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28 Cards in this Set

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Define EHR and give one example

Health info collected by more than one facility and shared electronically among health care providers eg. a doctors office

Define interoperable EHR and give one example

Connected electronic systems that will enable authorized health care providers to view, and in some cases update a patients essential health info eg. A hospital

Define physician assisted suicide and give one example

A person assists another who wishes to end their life but is unable to do so independently. Eg a hospice

Define passive euthanasia and give one example

The process of allowing a person to die by removing life support or other life-sustaining treatment eg. A hospital

Do provincial and territorial plans cover chiropractic treatment?


Are regulated professionals legally entitled to use specific designation?


When can controlled acts be performed?

Only by authorized regulated health care providers

What does the concept of confidentiality mean?

Kept private or shared only with authorized individuals eg. A doctor

What is meant by Good Samaritan laws?

A law protecting individuals who attempt to offer help to a person in distress

What is the importance of ethics in health care?

The knowledge and rules about behaving according to set values, duties, and moral principles

Name one problem in health care services today

Lack of drug benefits

What two challenges facing health care services today?

Access is under funded and poor coordination of services

What is a barrier to health care access in Canada?

Shortage of family doctors

What is a benefit of EHR?

Prompt delivery of lab results

Name a future initiative for the Canadian health care system

Improved wait times

What two services have the longest waiting in Canada?

Cardiac surgery and joint replacement

Why does Canada have an aging population?

A 25% drop in birth rate between 1994 and 2004

Example of an alternative health care practitioner?

Reiki practitioner

Define evidence based

Proven, through high quality scientific studies, to be effective

Give an example of a benefit of primary health care for clients?

Access to a multidisciplinary team of health care specialists

Example of a allied health care professional


What do the terms of legislation refer to?

The health care professionals regulated by the government

Who should regulations in Ontario law be made by?


Define controlled drugs and substances act

Federal statute that replaces the narcotic control act and the food and drug act and establishes specific categories of drugs by way of schedules

Define power of attorney

A legal document naming a person or persons to act on behalf of another in matters concerning personal care, personal estate, or both

What is contained in a health record?

An accumulation of info relating to his or her interactions with health care services eg. Meds, names, numbers, health history

How is health information stores and disposed of?

It can be stored electronically or in a health care form; it is shredded

