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36 Cards in this Set

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which means way of living (how people conduct theirs lives), Inquiry to a certain standard. Sizing potential as free persons.


which means way of living ( how people conduct theirs lives)


What separates us to other beings.

1. Ability to think ( Rational Thinking )

2. Freedom

Three Types of Freedom:

Physical Freedom

Psychological Freedom

Moral Freedom

not having physical restrains

Physical Freedom

freedom of choice taken from emotions

Psychological Freedom

using freedom to upholds human dignity and morals

Moral Freedom

a person who discerns what is right and wrong and who holds accountability for his/her actions

Moral Agent

choice made based on a person's ethics, morals what he/she believes is a moral behavior

Moral decision

Types of Choices:



(Type of choices) ???

moral stand point (normative answers or behaviors) and expected from the societal standards


(Types of Choices) ???

made when confronted with the actual situation emotional and psychological aspect


- code of system of behavior ( belief ) personal, religion, culture.

- these beliefs guide our actions and define out values.


Major Types of Ethics:



Meta - Ethics

Major Types of Ethics

concerned with developing system of morality, what is right and wrong. Recommend, Prescriptive Ethics.


Major Types of Ethics

deal/w describing and understand a moral behavior. Comparative ethic, what do people think.


Major Types of Ethics

analytic philosophy, it looks into the concept of ethics itself not on the moral behavior.

Meta - Ethics

situation whereby moral agents are confronted with two conflicting options neither of which resolves the issue in a morally acceptable norms.

Moral Dilemma

3 conditions that must be present in a moral delimma:

- the agent is obliged to make a decision

- there must be courses of choices to choose from

- whatever choice some moral principles will be compromised/consequences

the capacity to act or not to act, to think or not to think, to choose or not to choose, without any restraint


within the totality of an individual


Man is born ____ and everywhere is in ______

free, chains

no form of hindrance that would prevent a person from doing what he/she desires. (no limitations)

Absolute Freedom

(comes from negative actions)

- Refers to the absence of interference (you can do whatever you want)

-Failure to use freedom in a responsible manner

Negative Freedom

(comes from positive actions)

-requires active (effort), control, and mastery of what is good

-exercising freedom in a responsible manner

Positive Freedom

Three postions of freedom:

-Jean Paul Sartre (absolute freedom)

-B.F. Skinner (absolute determinism)

-Maurice Merlean Ponty (combination of absolute freedom and determinism)

(Three positions of freedom)

- Man is absolutely free

- Absolute Freedom

- Existentialism (true existence of man is made based on his/her own choices)

- Doesnt believe in God

- Doesnt believe in future or past (only exisitng)

Jean Paul Sartre (absolute freedom)

(Three positions of freedom)

- Man is absolutely determined

- man is predictable, manipulable

- portrays a human as a machine

B.F. Skinner (absolute determinism)

(Three positions of freedom)

- Man is situated

- combination

- freedom and there are determined things about a person

- the world acted upon us (determinism) and us acted upon the world (freedom)

Maurice Merlean Ponty (combination of absolute freedom and determinism)

highest of all values, belief in God (sarili at ang diyos)


value of justice, value of full cognition of truth, value of the mind, meaning and purpose


satisfaction, gratifies you, sexual feelings


needs, necessity


Scheler's Hierarchy of Values:

1. Holy

2. Spiritual

3. Vital

4. Pleasure

Basic foundation which serves as a basis or reference for all other choices

Fundamental Option

-refers to ones own disposition, stand or takes

-means, ways, methods in achieving your fundamental option

Fundamental Stance