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45 Cards in this Set

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What’s the major limitation with GRE?

TE is not long enough to measure the T2 time of tissues. Rephrasing is inefficient so T2* dominates. T2weighting cannot be achieved.SSFP

SSFP overcomes T2 issue by?

Digitizing frequencies from only stimulated echo and not FID

Rewind gradient to speed up rephrasing

Te longer then Tr

Actual Te is time b/ether echo and next excitation pulse

Effective Te time from echo to the excitation pulse that created the FID

Rephrasing is created by ?

RF pulse rather then gradient

Balanced gradients

Modification to coherent GRE to correct phase errors with flow/CSF and alternating RF to enhance steady state.

Positive GRE equals negative GRE = zero phase change in moving spins

High flip < shorter TRs , high SNR short scan times

Imaging heart

Fast echo GRE

Developed to acquire a volume in single breath hold

Coherent or incoherent with short TEs

Partial echos

Additional ore-magnetization pulse

Provide Temporal resolution

Pre magnetization achieved 2 ways?

180 pulse before the pulse sequence begins

90/180/90 combination is applied before pulse sequence begins

Second 90 drives the transverse magnetization into longitudinal plane so available to flip when sequence begins

Produces T2 contrast

Driven Equilibrium

Kspace filling fast GRE

Centric kspace and keyhole filling

Centric filling

Fills line by line Center first

Maximizes SNR and contrast

Keyhole filling

Line by line but central lines filled during certain part of sequence

Useful in angio

RF pulse applied

Excitation purposes (spin echo: rephrasing)

Gradients applied

Spatial encode the signal and rephrase and rephrase spins

Intervening time periods

Time intervals b/w these functions

CSE first and second echos

First echo is T1

Second echo is PD

T2W CSE echos

First echo is PD

Second echo is T2W

FSE weighting

Multiple echos at different TEs has wide range of weighting’s

Effective TE at console to select weighting

FSE appearances

Fat bright on T2W - multiple RF effects on spin spin interactions (j coupling) fat sat can be used

Muscle appears darker

Reduced sensitivity to hemorrhage b/c multiple 180 reduce magnetic susceptibility

Great to use for implants

Blurring at edges of tissues

Turbo factor 2-8 for T1 and PD

12-30 for T2W

Short scan times great image quality increased T2 info

SSFSE details

All lines kspace in one TR

Half lines acquired in one TR, other half transposed

Reduced scan times but penalty in SNR

Increase in SAR

Deems csfbright

Inversion recoveryIR

Begins with 180 inversion pulse to flip into full saturation

90 pulse applied after determined TI

Then rephrased by another 180 to produce spin echo at time TE

Stir parameters

TI 150-175

TE 50+

TR 4000+

Turbo factor 16-20

Scan time 4-15 mins

FLAIR parameters

TI 1700-2200ms

TE 70+

TR 6000+

Turbo factor 16-20

Scan time 6-20mins

IR contrast depends on

T1W - 90 applied after NMV has relaxed back to transverse plane

PD - 90 pulse is not applied until NMV has fully recovered (fat and water relaxed)

IR weighting’s



Pathology weighted


Long scan times unless used in conjunction with FSE

Two types of FastIR



TI time corresponds to time it takes fat to recover from full inversion to the transverse plan

TI time of null fat


STIR facts

Contrast can’t be used due to shortened TI times

Used for MSK


Chosen to null fluid

TI time of CSF

Null white matter


300ms white matter

IR prep double

Two 180 non slice selective

Black blood imaging null at 800ms

Imaging morphology of heart

TripleIR prep

Third 180

TI of fat (150ms) to null both fat and blood

Used for heart wall

Conventional GRE Echo

Variable flip angle less then 90

Reduced scan time

Frequency encoding gradient applied negatively

Polarity is reverses to positive to producing rephrasing of the gradient echo

Doesn’t compensate for magnetic field inhomogeneities so displays t2*

Used to acquire T1 PD T2* weightings

Parameters T1 weighting

Flip 70-110

Tr <50

Te 1-5

Scan time 2sec-2min

Parameter t2*

Flip 5-20

Tr 200+

Te 15-25

Time 5sec-5min

Parameter PD

Flip 5-20

Tr 200

Te 5-10

Time 5sec-5min

GRE rise time

Time it takes to reach maximum amplitude

Slew rate

Speed and strength to reach maximum amplitude

Duty cycle

Percentage of time GRE permitted you work

Spatial resolution requires

Maximum amplitude or strength of a GRE

Me signal is sampled during?

Frequency encoding GRE only after it reaches maximum amplitude and occurs at time TE

RF coils consist of

Transmit and receive

RF transmitters

Transmit to resonance of hydrogen

Known as the body coil

Faraday cage is

Using copper shielding in scan room walls windows and teeth along door frame. If compromised RF artefact called zipper can result

MR computer consist of

Computer system

Pulse control unit

Array processor

Image processor

Hard drive

Power distribution
