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45 Cards in this Set

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Name some of the patients that may not be able to tolerate oral fluid and food intake?

Malnutrition patients

Cardiovascular/nervous system disorder patients


What are the most common signs that a person has dysphasia?

Coughing when drinking


Having food remain in their mouth how can you modify li

How can you modify liquid to prevent aspiration?

Thicken it

Name the four different texture levels that solids can be ordered in?





Give an example of solid food that is puréed?


Mash potato

Give an example of mechanical altered solid food?

Moist and minced to 1/4 inch maximum

Name the difference enteral tubes?


Gastrostomy or percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube

Jejunostomy or duodenal tubes

Another name for gastrostomy tube?

Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube.

Another name for gastrostomy tube?

Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube.

Another name for jejunostomy tube?

Duodenal tube

Where is the nasogastric tube placed?

Through the nose and the esophagus into the stomach

Is the nasogastric tube a temporary or permanent measure to provide nutritional support?


What is the use of the nasogastric tube?

Stomach decompression

Gastric lavage

Medication administration

Obtain laboratory specimens

What is the use of the nasogastric tube?

Stomach decompression

Gastric lavage

Medication administration

Obtain laboratory specimens

What is stomach decompression?

Removing stomach contents before or after surgery

What is gastric lavage?

Removal/wash/irrigation of blood or other toxic agents from the body using a large bore gastric tube

What enteral nutrition tube is used for extended feeding? And what is the size of the tube?

Small bore feeding tube

Size: 8-10 French

Name some of the nursing care of patients done with a NG tube?



Administration of tube feeding

Checks for placement

Checks for residual volume

Removal of the tube

What patients are difficult to insert a tube?

Unconscious and uncooperative patients

What is used to verify the placement of the tube?


How many minutes after using a tube to feeding a patient must you keep the head of the bed elevated?

30-60 minutes

What should you do before you begin enteral feeding on a patient?

Check tube placement

Check residual volume

What should you do with the residual after checking the patients stomach pH?

Put it back in the stomach

How many mL of liquid is used to irrigate the NG tube and the solution used?

30 to 60 mL’s

Solution: sterile water

After assessing the patient understanding of the nasogastric procedure what is the next step?

Check airflow in each nostril for patency (used the most patent nostril

What position and height should the bed be in order to insert a NG tube?

30-90 degrees

Bed should be raised to the working height of the nurse

How do you measure the distance the tube is to be inserted?

Tip of the nose to the tip of the ear to the Xiphoid process

Nose Ear Xiphoid (NEX) method

What do you do if the tube is too limp or too stiff?

Stiff: place in a plastic basin of warm water

Limp: place in a plastic basin of ice

What do you do if the tube is too limp or too stiff?

Stiff: place in a plastic basin of warm water

Limp: place in a plastic basin of ice

What position should the patients head be placed when inserting the tube?

Hyperextended back

What should you do when the NG tube reaches the back of the throat?

Have the patient bring their chin towards their chest and take sips of water through a straw

What should you do when the NG tube reaches the back of the throat?

Have the patient bring their chin towards their chest and take sips of water through a straw

Why is the patient encouraged to take sips of water to insert the NG tube?

Whilst drinking the respiratory tract is closed and the esophagus is opened, therefore the nurse would know that she is inserting the tube into the right passageway

Name the methods used to determine the placement of nasogastric tubes?


pH testing

If you try to suction the for aspirate/gastric juice and there is none, what should you do next?

Gently instill 10 to 20 mL of air and then reattempt aspiration

On the pH scale what is the value of gastric juice?


On the pH scale what is the value of gastric juice?


On the pH scale what value is intestinal and respiratory fluids?

Above 6

What color is gastric aspirates?

Grassy green or colorless

What color is intestinal aspirates?

Yellow (bile)

What color is respiratory aspirates?

Tan or off-white and mucoid

What enteral tubes are used for long-term nutritional support and for people who cannot take oral feeding?


Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG)

What procedure is used to place the PEG and PEJ tubes in the patient?


How often should the nurse check the PEG or PEJ tube?

Every shift and before feeding or administering medication

How do you measure the PEG or PEJ tubes?

From the skin to the end of the placement adapter