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24 Cards in this Set

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Facial nerve comes through ______ and appears poterior to ________

Stylomastoid foramen

Parotid gland

Facial nerves gives rise to five terminal branches:




Mandibular and

Cervical branches

Facial nerve sends which branch to muscles of auricle and occipitalis

Posterior auricular

Facial nerve innervates

Facial muscles, Occipitalis and muscles of auricle (via post. auricular nerve), posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid

Trigeminal nerve provides

Sensory innervation for skin of face

Division s of trigemimal




Ophthalmic division supplies face as

Supraorbital, supratrochlear,infratrochleat,external nasal and lacrimal nerves

Maxillary Division supplies face as

Zygomaticofacial, zygomaticotemporal, and infraorbital nerves.

Mandibular division supplies face as

Auricotemporal, buccal and mental nerves

What are the causes and symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia (tic doulourex)

The cause may be a brain tumor compressing the trigeminal nerve at. The symptom is marked by paroxysmal pain along the course of CN V especially radiating to the maxillary or mandibular area

Main arteries of the face are

Facial artery and

Superficial temporal artery

Facial artery Origin, course

It arises from the external carotid artery just above the upper border of the hyoid bone

It passes deep tho the mandible,winds around lower border of mandible and runs upward and forward on the face

Facial artery gives rise to


Ascending palatine





Inferior labial

Superior labial

And lateral nasal branches

Facial artery terminates as ___________ artery which ansatamoses with ___________


Palpebral and nasal branches of the opthalmic artery to establish communication between ICA and ECA

Superficial temporal artery

Origin, course

Behind the neck of mandible as the smaller terminal branch of ECA

Ascends anterior to external acoustic meatus into the scalp

Which nerve does superficial temporal artery accompany?

Auriculotemporal nerve

Superficial temporal artery gives rise to

Transverse facial artery


Middle temporal

Anterior auricular

Frontal parietal

Course of transverse facial artery

Passes forward across the massester, with the zygomatic arch above and the parotid duct below

Facial vein begins as ______________ with the confluence of

Angular vein with the confluence of the supraorbital and supratrochlear veins

Angular vein tributaries

Corresponding with branches of facial artery

Infraorbital and deep facial veins

Facial vein drains in which two ways

Directly into internal jugular vein

Joining anterior branch of retromandibular vein to form common facial vein which then drains into IJV

What is the danger area of the face

Area of the face near the nose drained by facial veins

Skin infections on the side xof nose or upperlip spread to where and via which veins

May spread to cavenous venous sinus via facial vein, ptrerygoid venous plexus and opthalmic veins

Retromandibular is formed by the union of

Superficial temporal and maxillary veins

Divides into ant. Branch.... .....Common facial vein

Post. Branch.... Joins post. Auricular and forms EJV