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133 Cards in this Set

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Ureter in relation to uterine tube

ureter goes under uterine vessels

Urinary incontinence caused by?

lack of levator anne muscles

What does the lateral femoral circumflex artery give blood to?

tensor fascia lata, gluteus minimus and medius

What does the medial femoral circumflex give blood to?

adductors, pectineus

Homologue to corpus spongiosum

Men--> C. spongiosum

Women--> bulb of vestibule

Homologue corpus cavernosum

crura of clitoris, covered by ischiocavernosum, made or corpus cavernosum erectile tissue

prepuce and frenulum in women

prepuce is clitoral hood, frenulum is little thing overtop

The dorsal nerve of penis/clitoris travels through

suspensory ligament

Homologue of bulburethral glands

greater vestibular glands

the tendonous arch of levator annae--

the obturator internus membrane

the vulvar vestibule is

the space between labia majora

The borders of the 2 triangles

pubic symphysis to ischial tuberosity to coccyx

The pudendal nerves travel with

Pudendal AV

The superficial perineal nerve NAV

to scrotum/labia

The deep perineal NAV give to

deep and superficial pouches and their muscles

The suspensory ligament is from

superficial for penis/clitoris

For a pudendal nerve block, try to find

ischial spines

Unusual area for anastomoses of caval/portal

middle rectal

The four parts of the uterine tube

fimbrae, infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus

The type of epithelial cells in the cervix

simple columnar

Epithelial cells in the supravaginal cervix

simple squamous

Vagina epithelial cells

stratified squamous NK

Superficial layer of penis

Colle's fascia

Under Colle's fascia,

Buck's fascia

Under Buck's fascia

tunica albguinea

The vas deferens in relation to ureter

will go superior to ureter

The sacral plexus includes nerves from


Some of the nerves from the sacral plexus include

pudendal, sciatic, posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh, inferior and superior gluteal nerves

The lumbosacral trunk nerves


Pudendal nerves come from...


Anterior thigh nerve innervation

femoral nerve

Anterior thigh function

extend knee, hip flexor

Anterior thigh blood supply


What are the hip flexors?

sartorius, ilacus, psoas major, pectineus

Where do most of anterior thigh muscles attach?

most to pubis and to femur (linea aspera)

The quads include ..

rectus femoris, vastus medius, lateralis, intermedius and articularis genus

The muscles in the anterior thigh

vastus medius, lateralis, intermedius, rectus femoris, sartorius, articularis genus

The rectus femoris attaches to


Sartorius attaches


Most of anterior compartment attachments inferiorly

quadriceps tendon (except sartorius--> tibia)

What is in the posterior compartment of the thigh?

biceps femoris, semitendonosus, semimembranesus

What are considered the hamstrings?

biceps femoris, semitendonosus, semimembranosus

What innervates posterior thigh?

tibial nerve

Blood supply posterior thigh?

perforating branches of profunda

What is the function of posterior thigh?

knee flexion, hip extension

What innervates short head of biceps femoris

common fibular nerve

Where does the posterior thigh attach?

ischial tuberosity to tibia

Where does short head of biceps femoris attach superiorly?

linea aspera

What is in the medial compartment of thigh?

adductor longus, brevis, magnus, pectineus, gracilis

What does the medial thigh do?

adductor of thigh

What innervates medial thigh?

obturator nerve

blood supply medial thigh


Where does the medial thigh attach?

pubis to the linea aspera

Where does the gracilis attach?

ischial tuberosity

What makes up the pes anserinus group

sartorius, gracilis, and the semitendonosus

What the the pes anserinus group do?

knee flexion

where does pes anserinus attach inferiorly?

tibia tuberosity

Where does the psoas major and ilacus attach?

lesser trochanter of thigh

Where does gluteus maximus attach?

ilium, sacrum, coccyx to ileotibial band

What is function of gluteus maximus

hip extension, thigh abduction,

What is the innervation of gluteus maximus

inferior gluteal nerve

what is blood supply to gluteus maximus?

inferior gluteal artery

inferior gluteal artery comes off?

internal iliac artery

The gluteus minimus and medius attach/

ilium to greater trochanter of femur

function of gluteus minimus and medius

medial rotation of thigh, abduction of thigh, hip flexor

What is nerve innervation of gluteus minimus and medius?

superior gluteal nerve

What is the blood supply of gluteus minimus/ medius

superior gluteal artery

superior gluteal artery is branch of?

internal iliac

tensor fascia lata attachment?

ilium to iliotibial band

function of tensor fasica lata?

medial rotation of thigh, thigh abduction, hip flexor

Describe the branching pattern of the external iliac artery

femoral artery once under the inguinal ligament, then gives off profunda, then continues down to popliteal fossa through the adductor canal (adductor longus), then we turn into popliteal artery, give off anterior tibial, then branch into posterior tibial and peroneal

The sciatic nerve and its branching patterns

in area of popliteal fossa, it will give off the tibial and common fibular

branches of the common fibular nerve

superficial and deep fibular nerves

The compartments of the thigh are surrounded by?

interosseous membrane

The posterioruperficial compartment of leg

gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris

The function of posterior superficial

plantar flexion

Blood supply to posterior superficial

posterior tibial

nerve of posterior superficial

tibial nerve

attachments of gastrocnemius

medial and lateral condyles and then calcaneal tendon

soleus attachments

fibula (soleil line) to calcaneal tendon

attachments of the plantaris

lateral condyle to calcaneal tendon

Muscles in the deep posterior compartment

flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, tibial posterior

Function of the longus ones

flexion of big toe and little toes

function of tibial posterior

inversion of foot

Blood supply to deep posterior

posterior tibial artery

Innervation to deep posterior

tibial nerve

Attachments of the flexor hallucis v. digitorum

tibia is more medial and so is digitorum (tibia)

hallucis is more lateral so attach to fibula

wrap around medial malleolus posteriorly in order of T,D, H

hallucis goes to 1st metatarsal

digitorum goes to 5th and other metarsals

attachment of posterior tibial

tibia to 1st metatarsal

What is in the anterior compartment?

extensor digitorum and hallucis longus, tibial anterior

Function of anterior

extensor of toes, inversion of foot

blood supply anteriro

anterior tibial artery

nerve for anterior

deep fibular artery

Attachments of the extensors (dorsiflexion)

both from fibula

hallucis - 1st metatarsal

digitorum to all metatarsals

The anterior tibial attachments

from the tibia to the 1st metarsal

What is the purpose of lateral compartment

eversion of foot

What muscles in the lateral?

fibularis brevis and longus

Attachments of the fibularis muscles

lateral fibula

longus --> 1st metatarsal

brevis--> 5th metarsal

blood supply lateral

peroneal artery

nerve lateral

superficial fibular nerve

Back to the


The posterior leg nerve supply

sural nerve

The medial leg vein

greater saphenous vein

the posterior leg vein and where it goes

smaller saphenous and goes to popliteal

The greater saphenous vein empties into

femoral vein

The smaller saphenous vein runs with the

sural nerve

Back to the


The piriformis originates from


The lateral rotators originate from

pubis bone

The insertion of lateral rotators-->

greater trochanter

branches of the profunda

lateral and medial femoral circumflex and the perforating arteries

The boundaries of the ischiorectal fossa

pelvic diaphragm, skin, gluteus maximus, anal sphincters, oburator interna

Nerve supply to external sphincter

pudendal nerve branches--> inferior rectal

nerve supply to internal sphincter and corrugator ani

pelvic splachnics

The pudendal NAV travels through

pudendal canal and also deep pouch

corpus cavernosum blood supply

deep artery and dorsal

skin and the spongiosum blood supply

dorsal artery

What is in the spermatic cord

pampiniform veins, ductus deferens, testicular artery, cremaster muscle, fasica, nerves

The femoral sheath begins and includes

under the inguinal ligament and includes femoral artery in the lateral, vein in the middle and lymph nodes in the medial, nerve travels outside

The femoral canal is a potential problem

for hernias

The femoral nerve runs .. to psoas major


The inferior attachment of most quads make

the quadriceps tendon

the inferior portion attached to the patella?

patellar ligament

The femoral triangle is made of

adductor longus, sartorius, inguinal ligament

The femoral triangle includes

femoral NAVL

The popliteal fossa is made

semitendonosus, semimembranesus, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius, plantaris

Places where a pulse can be felt in leg for femoral artery

middle of inguinal ligament

Popliteal artery can be felt?

in popliteal fossA

POSterior tibial artery can be felt?

medial malleolus around the hallucis and digitorum tendons

Function of popliteus

Knee flexion, medial rotation

The common peroneal nerve will pass

behind head, wraps around neck and then goes into fibularis longus and splits

Which nerve runs with dorsalis pedis?

deep fibular nerve

What innervates abductor hallucis?

Medial plantar nerve

What are the interosseous muscles innervated by?

lateral plantar muscles