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65 Cards in this Set

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What does D&C 93:24 say regarding truth?
What does D&C 93:24 say regarding truth?

And truth is knowledge of things as
they are, and as they were, and as
they are to come.
What is the relationship between the Gospel of Jesus Christ and knowledge as said by Pres. Smith?
What is the relationship between the Gospel of Jesus Christ and knowledge?

“In knowledge there is power. God has more power than all other
beings, because He has greater knowledge; and hence He
knows how to subject all other beings to Him.”
“A man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge, for if he does
not get knowledge, he will be brought into captivity by some
evil power in the other world. … Hence it needs revelation to
assist us, and give us knowledge of the things of God.”
What did Joseph Smith say regarding our acceptance of truth?
What did Joseph Smith say regarding our acceptance of truth?

“Mormonism is truth; and every man who
embraces it feels himself at liberty to embrace
every truth: consequently the shackles of
superstition, bigotry, ignorance, and
priestcraft, fall at once from his neck; and his
eyes are opened to see the truth, and truth
greatly prevails over priestcraft. … The first
and fundamental principle of our holy religion
is, that we believe that we have a right to
embrace all, and every item of truth.”
What was th 1st Pres. Statement on science?
What was th 1st Pres. Statement on science?

“Our religion is not hostile to real science. That which is
demonstrated, we accept with joy; but vain philosophy, human
theory and mere speculations of men (i.e., untested or
unsupported hypotheses), we do not accept nor do we adopt
anything contrary to divine revelation or to common good
sense. But everything that tends to right conduct, that
harmonizes with sound morality and increases the faith in
Deity, finds favor with us no matter where it may be found.”
What does D&C 88:78-80 say regarding what we should gain knowledge of?
What does D&C 88:78-80 say regarding what we should gain knowledge of?

Teach ye diligently and my agrace shall attend you, that you
may be binstructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in
doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain
unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to
79 Of things both in aheaven and in the earth, and under the
earth; things which have been, things which are, things
which must bshortly come to pass; things which are at
home, things which are abroad; the wars and the
perplexities of the cnations, and the judgments which are
on the land; and a dknowledge also of countries and of
80 That ye may be prepared in all things when I shall send you
again to amagnify the calling whereunto I have called you,
and the bmission with which I have commissioned you.
What does D&C 101 say regarding knowledge and the coming of Christ?
What does D&C 101 say regarding knowledge and the coming of Christ?
What are three things we must remember when searching for truth?
What are three things we must remember when searching for truth?

We should avail ourselves of truth from any source: “Every
accomplishment, every polished grace, every useful attainment in
mathematics, music, and in all science and art belongs to the Saints, and
they should avail themselves as expeditiously as possible of the wealth

of knowledge the sciences offer to every diligent and persevering
scholar.” –Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 10:224
2. Answer the right questions with the right tools: “Leave Geology,
Biology, Archaeology and Anthropology, no one of which has to do with the
salvation of the souls of mankind, to scientific research, while we magnify our
calling in the realm of the Church.” –1931 First Presidency Declaration.
3. Ensure that our interpretations are correct: “The opening chapters of
Genesis, and scriptures related thereto, were never intended as a text-book of
geology, archaeology, earth-science or man-science. Holy Scripture will endure,
while the conceptions of men change with new discoveries. We do not show
reverence for the scriptures when we misapply them through faulty
interpretation.” –“The Earth and Man”, James E. Talmage, 1931.
For many people their is an apparent division between science and religion. Why? (3 reasons)
For many people their is an apparent division between science and religion. Why? (3 reasons)

TRADITION. This has its roots in the Middle Ages and in our own
Effort, Time, & Commitment are required to discover religious truth.
Effort, Time, & Commitment are required to discover scientific truth.
It’s difficult to find the effort, time, & commitment to become
proficient in both. The maze of misinformation is not easy to traverse.
The issues are often emotionally charged.
3. MISUSE OF AUTHORITY. In today’s society, there are few that are
adept at identifying and distinguishing between scientific truth,
religious truth, and opinion. Some religious and scientific leaders have
done nearly-irreparable damage by—either unintentionally or
willfully—passing off their opinions as scientific or religious truth.
What does D&C 88:47-50 say regarding the comphrension of all things?
What does D&C 88:47-50 say regarding the comphrension of all things?

Behold, all these are kingdoms,
and any man who hath seen any
or the least of these hath seen
God moving in his majesty and
power. I say unto you, he hath
seen him; nevertheless, he who
came unto his own was not
comprehended. The light
shineth in darkness, and the
darkness comprehendeth it not;
nevertheless, the day shall come
when you shall comprehend
even God, being quickened in
him and by him. Then shall ye
know that ye have seen me, that
I am, and that I am the true
light that is in you, and that you
are in me; otherwise ye could
not abound
What are three reasons why science in important?
What are three reasons why science in important?

allows us to under. the world around us, blesses humanity, and confirms the existence of God for those who look for it
Why should we seek through investigation?
Why should we seek through investigation?

No matter how righteous you are,
no matter how carefully you
cultivate the companionship of the
Holy Ghost, there are vast
amounts of knowledge which you
need to acquire and which you are
t i t i th h

not going to receive through
What is science in Latin?
What is science in Latin?

What is science? (2)
What is science? (2)

The systematic
observation and
interpretation of natural
phenomena.;The systematic study of
anything that can be
physically observed,
tested, & verified.
What is the difference between anecdotal evidence and empirical evidence?
What is the difference between anecdotal evidence and empirical evidence?

Anecdotal is based on personal interpretation of
personal experience; Empirical is based on multiple measurements
made, usually, by multiple individuals
Why doesn't intuition always work?
Why doesn't intuition always work?

airplane model
What is the difference between science sense and common sense?
What is the difference between science sense and common sense?

common sense- using many sit to solve specific prob. science- cluster prob
How is truth learned in science?
How is truth learned in science?

observation, hypothesis, test of hypothesis, pass numerous tests and then called theory?
What did Dr. Gottlieb say concerning the ult. purpose of science?
What did Dr. Gottlieb say concerning the ult. purpose of science?

"“Science is an intellectual activity carried on by
humans that is designed to discover information about
the natural world in which humans live and to
discover the ways in which this information can be
organized into meaningful patterns. A primary aim of
science is to collect facts (data). An ultimate purpose
of science is to discern the order that exists between
and amongst the various facts.”
According to Elder Scott, what are the two limitations of science?
According to Elder Scott, what are the two limitations of science?

First, we never can be sure we have identified
absolute truth, though we often draw nearer
and nearer to it. Second, sometimes, no matter
how earnestly we apply the method, we can
get the wrong answer
According to Elder Scott, what are the ways to obtain truth?
According to Elder Scott, what are the ways to obtain truth?

and prayer
What are 4 of the characteristics of science (not all of them)?
What are 4 of the characteristics of science (not all of them)?

Accuracy and precision
• Objectivity
• Empiricism
• Skepticism
Who are the two groups of people that skepticize scientific discoveries?
Who are the two groups of people that skepticize scientific discoveries?

peer group and scientific community
T/F Is critical review of a theory
completed once a manuscript is
T/F Is critical review of a theory
completed once a manuscript is

What is the speed of light?
What is the speed of light?

300 million m/sec
Relative to the solar system, how big is our earth?
Relative to the solar system, how big is our earth?

4th smallest
What are the three types of planets?
What are the three types of planets?

rocky, gasey, and dwarf
What are the two dwarf planets/
What are the two dwarf planets/

pluto and eris
If the sun was at the Romney bldg where would Jupiter, Saturn uranus, neptune and pluto be?
If the sun was at the Romney bldg where would Jupiter, Saturn uranus, neptune and pluto be?

jupiter- MC
saturn- taylor/Kimball
uranus- rick
pluto- temple
What is the nearest star to our solar system?
What is the nearest star to our solar system?

Alpha Centuari
How many stars are in the Milky way and if the solar system was an oreo, how big owuld the sun be?
How many stars are in the Milky way and if the solar system was an oreo, how big owuld the sun be?

200-400 million, smaller than a sprinkly
give the sprinkle analogy of the solar system
give the sprinkle analogy of the solar system

acroos N. America, Kansas 25 ft deep
Who is our nearest galaxy, how far away are they, and how many light years would that take?
Who is our nearest galaxy, how far away are they, and how many light years would that take?

Andromeda, 10 x 10 v 13 miles, 2.2 million lyr
The known universe has how many galaxies?
The known universe has how many galaxies?

100 galaxies
What is the estimated amount of stars in the universe?
What is the estimated amount of stars in the universe?

2 x 10v23 stars at a minumum
What does Moses 1:38 say?
What does Moses 1:38 say?

“And as one earth shall pass away, and the heavens
thereof even so shall another come”
what is look back time?
what is look back time?

as we look at light from stars and galaxies
we are actually looking back into the history of the
What is cosmology?
What is cosmology?

its structure, origin,
evolution, and destiny
What two things does cosmology include?
What two things does cosmology include?

Our universal “world view”
Our cosmological model
What are the three examples of cosmology models among japanese, Native Americans, and greek?
What are the three examples of cosmology models among japanese, Native Americans, and greek?

The Greeks believed that the earth was supported by Atlas, some
native Americans believed it rested on the back of a turtle, and
indigenous Japanese, the Ainu, believed it was on the back of a huge
The ancient models of cosmology were replaced by different models based on what kind of observation?
The ancient models of cosmology were replaced by different models based on what kind of observation?

empirical observations
What are the three scientific revolutions in science?
What are the three scientific revolutions in science?

2nd Century: Claudius Ptolemy (Physics of Aristotle)
Astronomy has seen 3 scientific revolutions in cosmology:
Our View of the Cosmos - the story of scientific models
Model: Earth-centered Cosmology
Big Idea: Different laws for Earth and the cosmos
16th Century: Nicolaus Copernicus (Physics of Newton)
Model: Sun-centered Cosmology
Big Idea: Universal physics; same laws everywhere
20th Century: Edwin Hubble (Physics of Einstein)
Model: Big Bang Cosmology
Big Idea: Universe is changing, evolving
What are the order of the celestial spheres in geocentric model?
What are the order of the celestial spheres in geocentric model?

moon, venus, sun, mars
What did Gen. 1:3 say?
What did Gen. 1:3 say?

"Let their be light and their was light"
When the Universe first
began to cool after the Big
Bang most of the matter
was in the form of what atomic particles?
When the Universe first
began to cool after the Big
Bang most of the matter
was in the form of what atomic particles?

protons, neutrons, and
Who discovered that 75% is hydrogen and 25% is helium?
Who discovered that 75% is hydrogen and 25% is helium?

Cecilia Payne
% of matter is dark matter?
% of matter is dark matter?

T/F the concept of Dark Energy is
actually an integral part of Einstein’s
theory of gravity
the concept of Dark Energy is
actually an integral part of Einstein’s
theory of gravity

What causes acceleration of the universe?
What causes acceleration of the universe?

dark energy
The explosion of a supernova can be as bright as what?
The explosion of a supernova can be as bright as what?

an entire galaxy
Pie chart of elements in the universe?
Pie chart of elements in the universe?

73% Dark Energy Dark Matter 23%, Normal matter 4%
What are the three crisis of the Geocentric model?
What are the three crisis of the Geocentric model?

parellex view, jupiter moons and venus, and retorgrade mtion
What are the three crisis of the heleocentric model?
What are the three crisis of the heleocentric model?

no center of mily way, other galaxies exist
The sharing of scientific information allways involves what?
The sharing of scientific information allways involves what?

the publication of that in a journal
What is a system?
What is a system?

a portion of the real world
T/F It is becoming harder and harder to make correct decisions?
T/F It is becoming harder and harder to make correct decisions?

What is thing that makes science self-correcting?
What is thing that makes science self-correcting?

Critical review
What is the most important thing about a two hypothesis method?
What is the most important thing about a two hypothesis method?

Must always decide whether or not to accept or reject null hypothesis
What was Aristotles scientific theory regarding natural motion and violence motion in regards to speed of falling objects?
What was Aristotles scientific theory regarding natural motion and violence motion in regards to speed of falling objects?

objects would fall at constant speed proportional to their weight
What was Galileo's addition to Artistoles laws of motion?
What was Galileo's addition to Artistoles laws of motion?

He proposed that objects fall at a constantly
increasing rate, so that the speed of the falling object after two seconds
is twice as large as the speed of the falling object after one second. Furthermore,
the speed at which objects fall should be independent of their weight.Unless one object
was particularly light (a feather, for example), both objects would reach the
ground at the same time.
How many miles does light travel in one year?
How many miles does light travel in one year?

5.88 x 10v12 miles
How many miles away is Alpha Centari and how many light years is that?
How many miles away is Alpha Centari and how many light years is that?

25.7 Trillion, 4.4 light years
A spinwheel galaxy is how many times wider than thicker?
A spinwheel galaxy is how many times wider than thicker?

100 times
Why can't we use the doppler effect on light?
Why can't we use the doppler effect on light?

It moves so fast. Thus, we need to use emission spectrum
during the "dark ages" of the universe, how many parts dark matter to how many parts hydrogen?
during the "dark ages" of the universe, how many parts dark matter to how many parts hydrogen?

5 parts to 1 part hyrdrogen
How far away in miles is the Andromeda galaxy/
How far away in miles is the Andromeda galaxy?

1.4 x 10v 19 miles