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83 Cards in this Set

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The Old Testament custom of pouring oil onto kings heads at their coronation came to have Messianic signi cance. Mark saw the anointing of Jesus at Bethany as a sign that he was the Messiah.
The event 40 days after the resurrection, when Jesus returned to God, the Father, in heaven recorded in Luke 24 and Acts 1.
Christians believe that the Bible, religious leaders and statements of belief, eg the Apostles Creed should be respected as conveying deep religious truths.
The sacrament through which people become members of the Church. In Marks Gospel, John the Baptist used baptism as a way of washing away sins in readiness for the coming of the Messiah. He also baptised Jesus, though this was not connected with washing away of sin. .
Sacred book for Christians containing both the Old and New Testaments.
An important of cer in the Roman Army. A centurion was present at Jesus cruci xion.
The leader promised by God to the Jews. The word literally means Anointed One in Greek; the Hebrew equivalent is Messiah. Christians believe Jesus to be the Christ.
Someone who believes in Jesus Christ and follows the religion based on his teachings.
A rule for living, given by God. One of the Ten Commandments. Jesus said that the greatest commandments were love of God and of neighbour.
The occasion, after the Resurrection, when the risen Jesus told the Eleven to preach the good news to the whole world.
A Christian symbol, based on the sacri ce of Jesus at his crucixion. The object on which Jesus was cruci ed.
Roman method of execution by which criminals were xed to a cross. The execution and death of Jesus on Good Friday.
Followers of Jesus. This term is often used to refer the rst twelve followers of Jesus. Any Christian, in any age, who lives their life according to Gospel values.
Following Jesus during his lifetime. To be an active believer in Jesus.
To treat someone or something differently either favouring or denying something, eg not allowing lepers to be part of the community in Marks Gospel.
An Old Testament prophet. It was believed that he would come to help good people in trouble and return to prepare the way for the Messiah.
Treating every person in a way that ensures justice and fairness.
Belief and trust in someone, eg Jesus.
Garden outside Jerusalem where Jesus prayed before his arrest and execution.
Literally Skull Hill; it is the place where Jesus was cruci ed.
Literally Good News, there are four Gospels telling of the life and work of Jesus.
Severe loss of blood.
Making someone better who is physically ill, or who is suffering mentally or emotionally.
The Old Testament custom of pouring oil onto kings heads at their coronation came to have Messianic signi cance. Mark saw the anointing of Jesus at Bethany as a sign that he was the Messiah.
The event 40 days after the resurrection, when Jesus returned to God, the Father, in heaven recorded in Luke 24 and Acts 1.
Christians believe that the Bible, religious leaders and statements of belief, eg the Apostles Creed should be respected as conveying deep religious truths.
The sacrament through which people become members of the Church. In Marks Gospel, John the Baptist used baptism as a way of washing away sins in readiness for the coming of the Messiah. He also baptised Jesus, though this was not connected with washing away of sin.
Sacred book for Christians containing both the Old and New Testaments.
An important of cer in the Roman Army. A centurion was present at Jesus cruci xion.
The leader promised by God to the Jews. The word literally means Anointed One in Greek; the Hebrew equivalent is Messiah. Christians believe Jesus to be the Christ.
Someone who believes in Jesus Christ and follows the religion based on his teachings.
A rule for living, given by God. One of the Ten Commandments. Jesus said that the greatest commandments were love of God and of neighbour.
The occasion, after the Resurrection, when the risen Jesus told the Eleven to preach the good news to the whole world.
A Christian symbol, based on the sacri ce of Jesus at his cruci xion. The object on which Jesus was cruci ed.
Roman method of execution by which criminals were xed to a cross. The execution and death of Jesus on Good Friday
Followers of Jesus. This term is often used to refer the rst twelve followers of Jesus. Any Christian, in any age, who lives their life according to Gospel values.
Following Jesus during his lifetime. To be an active believer in Jesus.
To treat someone or something differently either favouring or denying something, eg not allowing lepers to be part of the community in Marks Gospel.
An Old Testament prophet. It was believed that he would come to help good people in trouble and return to prepare the way for the Messiah.
Treating every person in a way that ensures justice and fairness.
Belief and trust in someone, eg Jesus.
Garden outside Jerusalem where Jesus prayed before his arrest and execution.
Literally Skull Hill; it is the place where Jesus was cruci ed.
Literally Good News, there are four Gospels telling of the life and work of Jesus.
Severe loss of blood.
Making someone better who is physically ill, or who is suffering mentally or emotionally.
These people were supporters of the Herod family.
Holy Spirit
The third person of the Holy Trinity who descended like a dove on Jesus at his baptism. Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is present and inspires them.
1st century Jewish teacher and holy man, believed by Christians to be the Son of God.
Ensuring that all are treated fairly and their rights are upheld.
Kingdom of God
Wherever God is honoured as king and his authority accepted. Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God both on earth and in heaven. The rule of God.
Last Supper
The final meal that Jesus ate with his disciples, on the evening before his execution. It was based on the Jewish Passover and is the basis of Holy Communion today.
A disease of the skin. Those who had leprosy were treated as outcasts.
Used to describe someone who has a great interest in possessions, money and wealth.
The person whom God will send to save humanity, believed by Christians to be Jesus (the Anointed One). Hebrew form of the word Christ.
This term is used to refer to Jesus work of teaching and healing as recorded in the gospels.
An event that lies beyond normal human knowledge and understanding. It is an unexplained event with religious significance.
Being sent out to complete a task, eg the disciples were sent out to preach the gospel. Moses The man who rescued the Jews from Egypt and received the Ten Commandments from God.
violent protest-A demonstration or other action which draws attention to wrong without resorting to violence.
Those who were rejected by others in society, eg lepers, and not given fair treatment.
Stories told by Jesus that have spiritual meanings.
The Passion
The term used to describe Jesus suffering prior to his death.
Passion predictions
Jesus reference on a number of occasions to his imminent suffering and death. He often ended these predictions with a reference to his future glory.
To be treated badly, eg arrested, tortured, killed, denied rights as a result of ones beliefs.
Person of Jesus
The identity of Jesus, eg Christians believe he was the Messiah.
The leading Apostle. Peter was the rock on which Jesus based the Church and was the first Pope.
Devout Jewish religious leaders whose lives centred around the keeping of the Jewish law. They came into con ict with Jesus many times on matters relating to the law.
Unfairly judging someone before the facts are known. Holding biased opinions about an individual or group.
the Resurrection
When Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Day. An event recorded in all four gospels and the central belief of Christianity.
role models
People who others follow and try to copy in their actions or beliefs. Sabbath-The Jewish day of rest, from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. Satan-The evil force that tempts people, also known as the Devil.
Known as doctors of the Law, they were the experts in the Jewish Law at the time of Jesus.
A set of beliefs which does not need to have God or religion in them.
Son of David
A title used about Jesus. Christians believe that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecy that the Messiah would be a descendant of King David.
Son of God
A title used for Jesus. Christians believe that before his birth as a human being, Jesus had always existed as God the Son. Also as used by the centurion after Jesus death. Means a Righteous Man.
Son of Man
A title used by Jesus of himself. In the Old Testament, the title was used of a heavenly being from God. Jesus used the title to stress that he was more than simply a human being and that he came with authority from God. Jesus also linked the title with suffering and service.
A text, statement, person, etc that supplies information.
Where Jews meet for worship on the Sabbath. Jesus regularly attended the synagogue.
The Temple
The most sacred Jewish place of worship. It was in Jerusalem. The Romans destroyed it in AD 70. Mark states that when Jesus died, the Temple curtain was torn in two.
An incident in the New Testament when Jesus was lit up by divine light, through which the divinity of Jesus was revealed (Mark 9 2 9).
the treasury
The part of the Temple where the Temple Tax was paid by worshippers.
the twelve
The twelve men chosen by Jesus to help with his ministry.
violent protest
A demonstration or other action which draws attention to a wrong using violence.
watershed events
Something which happens that changes the course of history or someones life.