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31 Cards in this Set

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To call a spade a spade

Appeler un chat un chat

To cost an arm and a leg

Coûter les yeux de la tête

To drink like a fish

Boire comme un trou

To drink like a hole

To be completely useless

Ne rien savoir faire de ses dix doigts

Not knowing how to do anything with one’s ten fingers

Entering a situation at the most awkward moment

Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe

To arrive like a hair in the soup

To give someone an unsolicited or unnecessary opinion

Mettre son grain de sel

To put in one’s grain of salt

To have a lie-in

Faire la grasse matinée

It’s a shame

C’est dommage

Love at first sight

Coup de foudre

A strike of lightening

I’m just saying (passive aggressive)

Je dis ça, je dis rien

I say that, I say nothing

That works

Ça marche

To move from topic to topic (in conversation)/ this is totally unrelated...

Sauter du coq à l’âne

To jump from the rooster to the donkey

Being crazy or out of it

Être à l’ouest

To be in the west (ex: I was completely out of it)

To get angry

La moutarde me/lui monte au nez

The mustard is getting to my nose

To have a good ear (e.g. for music)

Avoir une bonne oreille

Oh my god!

Ah, la vache!

Hurt your ears

Casser les oreilles

E.g. when the music is too loud

To be driven mad

Devenir chêvre

As in, to get angry

Stop your bluffing!

Arrête ton char!

Literally means: stop your chariot

Refuse to go out with you (a date)

Se prendre/ prendre un râteau

Literally means: gives you the rake

To do something ridiculous

Faire l’andouille

Literally means: to make the sausage

Splitting hairs

Chercher la petite bête

Literally means: to look for the little beast

Splitting hairs

Chercher la petite bête

Literally means: to look for the little beast

English equivalent: dressing to the 9s

Etre sur son 31

To pass out/ lose consciousness

Tomber dans les pommes

Literally means: to fall in apples

There is something wrong

Il y a quelque chose qui cloche

Literally means: there is something ringing

It’s extremely cold

Faire un froid de canard

Literally means: to do a cold of ducks

To have a frog in the throat

Avoir un chat dans la gorge

To be sick of it

En avoir ras le bol

Literally means: to have a bowl full of it

To lend a hand

Donner un coup de main

Literally means: to give a knock of hand

To give your best/ to give it your all

Être au taquet

Literally means: to be at a piece of wood