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26 Cards in this Set

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_______ canadians have identified themselves as having seriously impaired vision


by age ___ , 1 in 0 candians will experience severe vision loss


by 2016, nearly _________ canadians will have severe vision loss

1 million

comprehensive exam includes:

-visual acuity

-eye muscle function

-external ocular structures (including pupil reflexes)

-internal ocular structures

examination reveals not only eye function but also _____________, _____ and ______ components, ___ cranial nerves

central nervous system, sensory and motor, 4 cranial nerves(2,3,4,6)

visual acuity

-distance vision- snellen chart

-near vision - jaegar pocket screener

-colour vision - ishihara cards

visual fields

-static confrontation

-kinetic confrontation

extra-occular muscles

-corneal light refelx

-cover test

-cardinal directiosn


20 feet away

-should wear glasses if needed

-one eye at a time

jaegar card

-can be used to test visual acuity at the bedside

-held 35cm from the patient's eye (simulates the snellen chart)

-presbyopia - impaired near vision..found in middle/older age

ratio of arteries

veins width typically 2:3 or 4:5


on temporal side

-darker avascular area with a center known as fovea centralis

midriatic drops

may precipitate acute angle closure glaucoma

-those at risk include patients with history of glaucoma and extremely far sighted patients

-patients receiving midriatic drops should also be warned to expect blurred visions, light sensitivity and should NOT drive for 1 to 2 hours following pupil dilation

the abbreiations OD, OS, and OuU are no longer used to document eye findings because

because of the potential error for medical-order and medication errors

instead we write out "right eye" "left eye" or "both eyes"

health promotion:

changes in vision, cataracts, macular degen, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy,

-prevention of eye injury

-reduction of risk factors

every ___ minutes in canada, someone begins to lose their eyesight


___% of vision loss can be prevented


infants and toddlers

first eye exam between 6 and 9 months

preschool children (2-5)

one eye exam between 2 and 5 years

school age children (6-19)

every year

adults (20-39)

every 2-3 years

adults (40-64)

undergo eye exam every 2 years

adults (65 years or older)


abnormal findings

conjunctivitis - redness

-when conjuctiva becomes irritated, blood vessels enlarge making eye appear red in colour

-usually caused by bacterial, viral of other infection

-can also be a from allergy or irritation


opacities of the lens visible through the pupil

diabetic retinopathy
