects are expressed shortly after birth, but β-chains become important only within several months after birth, when they replace the gamma-chains.
Many oncogenic mutations change the rate at which cellular genes are expressed. All of the following methods can be used to compare the gene expression profiles of cancer cells with those of the normal cells from which they are derived, except:

A. Southern blotting
B. Western blotting
C. A DNA microarray
D. Northern blotting
E. An immunological test that uses antibodies in order to detect proteins
A is correct. Southern blotting is used only for DNA, whereas the other methods are used for RNA or proteins.
Neurodegenerative disorder
Progressive disability
Personality change
Memory loss
“Chorea” motor problems.
Early onset when disease is inherited paternally
37 years is usual age of onset but 100% penetrance by 80 years old
Huntingtons Disease
25% representing new mutations
Highly variable expressivity
Mutation in Fibrillin gene results in Stretchy Connective Tissue.
CAG trinucleotide repeat expansion in genes coding for glutamines 36-21 repeats
Huntington's Disease
Pancreatic Insufficiency
Chronic lung disease
Male infertility
Mecarium ileus in 10% of neonates
Symptoms of ______ ?
Cystic Fibrosis
Deletion mutations in the alpha 1 and alpha 2 chains in collagen type I
pt.mutation replacing glycine leading to over hydorxylation and improper triple helix formation.
Osteogensis Imperfecta
CTG repeats @3' UTR on Chromosome 19
Myotonic Dystrophy
Used to sequence DNA
Southern Blot
Multiple phenotypic effects of a single gene. The term is particularly used if the effects are not obviously related.
Point mutation of the FGFR3 gene causes ______
Achondroplasia is a gain or loss of function mutation? Why?
Gain of function since the abnormal gene product results in abnormal bone growth.
What gene is mutated in achondroplasia?
Base substitution? Location?
- Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3 gene(FGFR3)
G --> A @ 1138
What kind of inheritance does achondroplasia exhibit?
Auto Dominant
- Abnormal cartilage and fibrous CT formation
- Bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles affected:
- Short stature
- Disproportional short arms and legs
- Large head
- Frontal bossing w/Mid face hypoplasia
- Hypotonia in infancy
- Delayed motor development
Arachnodactyly, ectopic lentis, aortic aneurysm
Tall stature, extra long limbs, hyper joint mobility
Triad: Arachnodactyly, ectopic lentis, aortic aneurysm
Marfan Syndrome
What 2 cardiovascular problems often occur in Marfan syndrome?
1.) Defective mitral valve (prolapsed)
2.) Defective aorta (aneurysm)
Mutation of FBN1 @ 15q21.1 causes what disease?
Marfan Syndrome
How are the mutations causing Marfan Syndrome described? Why are they called this?
Dominant negative mutations
Dominant inheritance --> negative effects
Triplet repeat expansions (CGG) in Fragile X syndrome interferes by?
A) Decreasing mRNA synthesis
B) Increasing mRNA synthesis
C) Creating splicing defect
D) Gain of function mutation
E) Dominant negative mutation
A) Decreasing mRNA synthesis
Corresponds to progressively early onset and increased severity in successive generations
Mild symptoms to severe symptoms in successive generations
Mechanism = STEPWISE expansion of unstable trinucleotide repeats over generations
This is called?
Mutation in Huntington's Disease?
CAG trinucleotide expansion.
Symptoms present after > 38 CAG repeats
X-linked disorder that is characterized by joint and muscle hemmorrhage. Easy bruising and prolonged bleeding is characteristic. There is a deficiency of Factor VIII.
Hemophilia A
Treatment for Hemophilia A?
Good for mild cases of Hemophilia A to increase endogenous production of Factor VIII
Deletion in Dystrophin gene causes?
Duchenne's and Becker Muscular Dystrophy
Duchenne Muscular Dystophy is inherited by _____.
X-linked Recessive
Patient is present with muscle wasting, pseudohypertrophy of calves, high levels of CK in the blood.
What disease?
Duchenne or Becker's Muscular Dystrophy
Affected males with normal mates have no affected soncs, but all daughters are affected.
Both male and female children have a 50% risk of inheriting the phenotype.
Type of Inheritance?
X-linked Dominant
This disorder only affects only girls, who develop severe, progressive mental impairment often with autism, loss of purposeful use of the hands, spastic paraparesis, ataxia, 'acquired' microcephaly, and a pecular involuntary hand wringing.
Rett Syndrome
Amplification of CGG in FMR1 of X chromosome (female meiosis) causes ________
Fragile X Syndrome
CFTR gene on chromosome 7, 3 Bp deletion
Cystic Fibrosis
Inheritance pattern of Cystic Fibrosis?
Autosomal Recessive
Different mutations at the same locus (or gene) cause the same disorder is called ___________ .
Allelic Heterogeneity
A single disorder, trait, or pattern of traits caused by mutations in genes at different chromosomal loci is called ______.
Locus Heterogeneity
_________ is when some individuals fail to express the trait, even though they carry the allele.
Nonpenetrance or Incomplete Penetrance
__________ are prevalent in regions of the world where malaria is endemic.
A mutation in the gene coding for phenylalanine hydroxylase, which lieads to deficient enzyme activitiy causes ______.
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Empiric Risk of Maternal Robertsonian Translocation of (13;14)
Empiric Risk of Paternal Robertsonian Translocation of (13;14)
Empiric Risk of Maternal Robertsonian Translocation of (14;21)
Empiric Risk of Paternal Robertsonian Translocation of (14;21)
Empiric Risk of Maternal Robertsonian Translocation of (21;21)
Empiric Risk of Paternal Robertsonian Translocation of (21;21)
Empiric Risk of Maternal Robertsonian Translocation of (13;13)
Empiric Risk of Paternal Robertsonian Translocation of (13;13)