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141 Cards in this Set

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This is where the film seems to come to a climax only to let the audience down

Character actor

not the stars, but are easily recognized and generally play smaller roles from film to film


Also known as director of photography or dp. This person is in charge of the camera and lighting teams. this person establishes "the look" of the film.


A head and shoulders shot


The transition from one shot to another in which the story continues in an orderly and generally logical manner.

Crane shot

The camera is mounted on a long arm and can be moved up or down.


Editing from one scene to another, back and forth several times.


A shot that cuts away from the main action in a scene. A shot that relates and adds impact or additional info to the scene

Day for night

By underexposing the film or video and using filters, a camera person can make daytime appear to be night.

Day player

actors who are hired only for a single day in a movie


Also known as Automatic Dialogue Replacement or ADR. the recording of dialogue in a sound studio after the footage is shot. The actors watch the fill and match the lip movements.

Dutch tilt

A composition with the camera viewing the scene at a diagonal.

Dynamic cutting

Scenes that are juxtaposed in a manner to break up the normal continuity and to create heightened action.

Establishing shot

A shot that establishes the location or surroundings of the main action in a scene.


A shot where the image gradually fades to black, "Fade Out". Or a shot starting out black that gradually becomes the proper brightness, "Fade In."

Follow focus

A shot where the subject moved, but the focus changes with the subjects movement.

Insert shot

Cutting away from a master shot to a scene showing greater detail or information.

Jump Cut

Leaving the continuity of a scene to insert a shot that seemingly has no relevance.

Key Light

The main and most powerful light source to illuminate the subject.

Magic Hour

The time just before sunrise or sunset when the sun's glow gives off a golden color. Cinematographers film during this time of day to add beauty to a scene.

Master shot

A wide shot that establishes the scene, it incorporates all the action from beginning to end. From this scene, the editor can edit medium, close-up, or long shots.

Mismatch continuity

Scenes that do not edit smoothly together, e.g., person is wearing a hat and suddenly the next shot shows the same person without the hat.


Something that keeps reappearing in a film, it can be the look, music, or dialogue.

Objective camera

Camera work that has little impact on the viewer in terms of technique or style. A documentary style of camera work.

Over the shoulder

A camera shot usually seen during a conversation in a film. Shot over one actor's shoulder while seeing the other actor's face and listening to the conversation.


A horizontal camera movement.

Parallel editing

The technique of intercutting between two simultaneous stories or scenes.

P.O.V. shot

The camera is used to show what an actor sees as though you were looking through their eyes or point-of-view. Can also be called a "subjective camera."

Rack focus

Changing the focus from one area in the scene to another.

Reveal shot

A scene in which the camera moved to reveal new information.

Rough Cut

A fill with all the scenes edited together in order but not time to length or quality.

Screen direction

When an actor moves from right to left or left to right in the frame of film on the screen.


This is a sound dissolve, when the out-going sound fades out, while the new sound fades in. There is a time when you can hear both sounds.


A series of scenes edited together to form a coherent event.


An outline for a screenplay that gives a general idea of the plot and characters.

Story line

An outline of major events in a film.

Straight man

Actor in a film who sets up a comedian so they can deliver the punch-line.


When events take place beneath the obvious or an underlying meaning.

Swish pan

Moving a camera from side to side very fast. Used as a transitional effect between scenes in some styles of film.


A single shot of a scene is called a take. Multiple versions of the same shot are called takes.


After the conclusion of the story there is an additional scene that possibly adds more information.


Vertical camera movement

Truck shot

A camera is mounted and on a moving vehicle (usually a specialized truck) to get fast moving shots.

Wide angle

A camera shot that shows a wide field of view.


A popular effect at one time to transition from one scene to another in which the new scene appears to push the previous scene off the screen.

How long did it take for Margaret Mitchell to write gone with the wind?

Over ten years

When did Margaret Mitchell receive a Pulitzer Prize for writing gone with the wind?


How many actresses interviewed for the role of Scarlett o'hara?


When did David O. Selznick sign Vivien Leigh to play Scarlett o'hara?

January 16, 1939

When did David O. Selznick meet Vivien Leigh?

December 15, 1938

When did a film critic write that a film in color over 3 hours was hard on the eyes?


What is the all time top grossing film?

Gone with the wind

Who was David O. Selznick's father-in-law?

Louis B. Mayer

Who produced Gone with the Wind?

David O. Selznick

How much was paid for the movie rights to gwtw?


Who was the first director on gwtw?

George cukor

Who played scarlet o'hara in gwtw?

Vivien leigh

How many years after purchasing the book did principle photography finally begin?

2.5 years

Who was brought in to replace the first director?

Victor fleming

What film was the replacement director taken off in order to direct gwtw?

Wizard of oz

How much did Vivien Leigh work out of the 125 shooting days of gwtw?


Who was the director that walked off the production of gwtw only to return two weeks later?

Victor fleming

What was the total cost of gwtw?

$3.9 million

Gwtw received how many academy awards?


What did Rhett Butler pay $150 for at the auction?

Dance with Scarlett O'Hara

For three days the people of Atlanta waited for news of a battle in Pennsylvania that would help determine the outcome of the war. What was the name of that battle?


When Scarlett returned to Twelve Oaks from Atlanta, what condition did she find it in?

She found it in ruins

How did the Yankees treat Tara when they used it as a temporary headquarters?

They stole and burned everything

Besides the north, along with the defeat of the south came another invader, the ____________.


What did the Northerners expect from African-Americans in return for their gift of 40 acres and a mule?


What did Scarlett do in order to get $300 to pay Tara's taxes?

She married Frank Kennedy

The name of Scarlett's baby was?

Bonnie Blue Butler

What caused Scarlett to lose her second pregnancy?

She fell down the stairs

What caused the death of Scarlett's daughter?

An accident riding a horse

Made Broadway debut and married Virginia Nicholson

Age 19

Formed the Mercury Players with John Houseman

Age 22

Formed "The Mercury Theater On the Air"

Age 23

Performed H.G. Wells' The War of the World's (1938) on Radio

Age 23

Directed Citizen Kane

Age 25

When was Citizen Kane released?


Who was Greg Toland?

He was the best director of photography in Hollywood and he worked on citizen kane

Who was Herman Mankiewicz?

The writer for Citizen Kane


This Italian term refers to a lighting technique where the use of bright and dark images are arranged in pictorial composition

Deep focus

A style of motion picture photography that has great depth of field and brings all plains of the image-foreground, middle ground, and background into sharp focus


A French term meaning to dress a set. In this style of film-making the director has the actors perform the entire scene without editing.

Orson Welles was turning _______ into spectacle, a pop thriller set in Haiti.


What did Hearst do to Pulitzer's newspaper staff?

He bribed them to work for him

Welles saved his most savage portrayal for the woman who shared ________ life.


The collision between Hearst and Orson Welles' the battle over Citizen Kane was in large part over the honor of his _____.


______________ assembled his fellow studio chiefs, in their name he offered $800,000 to buy the negative of Citizen Kane for the express purpose of burning it.

Louis B. Mayer

No Hearst newspaper ever published a review, no Hearst newspaper ever published an ad for _____________.

Citizen Kane

Deep focus

Mrs. Kane signing Charlie off to Mr. Thatcher

Chiaroscuro lighting

After the newsreel in the theater

Low camera angles

"you want love on your own terms" scene


Scene with Charles signing documents with Mr. Thatcher

Which five individuals retell the story of Charles Foster Kane?

Susan, Walter, Mr. Bernstein, Jedediah, and Raymond

What was the symbolism of "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane?

Lose childhood

Charles Foster Kane's dying word was?


When Susan Alexander considered herself a failure, what action did she take?

Attempted suicide by sedative overdose

What was the actual object Rosebud?

A sled

Un Chien Andalou (Dir. Luis Bunuel/Salvador Dali)


Open City (started Neorealism/ dir. Roberto Rossellini)


The Bicycle Thief (Dir. Vittorio De Sica)


Amelie (Dir. Jean-Pietre Jeunet)


Amelie leaves home and gets a job as a ________ in a Montmartre cafe.


What does Amelie like to do at the movies?

Look back at people's faces in the dark

What does Amelie find hidden inside her wall?

A box hidden by a boy

What was the object Amelie takes from her father's yard?

The lawn gnome

At the end we see Amelie and her lover _____________.

riding a bike

Thirty-seven states had their own censorship rules


Fatty Arbuckle charged with rape and murder


Will Hays hired to "clean up" Hollywood image


What two things was Will Hays before he created the PCA?

A Presbyterian elder

And postmaster general

Will Hays creates the Production Code Administration (PCA)


Joe Breen named director of the PCA - Strict enforcement begins


King Kong becomes one of the most censored film of the 1930s


The miracle decision (film comes under 1st & 14th amendments)


Bonnie & Clyde caused Congress to consider censorship


Jack Valenti creates the film ratings' board


Most banned film?

Birth of a Nation

Who was Benjamin's father's business partner's wife?

Mrs. Robinson

What was Benjamin so worried about upon arriving home from college?

His future

What does Mrs. Robinson say to provoke Ben into having sex with her?

That it was his first time and he was inadequate

Hollywood union strikes


House un-american activities committee - Congress holds hearings


Hollywood ten (unfriendly witnesses are sent to prison by Congress)


12% of films shot in color


Development of 3-D films


Cinemascope (Wide screen) was first introduced


Many picture Palaces equaled the ornate and beautiful ______________________ halls of the 19th century.

opera houses & concert

Three forces collided in the Hollywood strike of 1945/6




______________ is the highest paid executive in the nation in 1945. His earnings averaged $20,000 a week.

Louis B. Mayer

The men and women behind the scenes who make movie magic made an average of ___ a week


By the 40s, the dominant union in the movie industry crafts is the __.


Walt Disney was still paying some of those girls (cartoonists) ___ a week.


In 1941, Disney workers received union recognition. Disney reacted by _______________.

Firing strikers

______ became a driving force in persuading the actors to oppose the strike. (Thus breaking the CSU strike)


Ronald Reagan's efforts do not go unnoticed by the FBI agents, they ask him to become an ____________________ on communists, in Hollywood.

undercover informant

Blackmail which started out as a silent film eventually turned into Hitchcock's first _____ film.


Hitchcock was able to achieve his richest and most _________ works right here (Hollywood).


Hitchcock could exploit our worst fears, he did it better than any _________ before or since.
