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35 Cards in this Set

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Fashion design

Art of application of design and aesthetics or natural beauty to clothing and accessories influenced by culture and social attitudes; fulfilling customers wants


Can define rank, profession, or a customer preferences of the timers


Look and feel of material


Characteristic or distinctive appearance of a garment ( makes it different)


Overall outline or contour (shape or form)


Individual element that gives a silhouette its form or shape (length, sleeve, shoulder, waist)


Getting merchandise to stock the stores, the activity of promoting the sale of goods, especially by their presentation in retail


Promotes fashion and generates interest in new styles and products, help set trends


General direction or movement


Sweeps in and impacts a limited amount of population and leaves quickly


Style or design that remains in basic need and remains in general fashion acceptance for an extended period of time

High fashion

New style accepted by limited number of fashion leaders who want to be first

Mass fashion

Consists of styles that are widely accepted

Image clothing

Photographed/drawn (form)

Written clothing

Described in words

Real clothing

Seeing the garment (action of manufacture)


Symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify its products


Symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use or representing a company or product

Private label

Designating a product manufactured or packaged for sale under the name of the of the retailer or designer rather than that of the manufacturer or a retailer or designers name as used on product sold by the retailer but manufactured by another company

Designer label

Clothing, luxury automobile manufacturers and other personal accessory items sold under prestigious marquee which is commonly named after a designer, founder or location where company was founded mostly applied to luxury goods

Bricks and mortar

Physical retail buildings ie department stores


Goods coming into the country


Goods going out of the country


Procurement practices, aimed at finding, evaluating and engaging suppliers for acquiring goods and services


Process of contracting a business function to someone else

Race to the bottom

Who can make goods the fastest and cheapest

Buying behaviors

Process by which individuals search for, select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods and services, in satisfaction of their needs and wants customer decision making


Products cater to high priced prestige or luxury market


Medium or higher priced merchandise


Dresses, sportswear, career wear, and nationally advertised apparel brands fit into this price

Discount/off price

Low priced merchandise. This price range may include samples, close-outs, discounted, season items or irregulars

Budget or mass market

Low end of the apparel spectrum with clothes, footwear, and accessories that retailer relatively low price points. Garments are typically at fair quality and fair value

Contemporary or popular

Contemporary means belonging to the same period of time conforming to modern or current ideas in style, fashion, design etc. contemporary more of a fashion forward look, than specific price point


Often for career separates and dresses in finer fabrics. Usually the lower priced or secondary lines of fashion designers

Haute couture or made to measure

Clothing made for one person, costs tens of thousands of dollars and only a handful can afford it. Highest price garments carry classification of couture