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8 Cards in this Set

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Explain examples of different tactics and tactical modes

Tactics are specific actions carried out to make the strategy work

Tactical mode can be Offensive (Fire attack internal) or Defensive (external fire attack, exposure protection, internal cutoff)

Other tactics can be ventilation, decontamination, cordons, triage etc.

Modes and tactics are forever changing at an incident what is the point

What is the point of sectorisation ?

Sectorisation allows the OIC to determine distinct areas within the incident ground providing organisation and the ability to look at the bigger picture

What are examples of sectors on the incident ground ?

Sectors may be operational/functional ( S&R, fire attack, Decon) or Logistical/Geographical ( West, North)

What prioritisation of actions is carried out at incidents ?

RECEO (risk time life, exposure, containment, overhaul)

Prioritise - Life, Property, Environmental

What format should sit reps and incident ground sitreps be given ?


H - height

A - Area

U - used as (paint shop etc .)

L - location of fire

E - equipment in use

T - tactics / tactical mode

Incident ground sitreps;

S - size up

H - hazards

U - using

R - requirements

T - tactics

S - structure

When does a sitrep need to be put in?

5 minutes within arrival

Every 30mins after

Change of command

Major change at incident

FENZ vehicle unable to proceed

Fatality or injury occurred

All persons accounted for

When is a priority message put in ?

Greater alarm

Persons reported

Urgent need of other service

Running call

When and what happens during MIPs?

MIPs put into place when adverse weather affects, guy fawkes, civil defence emergencies.

During MIPs only transmit proceeding, arrival, stops, change of status and priority messages.