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12 Cards in this Set

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Two concrens of Visual Impairment

1. Low vision

2. Blindness

Two aspects of VI

1. Peripheral vision

2. Visual Acuity

Describe Peripheral vision

We can see our surroundings of 180°

what you can see to each side or up and down without moving your head, or everything that you can see that isn't in your central vision.

Visual Acuity

It is ability of the eye to see and recognise the details of the object what we see

What is 20/20 vision

It is a term used for normal visual acuity

In which we can see the clarity of an object which is placed in the distance of 20 feet

20/100 vision

In this term a person can only see the object clearly from the distance of 20 feet and cannot clearly see the objects placed beyond that

What is the chart used to measure our vision by doctors called

Snellen chart

Describe low vision

Low vision people are partially sighted.

It can't be corrected with glasses, contacts or surgery.

It is not blindness as sight is limited.

Causes: due to diabetes, glaucoma or age related issues

Describe blindness

Blindness is a lack of vision.

It can not be corrected with glasses or lenses

There are 2 types:-

Partial blindness: very limited vision

Complete blindness: cannot see anything

2 errors of eye?

1. Refractive errors

2. Converging errors

Refractive errors

Hard to see clearly

Problem of light and vision

Image does not fall on retina because of cornea shape or eyeball length

3 types of refractive errors:

1. Myopia (near sightedness)

2. Hyperopia (far sightedness)

3. Astigmatism (blurry vision)

Convergence errors

Eyes are not in correct position

3 types:

1. Strabismus

2. Amblyopia

3. Nystagmus

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