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249 Cards in this Set

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Science of life

Observation/ evidence based

Scientific method

Observe to generate a hypothesis

Make a prediction and test by experiments

Observations and experiments should be reproduceable

Null hypothesis

No affect

Alternative hypothesis

There is an effect

If null hypothesis is true

Accept null hypothesis and reject alternative

Test group

Conditions where test variable is changed

Control group

Know the result

Point of comparison

P value

0.05 error rate

The cell

Most basic unit of life

Prokaryotes structure



Cell wall



Eukaryotic cell




Cell membrane


All cells

Have a cytoplasm

Cell membrane

Harness energy


Store and transmit information for growth, function and reproduction (DNA)


Double stranded helix

Sequence of molecules that code cells information

Information can be copied from cell to cell or organism and progeny


Change over time

Unity and diversity

Unity-common ancestor

Diversity- natural selection or artificial selection

Evolution example of moths

Light peppered moth easily seen on black bark

Dark pepper moth blends in so dark moth reproduces and survives

Artificial selection

Breed individuals with desired traits

a 99.9% bacterial cleaner does not always have the same effective amount

More resistant bacteria

Bacteria reproduce resistant bacteria

Phylogenic tree

Show relationship with ancestor and descendant

Closely related have more common traits


Makes up an element, this cannot be broken down further

118 elements known ? Natural? Artificial

94 natural

24 artificial

Elements essential to life


These atoms make up 94-96%of living matter

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen

We have more oxygen because

It's heavier than hydrogen

We are made of 70% water

Trace elements

Required in minute quantities

Atoms structure and location

Protons positive

Electrons negative

Neutrons no charge

Protons and neutrons in nucleus

Electrons around nucleus

Atomic number

Number of protons

A specific element

Atomic mass

Protons + neutrons


Different neutrons for same element

Ion example sodium chloride

Sodium loses electron to be positive

Chloride gains electron to be negative

Horizontal row on periodic table

Same number of shells

Vertical column

Same number of electrons in outermost shell


Atoms combine by chemical bonds

Ability of atoms to combine with other atoms

Determined by distribution of electrons in outermost shell

Chemical reaction

Reactants are transformed into products

Number of each atom remains the same

Arrangements differ

Covalent bond

Two atoms share valence electrons

How many covalent bonds can you have

Depends on amount of unpaired valence electrons

Double bonds

Atoms share two valence electrons

Molecule stability

Electrons fill the outermost shell (more stable)


Atoms ability to attract electrons

O and n can attract electrons better than c and h

Non polar covalent bond

Atoms are shared equally

Polar covalent bond

One atom is more electronegative

the atoms do not share electrons equally resulting in partial charges

Polar covalent bonds in water

Oxygen pulls electrons closer to itself

Hydrogen bonds

Hydrogen is attracted to oxygen on the other water bond


is a polar molecule one end is partial positive, the other is partial negative


Carbon dioxide

Non polar

Both ends are partial negative due to symmetry

Individual bond polarities cancel each other out


Nacl in water

oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen so oxygen is partial negative and hydrogen is partial positive

Oxygen pulls na+ away and hydrogen pulls cl- away

Nacl is charged due to ionic bonds (see ionic bond)

Hydrogen bonds

Interactions between hydrogen. And more electronegative atom on another molecule

Hydrogen bonds are weaker than covalent bonds

DNA hydrogen bonds

In between the nitrogenous bases


Water loving

Ionic or polar


Afraid of water (non polar)

Cohesive behavior

Water molecules stick together with other polar molecules

Expansion upon freezing

Water is less dense solid

Ability to moderate temperature

Water resists temperature changes

In order to increase temperature hydrogen bonds must break

Versatility as a solvent

Water can dissolve more materials than any other liquid

Cohesion in plants

Adhesion to cell walls resists downward pull

Cohesion is Evaporation of water leaves pull water upwards from roots through water conducting cells

When water freezes

Forms a crystallin lattice structure with 4 other water molecules

Heat is released

Hydrogen bonds form

Heat is absorbed

Hydrogen bonds break


Water molecules absorb heat and evaporate cooling us of


Water exists as hydronium ion or hydrogen is. And hydroxide ion

pH formula

pH= -log(H+)


pH is above 7


pH less than 7


pH 7


Releases a H+


Accepts H+ or releases OH-

pH scale is logarithmic

1 pH is a tenfold difference in H+ Concentration


Minimizes changes in concentration of H+ and OH-

Weak acid base pairing that donates or accepts H+


Organic molecules

Structure is associated with



Has four unpaired valence electrons

Methan four hydrogen connect producing a tetrahedron which rotates freely

Carbon atoms link to form

Branched or ring structure

Carbon double bonds

Share two pairs of electrons

Not free to rotate

Flat shape


Spatial arrangement of atoms

Two molecules can have same chemical formula with different structure and function

Structural isomers

Differ in covalent bond arrangements

Cis trans isomers

Same covalent bond arrangements but differ in spatial arrangement due to double bonds

2 different groups


Mirror image

Differs in shape due to chiral carbon

Chiral carbon is attached to four different atoms

Thalomide enantiomers

Mirror images

R effective against morning sickness

S causes birth and limb defect

Functional groups

Group of atoms attached to carbon skeleton

Involved in chemical reactions

Number and arrangement gives unique properties




C double bonded to O


Carbon bonded to hydroxyl and double bonded to O

Acidic when h leaves


NH2 accepts H becomes basic




Two double bonds to O and single bonds

Negative charge

H leaves making it basic



Organic molecules

Proteins, nucleic acid, carbohydrates and lipids

Polymers consisting of monomers connected by covalent bonds


Polymer of amino acids

Nucleic acids

Polymers of nucleotides


Polymers of monosaccharides


Not a monomer

Limitless chemical diversity

Macromolecules from monomers


Provide structural support and act as catalysts that facilitate chemical reactions

Diverse with tens of thousands of proteins

20 amino acid monomers

Structure of amino acid

Central carbon atoms




r group

Peptide bond

Amino acids joined together

Carbon to nitrogen through dehydration synthesis

Carbon loses OH and nitrogen loses H

Nucleic acids

DNA - genetic material

RNA- for protein synthesis

Nucleotide structure

Five carbon sugar

Nitrogenous base

One or more phosphate group


Adenine and guanine are purines

Thymine, cytosine and uracil are pyrimidines

Phosphodiester bonds

Phosphate is joined with sugar

Dehydration synthesis

Structure of DNA

Two strands of nucleotides twisted in a double helix sugar and phosphate form a backbone


One carbon two hydrogen one oxygen

Monosaccharide is one sugar

Disaccharide is two sugars

Polysaccharide is many sugars


Major energy source for cells

Raw material for building molecules

6 carbon sugar

Glycosidic bonds

Join monosaccharides


Storage polysaccharide by plants for energy

Made of alpha glucose below the plane of the ring


Structural polysaccharide and major component of wall of plant cells

Beta glucose above plane of the ring

Lactose intolerance

People stop producing lactase



Not from monomers

E.g. fats phospholipids and steroids


Testosterone and estrogen


Glycerol- three carbon alcohol with hydroxyl group attached to each carbon

Fatty acid long chain of carbons attached to carboxyl


In Animal fat and plant oil

Structure- three fatty acids and glycerol

Attached by ester linkages

Mostly for storage

Saturated fatty acids

Max hydrogen atoms and no double bonds

Unsaturated fatty acids

Less than max hydrogen atoms and one or more double bonds

Van der waals forces

Constant movement of electrons lead to regions of slight charge

Charges attract or repel neighbouring molecules


Stores genetic information for protein

Plays role in transmission of information from parents to offspring to maintain identity overtime

Griffith experiment on genetic material step one

Two strains of bacteria one pathogenic and one harmless

He mixed killed virulent bacteria and living harmless of streptococcus pneumonia bacteria

Griffith experiment part two

Some living became pathogenic

Concluded that type of molecule in the debris contained genetic information for virulence


Change in genotype and phenotype due to assimilation of foreign DNA

Griffith experiment part three

DNA transformed non virulent to virulent

Enzyme to kill DNA was unable to transform non virulent bacteria


Complete set of DNA


Specific stretch of DNA that codes for protein or RNA


In Prokaryotic is circular

In eukaryotic it is called chromatin

It consists of linear strands of DNA wrapped around histones forming a nucleosome




DNA copies itself almost exactly


Most are harmful

Some are beneficial making organism better able to adapt


Consists of sugar and base


Found by James Watson and Francis crick

Five carbon sugar, base and one or more phosphate groups

Phosphodiester bonds

Nucleotide sugar is linked with phosphate of neighbouring nucleotide

C-O-P-O-C linkages is a phosphodiester bond

Polarity of DNA

One end differs from the other phosphate negative so sugar is positive

DNA is read from

Five prime to three prime

Base pairing rules

Erwin chargraff



Rosalind franklin

Helical structure of DNA

DNA double helix structure

Two strands of DNA run in opposite directions

Sugar and phosphate outside

Bases inward

Purine binds with pyrimidine

Purine binds with pyrimidine

Through Hydrogen bonds

DNA is semi- conservative

Two strands of DNA unwind

Parental strand provides template for daughter strand

DNA copying

Quick and accurate

A dozen enzymes and proteins participate in DNA replication

Origin of replication

Two strands of DNA are separated

Opening up replication bubble

Replication proceeds in both directions until entire molecule is copies

DNA polymerase

Catalyzes DNA synthesis

Adds to three prime

Cannot make new strand

RNA primase

Synthesizes RNA primer

Lagging strand

Synthesizes away from replication fork

Leading strand

Synthesizes toward replication fork

Okazaki fragments

Discontinuous pieces of lagging strand

DNA polymerase

Removes RNA primer and replaces it with DNA

Proofreads it corrects an error by removing an incorrect nucleotide and inserts the correct one

DNA ligase

Joins DNA fragments together


Unwinds DNA duplex at replication fork


Relieves stress from unwinding by breaking, partially unwinding and reattaching DNA strand

Single stranded binding proteins

Stabilize single strands of DNA

Lagging strand becomes shorter

RNA primer is removed and DNA remains unreplicated

Shortened template results in shorter chromosome

Pattern were to persist it would be severely shortened


Consists of sequence TTAGGG repeated 1500 to 3000 times

Postpone erosion of genes

Adult somatic cells divide 50 times

Telomeres are shortened so cell stops dividing


Germ and stem cells have this

It prevents the chromosome ends from being shortened

Contains RNA template that restores original length of telomeres

Somatic cancer cells

Reactivate telomerase activity

So it keeps growing

Scientists can

Isolate identify and sequence DNA fragments

This can help determine risk factors, identify DNA at crime scene and produce genetically engineered organisms


1. Human Gene insulin is amplified, cut and combined with bacterial DNA with a plasmid

2. Plasmid introduced into bacteria for protein production

3. Human insulin is isolated and purified from bacteria

Polymerase chain reaction

Amplifies specific DNA region

It needs a DNA template, DNA polymerase, primer and nucleotides


1.Template is longer than amplified region

2. 20 to 30 base primers used

3. Each round doubles number of molecules

4. 2n copies 2^30= 10^9

Gel electrophoresis

Electric current passed through

DNA moves to positive end

Smaller moves quicker

Restriction enzymes

Recognize and cleave specific sequences of DNA

Recombinant DNA

Recombines DNA from two or more different sources into a single molecule uses DNA ligase


recombinant DNA introduced to bacterial cell

Bacteria are chemically induced to take DNA from outside cell

Bacterial cell divides and replicates

Replicating recombinant DNA

GMOs example

1. Sheep product human protein in milk for emphysema

2. Salmon increased hormone for rapid growth

DNA editing


2. Genomic DNA can be targeted specifically for cleavage by Cas9

3. Cut DNA is altered

RNA and transcription

RNA and transcription

RNA is used for DNA replication, transcription and translation RNA evolves and acts as a catalyst


DNA- double stranded

Hydrogen on sugar


Deoxyribonucleic sugar

Large in size



Single stranded


Ribose sugar



Central dogma

1. Transcription rewrites DNA into RNA using same nucleotide language

2. Translation switches nucleotide language to amino acid language

% of human genome codes for protein



1. DNA unwinds one strand as template for RNA transcript

2. T is replaced with U

3. RNA polymerase changes it

It grows in five prime to three prime

Initiation and termination of transcription

Eukaryotic promoters contain sequence TATAAA

First nucleotide transcribed is 25 base pairs from TATA box

Eukaryotic promoter

Initiation requires general transcription factors binding to promoter

Transcription activator proteins bind to enhancer

Eukaryotic promoter

1.RNA polymerase binds to template DNA and unwinds it

2. Looping of transcriptional activator proteins, mediator complex, RNA Polymerase and general transcription factors are brought into close proximity for transcription to proceed

RNA polymerase two adds nucleotides to three prime end

1.Transcription occurs in RNA Polymerase complex

2.Two DNA strands separate and growing RNA strand forms duplex with DNA template

Polymerization reaction

1. Incoming nucleotides connect if they correctly pair

2. Three prime hydroxyl of growing strand attacks high energy phosphate bond of incoming riboucleotide providing energy to drive reaction

3. Two phosphates of incoming riboucleotide released as pyrophosphate

RNA primary transcript

RNA comes off DNA strand as primary transcript

Primary transcript

Contains information of gene transcribed and information needed to produce protein


RNA molecule that combines with ribosome to direct protein synthesis

RNA processing

Primary transcript undergoes complex process of chemical modifications

Poly adenylation

The addition of 250 consecutive adenines to three prime end of mRNA

This helps export mRNA into cytoplasm

Protect end of transcript and stabilize RNA transcript

RNA processing

The addition of five prime cap consisting of seven methylguanosince

RNA processing

RNA splicing

Excision of introns

Leaves exons

90% of human genes contain at least one intron

Catalyzed by complex RNA and protein known as spliceosome

Alternative RNA splicing

One primary transcript codes for multiple genes

Gene formed depends on how transcript is spliced

Noncoding RNA

Ribosomal RNA found in ribosomes, the site of protein synthesis

Transfer RNA transports amino acids to site of protein synthesis

Amino acid

consists of an alpha carbon connected by covalent bonds to amino group, carboxyl group, hydrogen and R group

Bonds R groups of hydrophilic amino acids form

Hydrogen bonds

Basic and acidic amino acids


R groups Inside? Outside?

Hydrophobic inside

Hydrophilic outside

Primary structure (protein)

Amino acid sequence listed from amino end to carboxyl end

This structure determines secondary and tertiary structure

20^n is number of protein sequences

Secondary structure

Result of hydrogen bonding to backbone of polypeptide

Two types

Beta sheet

Alpha helix

Beta sheet

Pleated sheet that is stabilized by hydrogen bonds between carbonyl and amino group from one chain to the other

Alpha helix

A coil stabilized by hydrogen bonds between amino acid's carbonyl and amino group four residuals away

Tertiary structure

3D shape made of several secondary structures

Determined by spatial distribution of hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups along molecule and chemical bonds and interactions between R groups

Tertiary structure models

1.Ball and stick model- atoms in amino acid chain

2.Ribbon model emphasized alpha helices(twisted ribbon) and beta sheets (broad arrows)

3. Space filling model shows shape and contour of folded protein

Function of tertiary structure

Contours and distribution of charge outside molecule

Presence of cavities that might bind with smaller molecules inside


Enzymatic proteins

Catalyze chemical reactions

Defensive proteins

Protect against disease

E.g. antibodies

Storage proteins

Storage of amino acids

E.g. ovalbumin

Transport proteins

Transport molecules from one place to another

E.g. channel proteins and hemoglobin

Functions two

Hormonal proteins

Messengers that regulate bodies activities

Receptor proteins

Helps cells communicate with external environment through use of signaling molecules

Contractile and motor proteins

Responsible for movement

E.g. actin and myosin

Structural proteins

Are fibrous and provide support

Denaturation of proteins

Alterations in pH, temperature and salt concentration causes protein to unfold and lose its shape and function

If optimal conditions return some proteins refold and regain functions

Quaternary structure

Many tertiary structures which influences shape and function of proteins

Subunits of quarternary structure can be identical or different


Composed of three identical polypeptides coiled like a rope


Composed of four polypeptides, two copies of one type and two copies of a second type

Components of translation

mRNA, initiation factors, elongation factors, release factors, aminoacyl trna syntases, transfer RNA, ribosomal RNA and ribosomal proteins


Sequence of bases in mRNA specifies the order in which amino acids are added to synthesize a polypeptide


Translation takes place

Coordinate functioning of mRNA and tRNA and synthesis of polypeptide

Ribosomes have two subunits

Small and large

Each subunit is composed of RNA and proteins

Large subunit contains three binding sites for tRNAs

Three binding sites on large ribosome subunit

Exit site

Peptidyl site

Aminoacyl site

Ribosome sequence

Continuous and non overlapping groups of three nucleotides

Constitute a codon

Reading frame is where ribosome begins reading sequence of nucleotides


Transfer RNA consists of a single RNA strand about 80 nucleotides long


Picks up amino acid at three prime

Uses an anticodon to recognize codons in mRNA

Aminoacyl tRNA syntases

Connect amino acids to tRNA molecule

They are very accurate


Base pairing

Specifies DNA, RNA and codon anticodon interactions

Codon and anticodon

Codon circled in black, anticodon circled in orange

Genetic code

20 amino acids specified by 64 codons


Many amino acids specified by more than one codon


One codon codes for one amino acid


Wobble effect

mRNA can be translated with fewer than 64 tRNAs that would be required without wobble

Genetic code is nearly universal

Genes from humans can be cloned into other species and will identify the same polypeptide

Useful in biotechnology and genetic engineering

Process of translation

Step one Initiation

Initiator AUG codon is recognized and Met is established as first amino acid in new polypeptide chain

Elongation successive amino acids added to carboxyl end

Termination the addition of amino acids stops and polypeptide chain is released from the ribosome


1. Initiation factors bind to five prime cap of mRNA

2.Initiation factors bring up tRNA met

3. Small subunit of ribosome is recruited

4. Complex scans for AUG codon


Large ribosomal subunit joins complex

Initiation factors are released

Next tRNA is ready to join ribosome


New tRNA is in place, Met detaches from tRNA and attaches by a peptide bond to the next amino acid


Ribosome shifts one codon to the right removing uncharged tRNA to E site and the other tRNA to P site freeing the A site for next charged tRNA in line to come in


Process continues in which successive amino acids are added one by one to the growing chain


Process occurs until stop codon

A release factors binds to A site causing the bond connecting to the polypeptide of tRNA to break this terminating translation


Change in sequence of genetic material


Chemical increases probability of mutations

Mistake in transcription/translation that is not critical

Change of one protein

RNA is not heritable

Only heritable in viruses

Mutation rates

Mutation is rare for individual nucleotides

Highest rate of mutations

RNA viruses and retroviruses

Mutations in DNA replication occur in humans

One nucleotide in every ten billion

Mutations affect proteins

Affect level and timing of expression

Mismatch repair enzymes

Fix any error missed by DNA polymerases

Mismatch repair enzymes recognize parental strand from daughter strand

DNA methylation

New DNA is not modified yet

Types of Mutations

Nucleotide substitution

Frameshift mutation

Large scale (chromosomal mutations)

Nucleotide substitution is the most frequent

DNA is mismatched e.g. T is matched with G

In the next replication the nucleotide is correctly matched in the daughter strand e.g. G is matched with C

Point mutations

Depends on part of genome where mutation occurs

Coming or no coding region

Synonymous mutation

Does not change amino acid

Non synonymous mutation

Changes amino acid

Nonsense mutation

Changes amino acid to stop codon that terminates translation early resulting in incomplete polypeptide

Sickle cell disease

Inherited blood disorder from single nucleotide substitution in protein hemoglobin subunit beta globin

Non synonymous mutation

Oxygen carrying capacity is reduced

Molecules crystallize into a fiber

Frameshift mutation

Insertion or deletion of one or two based results in shifting of reading frame

Deletion of three bases

Protein CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane) caused protein to not told properly and result in cystic fibrosis

Transposable elements

DNA sequences that move from one position to another in the genome

Transposons insert into genes and disrupt function

Chromosomal level insertion/ deletions

Duplication- region is present twice

Deletion- region is missing

Cri-du-chat syndrome

Deletion in chromosome

Effects one out of fifty thousand


Normal order of block of genes is reversed

Two breaks in chromosome is flipped before breaks are repaired

Reciprocal translocation

Joins segments from different chromosomes

E.g. Chronic myelogenous leukemia results from part of chromosome 22 switching with small fragment from tip of chromosome 9

Lynch syndrome

One genes of mismatch repair is inactivated through mutations

More than 50% of people with Lynch syndrome develop colorectal cancer in their lifetime



Increased probability of breast and ovarian cancer in women

Up to 50% of women with these gene mutations can develop breast and ovarian cancer in their lives

Products of BRCA genes involved in repair of DNA damaged by xray or UV Ray