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11 Cards in this Set

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Detecting hepatocyte injury = TRANSAMINASES

Transaminases - measure activity of hep enzymes such as aminotransferases in the circulation. Usually INTRACELLULAR but released if damaged hepatocytes.

Detecting biosynthetic capacity=

- serum ALBUMIN
- PROTHROMBIN TIME (which requires presence of clotting factors prod in liver)

ddx -
*liver probs(hep synthetic disfn)
* nephrotic syndrome
* malnutrition

indicator of chronic liver disease esp in cirrhosis (decreased synthetic fn)


May not be specific to liver disease (can also result from congenital or acquired conditions) including consumption of clotting factors (DICs severe GI bleed)

Prolonged prothrombin due to:
1- defic of vit K (factors 2,7, 9,10) due to inadeq intake, Abs that alter gut flora, malabsorp)

2- poor utilisation of vit K due to advanced parenchymal disease - vit k ineffective.

Test factor 5, because it tests livers actual capacity (not vit k dependent)
Factors 2,7,9,10 we can substitute vit k if low... testing factor V will help distinguish vit k as cause for PT disfn.

Factor v also prognostic

Warfarin is a vit k antagonist
To reverse INR - give konakion
Prothrombin time - vit k dependent factors (2,7,9,10)
Most common causes of chronic liver disease:

Chronic hep C
Alcoholic liver disease
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
Chronic hepatitis B
Auto-immune hepatitis
Sclerosing cholangitis
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Wilsons Disease


Hepatitis - generic term referring to inflammation of the liver.

Cirrhosis - generic term for end stage of chronic liver disease characterised by destruction of hepatocytes and replacement of normal hepatic architecture with fibrotic tissue and regenerative nodules (main causes: hep c, ALD, Hep c + liver disease.

Steastoses - fatty liver (hepatocytes contain macrovesicular droplets of triglycerides). Reversible.

Alcoholic hepatitis is a clinical syndrome of JAUNDICE + LIVER FX that generally occurs decades after heavy alcohol use.
Cardinal sign is rapid onset of jaundice.

Diagnosis of ALD:

Moderate elevation of AST and ALT (Usually less than 300 - if greater shld prompt suspicion of concurrent liver injury - viral hep, drugs, isch hepatitis)

Compared with viral hepatitis, AST usually more elevated than ALT.

Ratio is usually greater than 2, AST:ALT.

GGT may be elevated.

Bilirubin commonly elevated

WBC often HIGH with polymorphonuclear leucocytosis

PT time (and INR) elevated

Creatinine may be elevated (ominous sign indicating hepato-renal syndrome)

MACROCYTOSIS often present (represents nutritional defic of B12, folate etc)

THROMBOCYTOPENIA result from primary bone marrow hypoplasia or splenic sequestration (due to portal hypertension + splenomegaly)

***Essentials of diagnosis -
AST increased (x2 that of ALT) + elevated INR
+ neutrophilia --->

IN a patient who presents with ascites + hx of heavy alcohol use is indicative of ALC HEPATITIS until proven otherwise.


(also be aware of coexisting disease)
Hep C
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
Acute or chronic viral hepatitis
drug induced liver injury
Wilsons disease
auto-immune liver disease
alpha-1 anti-trypsin deficiency
pyogenic hepatic abcess


liver biopsy
CT scan
OGD for varices

Fluid and electrolytes
BSL (ETOH may inhibit gluconeogenesis leading to hypoglyc)
Thiamine (benovar/ becosym)
CIWA (NB no sedatives if encephalopathic)
Assess overall nutritional status esp Albumin
If co-existing gastritis tx with PPI or H2antagonists - if not stop nexium esp if risk of GI bleed (translocation of bacteria)

Evaluate for GI bleeding and treat appropriately- OGD et b-blocker

DRUG tx: Corticosteroids - (post biopsy for dx of ASH)

also IF: Maddrey score more than 32, a MELD score more than 18 or encephalopathy

if dx of ASH then treat for 1 month with 40mg/j corticosteroid, then taper - shown to reduce mortality.
- after 1 week score de Lille to assess whether improvement.
If not then cease - as risk of steroid treatment greater than benefits.
- if no improvement or contraindications to steroid - oxpentifylline (pentoxifylline) is second line tx but not shown to be anywhere near as efficace.

Contraindications to steroid use: seps

FSC avec LFT, bili, BSL, alb (et pre-albumin - chronique), crase (esp factor V). bilan anemie.


coricosteroids if indiq
albumin/supp drinks if required
toresimide/aldactone if ascites/varices
MGMT Décompensation d'OH cirrhoses hépatique

Suivi test hépatique
le traitement par les diurétiques (aldactone et frusemide)
Poids tous les jours
Regime hyposodé
angio-CT - exclus CHC et thromobose vein porte
biopsie hépatique trans-jugulaire
OGD - pour varices oesophagienne
Seresta/anxiolytic selon CIWA
score de sevrage
lacitol for >2 stools per day to prevent enceph

facteurs declanchant:
reprise de l'alcool
Saignment gastro-intestinale
Liver disease alters coagulation – there are pro and anti coag factors :

Factors increased bleeding risk :
Decreased production of all pro-coagulation factors (eg, factors II, V, VII, IX, X, XI, XIII)
Thrombocytopenia – due to BM supression et ETOH
Altered platelet function (due to portal hypertension splenic sequestration in splenomegaly),
Platelet inhibition by nitric oxide, abnormalities of fibrinogen, and decreased thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI)

anti-coag factors:
Increased coagulation/thrombus risk :
Decreased levels of the liver-synthesized anticoagulant proteins C and S,
Decreased antithrombin levels,
Decreased plasminogen,
Elevated levels of endothelial cell-derived factor VIII and von Willebrand factor (vWF)

gastro hx:

liver probs -

medications - amoxil, nsaids, paracetamol


vaccinations - hep?
family vaccinated?

weight loss, fevers etc

Peritonite bacterienne spontanée:
(svt avec les pt cirrhotique)

germes frequents:
e.coli*, strep sp*, klebsiella*

DDx: perforation intestinale
appendicite perforée
abces (autres sources infectieuse)

Douleur abdominale
encephalopthaie hepatique
decompensation ascitique
dysfonction haptocellulaire
hemorrhagie digestive haute

Paracenthese diagnostique - leucocytes > 250 et cultures positif.
(il faut aussi exclure un source infectieuse intra-abdominale.)

Si leucs> 250, commence traitment empirique AB en attendant resultats de culture:

cefotaxime/ceftriaxone/piperacillin +tazobactam.

donne ALBUMINE a tous les pts pour prevenir un syndrome hepatorenale

Paracenthesis de controle dans 24-48hrs

L'Ictere (jaundice)

L'ictere se manifeste a partir d'une bilirubinemie totale de 35-50

Aspect de l'urine:
foncée - ictere hemolytique, OU cholestatique. (increase in urobilinogen ou bili conjugee respectively)

TTT ulceres oesophagienne:

IPP 40mg 2x/j pdt 1mois

si h.pylori positif (a noter que IPP pourrait rendre test negatif meme 1 mois apress tt):

amoxyl pdt 5jours


klacid 500mg et flagyl 500mg pdt 5j

* faut penser de recommence/pause aspirines etc

Refeeding syndrome:
volume overload

TT: corriger deficits (potassium, phoshate, mg)

Hypophophatemie est la cause principal de refedding syndrome et las cause des problemes.

AET: When nutritional replenishment begins and patients are fed carbohydrates, glucose causes release of insulin, which triggers cellular uptake of phosphate (and potassium and magnesium).

Insulin also causes cells to produce a variety of depleted molecules that require phosphate (eg, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate), which further depletes the body’s stores of phosphate [10]. The lack of phosphorylated intermediates causes tissue hypoxia and resultant myocardial dysfunction and respiratory failure.


None (1 point)

Grade 1: Altered mood/confusion (2 points)

Grade 2: Inappropriate behavior, impending stupor, somnolence (2 points)

Grade 3: Markedly confused, stuporous but arousable (3 points)

Grade 4: Comatose/unresponsive (3 points)


Absent (1 point)

Slight (2 points)

Moderate (3 points)


< 2 mg/dL (1 point)

2-3 mg/dL (2 points)

> 3 mg/dL (3 points)


> 3.5 g/dL (1 point)

2.8-3.5 g/dL (2 points)

< 2.8 g/dL (3 points)

Prothrombin time prolongation

Less than 4 seconds above control/INR < 1.7 (1 point)

4-6 seconds above control/INR 1.7-2.3 (2 points)

More than 6 seconds above control/INR > 2.3 (3 points)

5-6 points:Child class A

7-9 points:Child class B

10-15 points:Child class C

one-year survival rates Child-Pugh class :

A, B, and C cirrhosis are 100%, 80%, and 45% percent