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29 Cards in this Set

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Absorbable Suture

dissolved by the body's tissue, not removed, leave more pronounce scars when used in skin

Non-Absorbable Suture

Stay inplace until they are removed, less, reactive and scrrig, preferred when used in skin

Cutting needle

Has a sharp tip with sharp edges, used primarily in the skin

Round needles

Have a sharp tip with smooth edges, used in deeper subcutaneous tissues and blood vessels

Simple Interrupted

Placed by introducing the needle perpendicular to the epidermis, traversing up to the full thickness of dermis and exiting perpendicular on the opposite side

Simple Interrupted

The suture is cut between each individual stitch measiuring 0,5-1,0 cm spacing

Vertical Mattress

Composed of a simple interrupted stitch placed wide and deep and 2nd more superficial interrupted stitch placed closer to the wound

Horizontal Mattress

Suture is passed deep in the dermis to the opposite side and exits the skin equidistant from the wound edge

Horizontal Mattress

technique used to better approximate the wound edges

Continuous Suture

faster but may fail if the suture is cut in just one place, not s strong as interrupted, can strangulate blood supply

Skin Flaps

Piece of tissue with a blood supply used for covering an open wound

Subcuticular Suture

involves placement of stitches in the subcuticular tissues parallel with the line of wound

Axial Pattern Flaps

Supplied by specific blood vessels, can be completely removed from its surrounding tissue a slong as it is connected to its supplying vessels

Random Pattern Flaps

Do not have a specific blood supply a san axial pattern flap

Random Pattern Flap

Their vascular suppy is from the subdermal plexus ofblood vessels

Random Pattern Flap

Easy to do which makes them useful almost anywhere in the body

Z plasty

reorients the scar so it can be better-looking because it has less contraction, tension, & pressure

Z plasty

for optical illusion

Flap Delay

Procedure done to increase the vascularity and survival of the distal random poriton of a flap

Flap Delay

Partial disruption of the subdermal plexus of blood supply while maintaining the vascular pedicle is done

Mucocutaneous Flap

Skin with underlying muscle ca be transferred to the recipient site

Mucocutaneous Flap

Blood supply from the muscles to the overlying skin via the perforators account for the vascularity of this flap

Pectoralis MC flap

Most commonly used MC flap in head and neck surgery

Pectoralis MC flap

Commonly used in reconstruction of the oral cavity and oropharynx

Latissimus Dorsi MC flap

still remains the most generally dependable and reconstructive surgery

Latissimus Dorsi MC flap

It's considerable length may be used for surface recostruction

Latissimus Dorsi MC flap

May also be used in oral cavity and esophageal reconstruction

Free Flaps

Vasuclarity of the flap is amintained by microvascular anastomosis of the artery and vein

Free Flap

The fap can be harvested and customized to the defect in terms of absolute size and relative amounts of bone, muscle, skin and nerve needed