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16 Cards in this Set

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What is used to determine the angle of attack

Relative wind and chord line

Which of the following is NOT a principal airfoil that produces lift on an airctaft


If a pilot adjusts the pitch and yaw, the aircraft is moving along the ______ and _____ axes

Lateral and vertical

What occurs in pitot tube icing

The airspeed indicator becomes unreliable

What are the key recognition features of the b737

One jet engine under each wing, low-wing

The lower limit of class B airspace is

The earth's surface

Which class of airspace generally extends upward to 10,000 feel MSL

Class B airspace

The upper limit of class G airspace is

The base of the overlying airspace

Which airspace is generally established from the surface to 4,000 feet above the airport elevation and has an operational control tower

Class C airspace

What airspace does not require a transponder

Class D

In which airspace does a VFR aircraft need to receive clearance from ATC to enter this airspace

Class B

VFR aircraft are separated only from IFR aircraft in which airspace

Class C

Airspace of defined dimensions, confined activities, and limitations imposed on nonusers is identified as _______ airspace

Special use

What is the maximum speed authorized by title 14 CFR for aircraft below 10,000 feet MSL

250 knots

What is the maximum airspeed when traveling in VFR corridor through class B airspace

200 knots

Does a flight plan need to be filed for SVFR clearances to fixed wing aircraft