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40 Cards in this Set

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Michael Behe's key concept:
Irreducible Complexity
Michael Behe key book:
Darwin's Black Box
Michael Behe key illustration:
Mouse Trap
Michael Behe biochemistry:
Bacterial flagellum
Michael Behe
Biochemical machines
William A. Dembski key concept:
Specified Complexity
William A. Dembski key book:
Intelligent Design
William A. Dembski 2 features of design:
1. Complexity
2. Specification
Guarantees that it cannot be attributed to chance
Guarantees the right sort of pattern associated with intelligence
Moral Argument
An argument from our moral awareness
3 Emphases on the moral argument:
1. Capacity (the mechanism)
2. Content (rules)
3. Critique (legitimate criticism of some moral rules)
Religious Experience:
A type of personal confrontation with God
Religious Experience:
Not easily defined or described
Religious Experience:
Better felt than told
Criticisms from the argument of religious experiences:
1. No Apologetic Value
2. How Distinguish From Psychological or Physiological Event?
3. Many world religions involve the exact same experiences, same proof
4. Is it biblical
Reasons given for rejecting the existence of God:
1. Insufficient Evidence
2. Arguments Have Fatal Weaknesses
3. God Is An Invention
4. Linguistics
5. Hypocrisy
6. Easter Bunny
7. Problem of Evil
8. Naturalism
Fatal flaws of Cosmological Argument:
1. Fallacy of Composition
2.“You’ve never seen a universe created, so how do you know that it requires a creator?”
Fatal flaws of Telelogical Argument:
1. Analogy Fails
2. Dysteleology (suboptimality)
3. Occam's Razor (Naturalism Evolution)
Fatal flaws of Moral Argument:
Naturalistic Explanations
Naturalistic Explanations of the Moral Argument:
1. Sociobiology
2. Herd Instinct
3. Social convention
Problem of Evil responses:
1. Purpose
2. Insufficient Information
3. Free Moral Agency
4. Definition of Evil
5. Physical Laws
Atheistic Argument:
If God is all loving, He wouldn't want us to suffer; if He is all powerful, He wouldn't allow it
Just, righteous
a reasonable explanation of how God can be good and powerful and yet allow evil and suffering to exist at least for a period of time
Law of Retribution
People get what they deserve in life: Good get good, bad get bad
no purpose
individual purpose
Response #1: Purpose
God's purpose for this world seems to be a "Place of Soul Making
Reponse #3: Free Moral Agency
Distinguish Moral and Natural Evil
Response #4: Define Evil
Humanist Manifesto: "ethics is autonomous and situational"
God's Will
1. Intentional
2. Circumstantial
3. Ultimate
evolutionary change within a species or small group of organisms, esp. over a short period.
major evolutionary change. The term applies mainly to the evolution of whole taxonomic groups over long periods of time.
Atheist argument from improbability:
Even though it seems improbable that life could become so complex on its own, the improbability that a creator exists is far greater.
But maybe it only seems so if you presuppose naturalism, which is itself based on many assumptions.
3 Assumptions of Dating Methods:
1. Things have continued at same rate
2. The original composition can be known
3. No outside interference
A freshwater fish that first appeared 350 million years ago, the last fossils appearing in rocks from 65 million years old (end of the age of the dinosaurs) – Earth Science
Theistic Evolution
Belief that God employed evolution to bring about all life
Exodus 20:11
"For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and al that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it."