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47 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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External structures of eye
cornea-transparent, avascular outer layer of the eyeball
anterior chamber- filled with aqueous humor
pupil- the aperture of the iris
Internal Structures
optic disc & physiological cup- area where the optic nerve and the bl vessel enter the eye
retinal blood vessels-blood supply to eye
Aging Adults
pseudoptosis-elongated upper lid
pingueculae-yellowish nodules @ 3 & 9 o'clock
**arcus senilis- cloudy cornea from lipids
ectropion-eyelids turn outwards
entropion-eyelids turn inwards
Symptoms signaling problem c eye
redness, pain, swelling, change/loss of vision
diploplia-double vision
dry eyes
physical assessment
approach-inspection, palpation, ophthalmoscopy
tools-visual acuity charts (Snellen), penlight, opnthalmoscope
General survey & head-to-toe scan
Visual Acuity
Far vision-Snellen
Near-read newsprint 13-15" away
Color-Ischera test
Peripheral-examiner comes in from periphery c fingers in all fields and pt reports "cuts"
Extraocular Muscles
Parallel alignment
Corneal light reflex test- symmetry
6 cardinal fields of gaze-"EOMs are intact"
Accommodation-finger test 4" away, focus on that then on distant object, do pupils adjust equally?
Cover-Uncover Test
Eye moves to inner canthus near lacrimal duct when the "strong" L eye is covered; indicates phoria-weakness
Lids & Lashes
color, lesions, edema, symmetry, position & distribution of lashes
Lacrimal glands & ducts
color, edema, excessive tearing or drainage
color, moisture, lesions, and foreign bodies
color, moisture, lesions, tears
clarity and abrasions, corneal reflex-both eyes close together with light touch
anterior chamber
clarity, bulging iris, and blood
color, size, shape, symmetry
size, shape, reaction to light-direct and consensual, test accommodation
PERRLA-pupils equal, round, reaction to light and accommodation
Optic disc and physiologic cup
color, size, shape, borders, cup-disc ratio; nasal side; macula- is temporal side
drooping of upper eyelid
fine oscillating movement best seen around the iris
lid lag
white rim of sclera seen all around iris; occurs c hyperthyroidism
different sized pupils; 5% of population have this normally
esotropia & exotropia
eso-inward turn of eye
exo-outward turn of eye
periorbital edema
swollen, puffy lids c CHF, renal failure, allergy, hypothyroidism (myxedema)
protruding eyes c thyrotoxicosis
constricted, fixed pupils; tx for glaucoma, narcotics, iritis, and damaged pons of brain
cranial nerve III damage
unilateral dilated pupil c no reaction, oculomotor nerve damage; may have ptosis down and lateral too
horner's syndrome
unilateral, small, regular pupil reacts to L & A, lesion of sympathetic nerve; ptosis and absence of sweat (anhidrosis) on same side
pink eye, purulent discharge; more peripheral redness
subconjunctival hemorrhage
red patch on sclera, not serious
circumcorneal redness
acute glaucoma
dilated pupil, circumcorneal redness, sudden increase in intraocular pressure from blocked outflow, cloudy vision, pain, halos
opaque wing of bulbar conjunctiva overgrowing toward center of cornea; usually starts as pinguecula and is stimulated and grows
shallow anterior chamber
from increased intraocular pressure; "shadow sign" when temporal part of iris is illuminated-may mean acute glaucoma
1. central gray opacity- forms in center of lens "nuclear cataract"
2. star shaped opacity-asymmetrical, radial, white spokes, cortical cataract
Optic atrophy
disc pallor, partial or complete death of optic nerve; decreased visual acuity, decreased color vision, and contrast sensitivity

what test for near vision?

jaegar card

color test

ishihara; identify all 6 colors

normal adult size of pupil

3 to 5 mm


pupils of 2 diff sizes


test for pupils ability to adjust or accommodate to diff distances.


Pupils Equal Round, React to Light and Accommodation

corneal light reflex

hirschberg; reflection of light on corneas should be in exactly the same spot in each eye.

cover test

steady fixed gaze

six cardinal position of gaze


Normal response is parallel tracking of object with both eyes. Mild nystagmus at extreme lateral gaze is normal.

inspection of ocular fundus

light off inner retina

color of fundus

light red to dark brown red

optic disc: color, shape and margins

creamy yellow orange to pink

shape: round or oval

margins: distinct and sharply demarcated, nasal edge might be slightly fuzzy