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175 Cards in this Set

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What does Battered Child Syndrome refer to?
The repeated mistreatment or beating of a child that results in physical and psychological injuries.
How many children are victims of fatal and non fatal abuse and neglect each year?
True or False

An estimated 31,000 deaths were attributed to homicide in the year 2002.
Studies around the world show that ___ percent of women and ___ percent of men report having been sexually abused as children.
20; 5-10
True or False

Infanticide is not still a problem in contemporary society.
False; it is very much so still a problem
At what age are children at the HIGHEST risk of DEATH due to abuse?
Under the age of 1.
____ are somewhat more likely than ____ to become victims of infanticides.
Boys; girls.
True or False

Fatality rates for both boys and girls tend to decrease with age.
According to the Administration on Children, Youth, and Families: ___ % of child abuse victims experience neglect; ___% were physically abused; ___% were sexually abused; ___% were psychologically abused; ___% were medically neglected.
64.1; 16; 8.8; 6.6; 2.2.
Is it unusual for a victim to experience more than one form of abuse at the same time?
No it is not unusual.
What are the sources for the definition of child abuse?
Child Abuse Prevention act of 1974; National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 1984; CAPTA, first enacted in 1-974 as Public Law 93-247; Amended recently by Keeping Children and Families Safe Act, 2003; and National Incident Study of Child abuse and Neglect.
What is CAPTA?
It is the key federal legislation addressing child abuse and neglect.
Definition 1 of Abuse and Neglect
Physical Assault including excessive corporal punishment
Definition 2 of Abuse and Neglect
Sexual abuse or exploitation such as forcible or consensual rape, incest, intercourse, sexual molestation. promoting prostitution, etc.
Definition 3 of Abuse and Neglect
Close confinement such as tying or binding
Definition 4 of Abuse and Neglect
Any other pattern of assaultive exploitative, or abusive treatment.
Definition 5 of Abuse and Neglect
Abandonment or other refusal to maintain custody as desertion.
Definition 6 of Abuse and Neglect
Permitting or encouraging chronic maladaptive behavior, such as truancy, deliquency, prostitution, serious drug or alcohol abuse.
Definition 7 of Abuse and Neglect
Refuse to allow needed treatment for a professionally diagnosed physical, educational, emotional, or behavioral problem, or failure to follow the advice of a competent professional who recommends that the caregiver obtain or provide treatment.
Definition 8 of Abuse and Neglect
Failure to seek or unwarranted delay in seeking competent medical care for a serious injury, illness, or impairment, if the need for professional care should have been apparent.
Definition 9 of Abuse and Neglect
Consistent or extreme inattention to the child's physical or emotional needs, including needs for food, clothing, supervision, safety, affection, and reasonably hygienic living conditions
Definition 10 of Abuse and Neglect
Failure to register pr enroll the child in school, as required by law.
State definitions of Abuse and Neglect
1) Child maltreatment is generally subject to state laws and administrative regulations. 2) Definitions of child abuse and neglect are located primarily in three places:Mandatory reporting statutes, criminal statutes, and juvenile court jurisdiction statutes.
True or false
With Emotional and Psychological abuse, most states include emotional maltreatment as part of the definitions of abuse and neglect.
When describing Emotional and psychological abuse, the typical wording is what?
injury to the psychological capacity or emotional stability of the child as evidenced by an observable or substantial change in behavior, emotional response, or cognition, or as evidenced by anxiety, depression, withdraw, or aggressive behavior.
What is emotional or psychological abuse at its mildest form?
A caretaker belittling or ridiculing a child frequently.
When is a child a witness to family violence?
When they hear or see an act of family violence occurring.
True or false

The legal definition of witnessing family violence does not change from state to state.
False, it does change from state to state.
How many children in America live in dual-parent families in which some form of violence occurred in the previous year?
15.5 million
True or false

30% of the total amount of children living in married or cohabiting opposite sex households have witnessed family violence.
Children who witness family violence are at a higher risk for ?
psychological, behavioral, social, and educational problems.; also increased risk for physical abuse and being murdered.
How is neglect frequently defined?
In terms of deprivation of adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision.
Neglect can also be ?
Failure or refusal to provide care or services for a person when there is an obligation to do so.
True or False

Neglect is the most common form of abuse.
True or False

Neglect doesn't carry any resulting harm with it.
False, it does carry resulting harm with it due to the action or inaction of the caregiver.
How many states include failure to educate the child as required by law in their definition of neglect?
How many states have a mandatory formal education requirement that a child must attend school until age 16?
ALL states do
Educational neglect includes ?
Failure to enroll a child in school, allowing chronic truancy, and the failure to attend to a special education need.
What may be included in the definition of emotional neglect?
1) exposure to chronic or extreme intimate-partner violence 2) permitted drug or alcohol abuse 3) delay in psychological care
Parents have the duty to seek ____________ for a child when necessary.
medical care
What is the definition of withholding medical treatment?
the failure to respond to an infant's life-threatening conditions by denial of treatment that would probably be effective ameliorating all life-threatening conditions.
A _______________ exemption from medical neglect is permitted in some states if based on _____________.
religious; religious grounds.
What does physical neglect involve?
the failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, hygiene, protection, or supervision.
What is the typical definition of abandonment?
It is when the parents whereabouts are unknown, the child has been left in circumstances in which he suffers serious harm, or the parent failed to provide reasonable support for a specified time.
__________ is an element of the definition of child abuse or neglect in some states.
Parental substance abuse
What is physical abuse?
Any non-accidental physical injury to the child.
What is included in physical abuse?
striking, kicking, burning, biting the child, or any action that results in a physical impairment or death of the child such as shaking or throwing.; also includes acts or circumstances that threaten the child with harm or create a substantial risk of harm.
What are some cultural practices that are not typically defined as physical abuse?
1) coining
2) cupping
3) moxibustion
An estimated ___________children died of abuse or neglect in 2006.
The most frequent cause of death in a child was ____.
What percentage of child fatalities were attributed to neglect?
more than 40 percent
Some studies estimate that as many as ____ to ___ % of child deaths resulting from abuse or neglect are not recorded.
50, 60
________________ appear to be among the most promising current approaches.
Child fatality review teams
Sexual abuse includes:
a) employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of any child to engage in, or assist any other person in a sexually explicit conduct or simulation of conduct for the purpose of producing a visual depiction of such conduct; b)the rape, and in cases of caretakers or interfamilial relationships, statutory rape, molestation, prostitution, or other form of sexual exploitation of children or incest with children.
Child sexual abuse refers to sexual acts and sexually motivating behaviors involving children, such as:
a) oral, anal, or genital penetration b) anal or genital digital or other penetration c) genital contact with no intrusion d) fondling a child's breast or buttocks e) indecent exposure f) Inadequate or inappropriate supervision of child's sexual activities. g) Prostitution, pornography, and internet crimes.
At what age are children considered to have the highest rates of victimization?
Younger than one
_______ are slightly more victimized in child abuse than _______ .
girls; boys
True or False

Victims can be found throughout society with no regard to age or gender.
What age groups are at risk for some form of maltreatment?
True or False

Victimization rates do not vary by race and ethnicity.
Which groups of people have the highest rates of victimization with Child abuse?
a) African American Children
b) American Indian
c) Alaska Native Children
d) Children of multiple races
Who can be considered a mandated reporter?
Any person who has a duty to care for or protect a child.
Who typically is included in the group of people considered to be mandated reporters?
a) physicians
b) child care givers
c) police officers
d) teachers
True or False
The majority of states have extended the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse and other crimes against children.
What are some examples of criminal justice provisions dealing with child abuse?
a) allowing the judge to close the courtroom during the child's testimony.
b) allowing leading questions
c) allowing the use of anatomical dolls in child abuse trials.
The court may order _____________ when allegations of abuse surface during custody hearings.
an investigation
When dealing with a child witness and expert testimony, what can add to the complexity of the hearing?
considerations of the fitness of a parent who abuses his spouse And the impact of family violence on the battered spouse's capacity to parent.
In many states the court may appoint a __________________ or attorney to speak for the child.
guardian ad litem (GAL)
_____________ investigate in order to provide evidence.
Social Services agencies
_____________ also conduct investigations on suspected child abuse and neglect against children.
Police officers
What are the four critical steps for child abuse and neglect investigations?
1) Go to the source of information
2) Get records and reports on abuse
4) Go to the scene
Who are at a significantly increased risk for neglect and abuse of all forms?
children with disabilities
Hospitalized children with disabilities were ____ as prevalent among maltreatment than those without disabilities.
True or false

Children with more than one disability were at even higher risk of physical and sexual abuse.
Children with disabilities are abused and neglected at a rate of ___________ that of children who do not have disabilities.
three times
Criminal prosecution of physical abuse is more common than the prosecution of _____________________.
Emotional maltreatment
The line between __________ and __________ can be blurry, evidence becomes extremely important.
accident; intentional harm
What approach is helpful in gathering information from various sources?
multiagency or interdisciplining team
_______________ is not confirmation that a child has been victimized.
an allegation of abuse
How can one determine the age of a bruise?
a) bright red = 0 to 2 days old; b) bluish/purple = 2 to 5 days; c) green = 5 to 7 days; d) yellow = 7 to 10 days; e) brown = 10 to 14 days; f) no evidence after 2-4 weeks
Bright red bruise is how old?
0 to 2 days
Bluish or purple bruise is how old?
2 to 5 days
A green bruise is how old?
5 to 7 days
A yellow bruise is how old?
7 to 10 days
what movement disorders are associated with SSRIs?
mild parkinsonian symptoms, dystonia, dyskinesia, akathisia
_______________ are frequently used as weapons against children in abusive situations.
common household items
Examples of common household items used as weapons for abuse are:
hairbrushes, flyswatters, hangers, belts, and baseball bats.
The most common dangerous weapon used in child abuse is ____________.
the hand
_______________ on the child may help to identify and retrieve the weapon as evidence.
bruise pattern
Children will suffer a significant burn in (more, less) time than an adult.
True or False

Intentional burn injuries often do not go unnoticed.
Burn injuries make up approximately ____ % of child abuse cases and ____% of hospital admissions of children to burn units.
10; 10
Examples of intentional burns would be:
a) forcing a child under hot water
b) inflicting cigarette or lighter burns
c) pushing or holding on to a heating or electrical unit
d) placing the child in an oven or microwave
The most common kind of abduction is
family abduction
where are the cell bodies of the sensory part of CNV located?
semilunar (gasserian) ganglion, mesencephalic nucleus of V
The majority of kidnappings are what kind of kidnappings?
What was the congress mandated response to the problem of missing and exploited children?
the Missing Children's Assistance Act, 1984 as Title IV of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act
This is a major source of information on parental kidnapping.
The National Center for Prosecution of Children
How many children are estimated to be abducted annually?
What percentage of kidnappings are done by a parent or family member?
Munchausen by Proxy involves both ______ and _____________ against a child.
physical abuse; and medical neglect
The offender of this condition suffers from a psychological maltreatment categorized as factitious disorders. (DSM IV-T-R)
Munchausen by Proxy
Munchausen by Proxy is characterized by ?
repeated unnecessary medical tests and procedures, which are demanded by a caretaker and cause physical injury to a child.
Common methods that are used to fabricate illness are:
lying, poisoning with either drugs or other substances, suffocation, specimen tampering, chart falsification, injection of urine or fecal matter into the child, laxatives, and excessive medications.
An estimated 9 to 31 % of victims die as a result of this abuse.
Munchausen by Proxy
___________ for validating an episode make it very difficult for prosecution.
Legal procedures
Sexual abuse on a child is:
Any forced, exploitative, or coercive sexual contact or experience with a child.
Since statues on sexual abuse vary widely, there are three elements that are required. They are:
a) a significantly older person
b) a person who engaged in sexual activity
c) Activity involving someone who is legally a child.
These are forms of sexual assault:
a)molestation; b) rape; c) voyeurism; d)exhibitionism; pornography; e) forced prostitution; f) incest
What are some symptoms of sexual abuse?
behavior changes such as acting out, excessive masturbation, and unusual interest in or avoidance of all things sexual; sleep problems or nightmares; depression, aggressiveness, suicidal behavior, refusing school, and headaches; aversive reactions to particular foods, soreness in the genitals; physical indicators; behavioral indicators; caretaker indicators.
What are the three sexual abuse typologies?
engagement phase; progression phase; and suppression phase.
What are the characteristics of sexual abuse accommodation syndrome?
a) secrecy
b) helplessness
c) entrapment and accommodation
d) delayed, conflicted and unconvincing disclosure
e) retraction
____________ developed by the 1970s to investigate and prosecute physical and sexual abuse to children.
Specialized police units
Multidisciplinary teams and interagency cooperation between ______ and _______ us the current trend with police involvement in child abuse.
police; child protective agencies
What is some important information when dealing with interviewing children?
a) courts are afforded wide discretion in modifying trial practices to accommodate the special needs of children; b) Children's competency and credibility are of concern; c) you can videotape children's interviews; d) there is forensic interviewing
Children are at risk for _________________________ and ___________________.
being victimized by family violence; for perpetrating it against others.
Research and theory suggest that some forms of victimization increase the risk of ________________.
juvenile criminal offending
____________________ can be seen in specific categories of crime.
Juvenile offending
Multidimentional theories (do, do not) restrict themselves to any one school of thought.
do not
According to __________________, violent behaviors are caused by the family structure and family interactions rather than by an individual within the family.
family based theories
______________ retain the flexibility to consider causes and effects of family violence from a broader perspective.
Multidimensional theories.
An important concept in ________________ is the interconnectedness of each member who influences the others in a predictable and recurring way.
family systems theory
True or False
The role that each family member takes in contributing to the abuse or neglect is considered.
___________ are the most critical factor in the development of children.
Empirical findings in many studies indicate that ________________ can either increase or decrease an adolescent's risk for delinquency and other problem behaviors.
parental behavior
What are among the practices that are believed to affect aggression and bullying in juveniles?
poor monitoring, low levels of positive parent-child involvement, and coercive parenting.
What are the causes of sibling abuse?
a) overwhelmed parents
b) inappropriate expectations
c) Lack of parenting skills
True or false
Children may experience similar symptoms to abuse that an adult would when he or she has experienced a traumatic event.
What is biggest difference between a child who has experienced abuse and an adult?
They often don't have the ability to verbalize their sadness and fear that they feel.
Children who either ______________ in their parents or _______________ may learn violent behavior and may also learn to justify violent behavior as appropriate.
witnessed violence; experienced abuse
The majority of abuse victims (do, do not) commit family or other forms of violence as adults.
do not
Child abuse studies commonly support the finding that some _____________ or ____________ were victims or abuse themselves as children.
maltreating parents; caregivers
The ______________________ asserts that abused children are more likely to become abusers themselves than those who are not abused.
Intergenerational cycle of violence
While there is a lot of evidence to support the ___________________________, the intergenerational transmission is not clear.
Children raised in homes where they witness partner violence have suggested those children (are, are not) at risk for developing psychological problems.
What factors help to determine the intergenerational cycle of violence?
a) type, degree, and frequency of violence; b) degree to which the mother or father is a helpless victim of assault or an equal participant in mutual combativeness; c) role that the child plays, such as calling the police, intervening physically, or pretending to ignore the violence; d) stability of the home otherwise and general quality of parent; e) child's chronological emotional age, stage of physical development, intellectual functioning at the time of the first occurrence, and relationship with each parent; f) degree of support available to the child from siblings, pets, extended family,friends, or interested adults; g) reaction of others to the battered parent's request for help.
True or false
All maltreated children will grow up to abuse their own children later in life.
The majority of children who are victimized through domestic violence (do, do not) commit criminal acts as adults.
do not
Research has suggested that approximately _____________ of individuals who experience abuse will subject their children to maltreatment.
According to ___________________. the self-image develops early in life through experiences in childhood.
the theory on global self-esteem
______________ is the manifestation of self-esteem, thought to be one of the factors that mediate the negative effects of child abuse.
By what rate does being abused or neglected as a child increase the likelihood of arrest as a juvenile?
59 %
What are some problems people who were victimized as children have?
lower intelligence scores, problems with the quality of personal relations, higher rate of divorce and separation, higher rates of suicide attempts, diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder, alcohol abuse.
_____________ as a child has been found by researcher to elevate maternal depression and substance abuse.
Sexual abuse
Child sexual abuse has long-term repercussions for adult __________, _____________, and ____________ in the succeeding generation.
mental health, parenting relations, child adjustment
What are children who witness family violence linked to?
a) depression
b) cognitive impairment
c) at greater risk for victim abuse
d) impact on emotional, social development
e) men are more likely to hit
f) Women are more likely to be victims.
What is animal cruelty?
It is defined as socially unacceptable behavior that intentionally causes pain, suffering, or distress to and/ or death of an animal.
____________ is more likely to occur where children are abused and neglected at home.
Animal abuse
Sexually abused children are more likely to engage in __________ as adolescents.
What are juvenile firesetters?
children or adolescents who engage in firesetting.
There (is, is not) a strong link between juvenile abuse victimization and firesetting.
_________ among juveniles is a coping mechanism for the troubled youth who have been victimized.
Fire setting
True or False
In the United States, juveniles were involved in an estimated 1300 murders in 2002.
What is Parricide?
The killing of one's parent
What is matricide?
mother is killed by one of her children
What is patricide?
the act of killing one's father.
Between ____ and _____ million juveniles run away every year.
1.6; 2.8
Many police departments fail to report children who ______, _____, and_____.
run away, are lost, abducted
Runaways and prostitution are among the responses by females who are ____________.
Sexually assaulted
Over ____________ of girls within the juvenile justice system have been sexually abused and assaulted.
What are some important factors of sexual offenders?
A) began in adolescets; b) early target may be younger sibling; c) may abuse because he/she learned it was acceptable or is acting out of rage due to own experiences;
_________ account for approximately one-fifth of all rapes and one-half of child molestation cases committed in the United States.
Approximately 53 % of children ages _ to _ have committed violence against a brother or sister.
3, 7
______________________ is consistently revealed by research as the most common form of family violence.
Physical abuse between siblings
What is the most significant predictor of physical sibling abuse?
animal abuse and physically assaulting of school staff
Sibling physical abuse may include:
shoving, hitting, slapping, kicking, biting, pinching, and hair pulling; use of broom handles, rubber hoses, coat hangers, hairbrushes, belts, knives, guns and rifles, broken glass, blades and scissors, drowning attempts, and suffocation
What is sibling incest?
sexual behavior between siblings that is not age appropriate, not transitory, and not motivated by developmentally appropriate curiosity.
__________ is more common that parent abuse.
Sibling sexual abuse
What are some examples of sibling sexual abuse?
Unwanted sexual advances, sexual leers, forcing a sibling to view pornographic material, intercourse.
______________ is the most difficult category to define in the sibling relationship.
Sibling emotional abuse
What are some problems associated with sibling emotional abuse?
increased risk of habit disorders, conduct disorders, neurotic traits, psychoneurotic reactions, and suicide attempts.
What is dating violence?
an act by an individual with whom that person has or has had a dating relationship and that is intended to result in physical harm, or bodily injury, assault, or sexual assault; or a threat that reasonably places that individual in fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury, assault or sexual assault, but does not include defensive measures.
How many teens are involved in an abusive relationship during their teen years?
one in three
What is pedophilia?
an adult who engages in sexual acts with a child as their preferred sexual partner.
What are the two types of child pornography that involve juveniles?
juvenile victim pornography, and child exploitation pornography